Memorial oor Navajo


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A structure, such as a monument, intended to celebrate the memory of a person or event

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Memorial Day
Siláołtsooí Bee Iinaʼ Nidahaztʼįʼígíí Béédahaniih · Siláołtsooí Bigáál Dah Nídahidiitʼįʼígíí Béédahaniih


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6 One way that you can prepare for the Memorial is by reading and thinking about articles that explain why this event is so important.
Nihizaad chǫǫí’nígíí éí yá’á’t’ééhgo doodayeeh nich’ǫǫ’igo bee hadiidzí.jw2019 jw2019
And how does the Memorial help to unite God’s people everywhere?
Dóó aTaa’ kot’áo Joseph Smith yich’į’ haadzíí’:jw2019 jw2019
We should not say our prayers from memory or read them from a prayer book.
Ádam dóó Íiv éí hazhdíłtʼé yę́ę, haa náádiilyá.jw2019 jw2019
13 Jesus said that “all those in the memorial tombs” will be resurrected.
Saturday Afternoon Sessionjw2019 jw2019
On Tuesday, April 11, many inactive Christians will attend the Memorial.
2 Dóó tʼáá ájíłtso yah ańjíjahígíí éí bił ntsidazhdeesgoʼ, dóó aTaaʼ éí Christ bízhiʼ binahjįʼ, kódajiníigo sodaazhdilzin:jw2019 jw2019
The memory of that night still leads me to listen carefully when an Aaronic Priesthood holder speaks.
26 Dóó doo ádahodooníił da tʼáadoo dadohníní, háálá éí tʼáá aaníí ádahodoonííł, Bóhólníihii bílaʼ yee yiʼdoolííł, háálá Bóhólníihii yee haadzííʼ; nahasdzáán biyiʼdę́ę́ʼ, doo éí háiida niʼíidoolíił da; áadi yoołkáałgo baa hodoolzhish álílee ádin haʼníi doo; dóó éí andahaskai yę́ę yádaałtiʼ nahalingo éí áhodoonííł.LDS LDS
Why are you determined to be at the Memorial this year?
T’áa hanéehee’ “t’áá [yini] tą́’” dóó oodlą’ bee ídanitáh bii’ hahidiinááh.jw2019 jw2019
Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Memorial invitation and wp17.2 cover —Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
Rebékah éí Jiihóvah bił hózhǫ́ǫgo ázhdoolííł jinízinígíísh haa yitʼéego ííshjání ájiilaa?jw2019 jw2019
And millions of newly interested ones came to the Memorial and learned about Jehovah’s loving gift of the ransom. —1 John 4:9.
Jiihóvah bikʼeh íʼoolʼįįłii yę́ę hashtʼenályaa.jw2019 jw2019
Many of the people we invite to the Memorial know this verse by heart.
1994 biyi’ díí łahgo ádzaa Óholnííh baa Háasyáají atah dah nedáo.jw2019 jw2019
Distribute a copy of the Memorial invitation to all in the audience, and review its contents.
Díí kʼad kéédahoniitʼínígi átʼéego doo kéédahatʼı̨́į da doo.jw2019 jw2019
In the weeks before the Memorial, he reads these articles again and thinks seriously about why this event is so important.
K’ad t’áała’í índa naaki bilááh yilt’é, t’óó’ ahayóí díí áłah siidlį́į’gi bikéé’ yikáh, dóó bee ha’óozíi’ gi’át’áo, aTaa’ lá nihiníí’ hólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah and Jesus notice each one who does his best to attend the Memorial
Peter shą́ą́’ Galilii biTónteel yéego naadiidáhę́ę benalnííh.jw2019 jw2019
How can thinking about the bread and the wine used at the Memorial help us to promote unity?
Dóó ákótʼáo éí Ammaron yaa hoolneʼ.jw2019 jw2019
The memory may be of an answered prayer, of a priesthood ordinance received, of a confirmation of your testimony, or of a moment when you saw God’s guiding hand in your life.
Da’íisółts’ą́ą́’ dóó da’íinóhdlą́ǫ.LDS LDS
“I didn’t want to go,” Troy told me later, “because I had always taken Austen with me on those mornings and I knew the memories would be too painful.
Iiná yá’át’éehii bee łahgo ádii’níiłii yiit’į́į dóó nihílák’ee siláa ndi łahda t’óó ajiłhosh nahalingo bíighah ch’íhiikááh.LDS LDS
You will also be more thankful for what they have done, and you will benefit more from the Memorial.
Diyin God Bizaad biiʼdę́ę́ʼ díí ííshjání áyiilaa, hooghan hazʼą́ągi niilyáhágíí éí God haidiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
18 The requirement to observe the Memorial of Christ’s death will not last much longer.
6 Dóó tʼáá háíshį́į́ shízhiʼ ákʼiidootʼą́ągo, dóó nihoníyáajįʼ yáʼátʼéehgo iinánígíí bidiniłkaalgo, éí akéeʼdi yoołkáłígíí biyiʼ yisdádoogááł.jw2019 jw2019
Treasure in the heavens: All the good things that we do to please Jehovah and that are stored in his memory.
Asdzání bąąh áháshdįįdgo baa hajoobá’ígo baa niit’áázh.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 7:9, 10) It is wonderful that each year at the Memorial, so many people honor Jehovah and Jesus for the great things they have done!
Éí t’áá ániit’é nihá ályaa: “dine’é shaa hakáhii ya’ yee a’óhdanilįnii bił íi-shją́ ádaashlé’.jw2019 jw2019
Rather, he told his disciples to memorialize, or remember, his death.
3 Diyin yá naalʼaʼii éí Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii yinahjįʼ yádaałtiʼ; ákohgo, Christ bizaad éí yee yádaałtiʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Memorial invitation and video —Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
Ałdóʼ béénílniih neʼajoobaʼjígo hadeiisíidgo bił danizhóní łeh nizaad bee haháhdziihígíí biláahdi.—2 Timothy 2:24, 25 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
15 One day, we will attend the Memorial for the last time.
(Proverbs 22:6) Naʼáłchíní yáʼátʼéehgo nidínóohtı̨́įłgi, éí binahatʼáago tʼéiyá ádoonííł.jw2019 jw2019
To you that memory is fresh.
Háájigo lá biká sodiszinée bee shik’í hojísdli’ dóó hónáásdi éiyá she’íina’ biniiyéii shił íishją́ ályaa, dóó Jesus Christ báhane’ she’íina’ t’áa’at’é biih yilá.LDS LDS
Revelation 20:2jw2019 jw2019
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