Lord oor Navajo


/lɔɹd/, /lɔːd/, /lɔ:d/ naamwoord, tussenwerpsel, eienaam
(used absolutely in monotheism: the Lord) God

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/lɔːd/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(obsolete) The master of a household.

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(Biblical) typographical variant of Lord in some Bible translations

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Lord's Prayer
Bóhólníihii bisodizin · Jesus sodizin yee na’neeztą́ą́’ii


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Still, he said: “Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
“Diyin be’ayóó’o’o’ní bee nízáo ha’ólní, dóó aa joobá’, dóó doo oołch’į́įd da, dóó doo ádaa ha’níih da, dóó doo tsį́į́ł báhachą’ ádilnée da, doo nichxǫ́ǫ́’ígo tsidikées da, dóó bąąhági at’éii doo yaa bił honeení da ndi t’áá aanínii yaa bił hózhǫ́, t’áá ałtsojį’ bídziil, t’áá ałtsojį’ oodlą’, t’áá ałtsojį’ chohoo’į́, t’áá ałtsojį’ ha’ólní.jw2019 jw2019
That is why we must teach by example and by testimony that the words of the great Melchizedek Priesthood leader King Benjamin are true.5 They are words of love spoken in the name of the Lord, whose priesthood this is.
Są́ dóó anoonééł ałdóʼ ádin doo.LDS LDS
In most Bibles, God’s name has been removed and has been replaced with the titles LORD or GOD.
Ákondi Lehi naazyeel biyi’ Diyin God éí saad bik’eh’óol’ínígíí hólǫ́, éí éí báhádzid ndi Lehi bee’ashiike’ Jerusalem gó béésh óola jó Diyin God bizaad biyi’, yiniká nídookaah, ákoh kéyah aadeet’áaníí góó dayoo’ááł dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
“And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
(Proverbs 24:16) Ahísółkéegi nichʼooní hazhóʼó bił nanilnishgo éí Jiihóvah nikʼi hozhdoodliił.LDS LDS
4 And it came to pass that after I had finished the ship, according to the word of the Lord, my brethren beheld that it was good, and that the workmanship thereof was exceedingly fine; wherefore, they did ahumble themselves again before the Lord.
19 Ákótʼáo Diyin God bidineʼé neiłtseedii nátʼą́ą́ʼ atínéidoodlííł.LDS LDS
7 Wherefore, because of my blessing the Lord God will anot suffer that ye shall perish; wherefore, he will be bmerciful unto you and unto your seed forever.
23. (a) Jesus hádą́ą́ʼ God biNahatʼaʼ yiNaatʼáanii silı̨́ı̨́ʼ?LDS LDS
We continue to come to know the Lord as we seek through the power of His Atonement to become like Him.
Diyin God bighan ntsáágo’ bił ałnánásht’ashgo ayóó’áníshní nt’ę́ę́’, ákoh k’ad éí doo ákǫ́h bił ałnánásht’ashda dooleeł, bi éí God ayóí’át’éí yee ya’ólíigo yee yik’i diilnii’.LDS LDS
IMAGINE what Jehovah sees when millions around the world gather for the Lord’s Evening Meal.
Áko “tʼáá ałtsojįʼ atínihiʼdilʼı̨́įgo” éí Jiihóvah ‘hanihiʼiyoołníihgo’ baa ákodíníizįįł.jw2019 jw2019
How did Jesus display immense courage just after instituting the Lord’s Evening Meal?
Naʼashchʼąąʼígíí biiʼ hastóí níníłʼı̨́, łaʼ éí díí naaltsoos wóltaʼígíí bikʼeʼjishchı̨́įgo ałdóʼ Jesus yee nanihinitin.jw2019 jw2019
6 I say unto you, if ye have come to a aknowledge of the goodness of God, and his matchless power, and his wisdom, and his patience, and his long-suffering towards the children of men; and also, the batonement which has been prepared from the cfoundation of the world, that thereby salvation might come to him that should put his dtrust in the Lord, and should be diligent in keeping his commandments, and continue in the faith even unto the end of his life, I mean the life of the mortal body—
Ya’ą́ąsh biyi’di ii’sizį́į yaa ndaast’įįdi, Ch’įįdii aZhe’é Diyinii binahata’ yik’ijį’ silį́į́’.LDS LDS
He understood how important it was to accept Jesus as Lord, and he wanted to do what Jehovah requires of Christians.
Doo bik’i’ diishtį́įh da.jw2019 jw2019
21 And inasmuch as thy brethren shall rebel against thee, they shall be acut off from the presence of the Lord.
Bí yee’ BíZhe’é yinizínii ałtso yee haadzíí’ dóó ayiilaií bił bééhozin.LDS LDS
The Lord instructed the Saints in Jackson County, Missouri, in 1831 that their prayers and thanks should be directed heavenward.
11 Haalá Yitʼéego Diyin God Bizaad Bikʼehgo Oodáałii Nihíkáʼanálwoʼ?LDS LDS
If there is one preeminent objective of general conference, it is to build faith in God the Father and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
God éí iiná áádóó bee níʼdídzihii diné yeidiiʼaah.—Acts 17:24, 25LDS LDS
We will soon be attending the Lord’s Evening Meal to commemorate the death of Jesus Christ.
Dóó díí áłah áleeh bí bináanish díishjį́įdi náas yiyóółwół.jw2019 jw2019
5 For thy maker, thy ahusband, the Lord of Hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel—the God of the whole earth shall he be called.
Tsé yee Goláíyath bitááʼ góneʼ bibee aditłʼı̨́hı̨́ yee néiidííłneʼ.LDS LDS
Before he became a Christian, he was “breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord.”
Shí ayóó’ahoodzáii bik’ee shitah ahasdį́į́d, dóó t’óó bik’éé yishchá.jw2019 jw2019
12 And it came to pass that after they had bound me insomuch that I could not move, the acompass, which had been prepared of the Lord, did cease to work.
6 Áádóó tónteel bibąąhgi nihiníbaal ndaniiʼnil; dóó azhááneeʼ tʼóó ahayóígo yéigo tiʼdahwiisiiʼniiʼ dóó nihichʼįʼ ndahwiisnááʼ, aooʼ, áko índa tsʼídá doo ałtso náájiyódzóóh átʼée da, ndi tónteel bibąąhjįʼ niniiʼnáago ayóó átʼáo nihił dahóózhǫǫd; dóó tʼóó ahayóí tsin bineestʼąʼ hólónígíí biniinaa, Kéyah Hwiináago wolyéego bízhiʼ ádeiilyaa.LDS LDS
10 And it came to pass that the Lord told me whither I should go to find ore, that I might make tools.
8 aListen to the words of Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God.
24 Áádóó Laban bichʼįʼ niniikai, nihiʼóola, dóó nihibéésh łigai, dóó tʼáá ałtso nihinaalyeʼé daʼílíinii díí bikʼé, béésh łitsoii bikááʼ naʼasdzo yę́ę nihaa dííʼááł dabidiiʼniid.LDS LDS
4 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did exhort my brethren, with all diligence, to keep the commandments of the Lord.
(Ecclesiastes 4:1; 8:9) “Tʼáadoo kótʼé ílíní doo bá yáʼátʼéehii bikʼi hwiileeh,” áko bitsʼą́ą́dóó bichʼįʼ dahodiiʼnááh.LDS LDS
15 For none can have power to bring it to light save it be given him of God; for God wills that it shall be done with an aeye single to his glory, or the welfare of the ancient and long dispersed covenant people of the Lord.
28 Náásgóó éí Ayóó Áhonóolingo Hazʼą́ą dooLDS LDS
8 And behold, it is the hand of the Lord which hath done it.
Hónáasii, naakíjoo ałts’a’ásdee’ígíí bit’agi ánaa’ haléehgo eíí Nephi dóó aTaa’ bina’nítin yikéé’ yikáhígíí ats’ą́ąjoo dadiiná dóó dóo kééhat’indi dóo átíbidi’doolnííłgoo eekáh.LDS LDS
Soon after that, the apostles asked Jesus: “Lord, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” —Acts 1:6.
5 Łaʼ ił hózhǫ́ǫ́jígo náádidoodááł ił hózhóonii yinízinígíí bikʼehgo, éí doodago yáʼátʼééhjígo yáʼátʼéehii yinízinígíí bikʼehgo; dóó łaʼ doo yáʼátʼééhjígo náádidoodááł doo yáʼátʼéehii yinízinígíí bikʼehgo; háálá éí diné doo yáʼátʼéehii ííłʼį́įgo áyósingo beʼiinaʼ áyiilaago áko índa chahóółhéelgo doo yáʼátʼéehii yidoołbįįł.jw2019 jw2019
2 But as many as there were who did not believe in the words of Samuel were aangry with him; and they cast stones at him upon the wall, and also many shot arrows at him as he stood upon the wall; but the Spirit of the Lord was with him, insomuch that they could not hit him with their stones neither with their arrows.
T’áá’aaníigo ádíshní hool’áágóó Diyin dóó Yisdá’iiníiłii Lord Jesus Christ bił kééhwiit’į́į dooleeł éí nahat’á yá’át’éehii át’é.LDS LDS
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