United States oor Navajo

United States

/juːˌnaɪ.tɪd ˈsteɪts/, /jʊˌnaɪ.tɪd ˈsteɪts/ eienaam, naamwoord
(singular) shortened form of the United States of America

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí

"Land of 50 mapped areas"
Onri Jay Benally

Wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí

The United States

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united states

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

United Statesdę́ę́/United States


wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí


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Soortgelyke frases

United States Congress
Wááshindoondi bee hazʼáanii ádeiłʼíní
The United States home front during World War II, supported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of volunteer efforts and submitting to government-managed rationing and price c
Die Heimatfront der Vereinigten Staaten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs unterstützte die Kriegsbemühungen in vielerlei Hinsicht, einschließlich einer breiten Palette von Freiwilligenbemühungen · The United States home front during World War II, supported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of volunteer efforts and submitting to government-managed rationing and price c · 第二次世界大戦中の米国の家庭は、広範なボランティア活動や政府管理の配給や価格cへの提出など、さまざまな形で戦争の努力を支えてきました
United States of America
Kéyah ashdladiingo bił hahoodzooígíí · Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí · Wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí
United Mexican States
Méhigo · Nakaiitah
United Mexican States
Méhigo · Nakaiitah
United States of America
Kéyah ashdladiingo bił hahoodzooígíí · Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí · Wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí
United States of America
Kéyah ashdladiingo bił hahoodzooígíí · Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí · Wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí
United States of America
Kéyah ashdladiingo bił hahoodzooígíí · Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí · Wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí
United States of America
Kéyah ashdladiingo bił hahoodzooígíí · Kéyah ashdladiingo hahoodzooígíí · Wááshindoon bikéyah ałhidadiidzooígíí


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Perhaps you feel as did Sheila, who lives in the United States.
T’áá ne’nilį́į ndí, bimá łą́ asłį́į́’.jw2019 jw2019
In our day, the influence of Christianity in many countries, including the United States, is significantly reduced.
“Nihá baa nitsískeesii éí shił bééhózin; kʼadę́ę bíighah daʼohłeehgo bee nihił chodahooʼíi dooleeł biniyé doo yáʼátʼéehii doo nihá baa nitsískees da, nidi bee achʼįʼ hózhóonii nihá baa nitsískees, ní bóhólníihii.”—Jeremiah 29:11.LDS LDS
Take, for example, a couple who served for over 30 years at Bethel in the United States.
“Jo’ákon, díí nihíTaa’ yee nihich’į’ ádeehaadzíí’, O shá nidáałnishíí.jw2019 jw2019
Recently, I spoke with a Laurel from the United States.
Psalm 90:2 áníigo éí hoolʼáádę́ę́ʼ ahoolʼáágóó hojílǫ́.LDS LDS
16 A couple in the United States helped their children to focus on serving Jehovah.
Jiihóvah éí doo yáʼádaashxóonii ałtso íidoołdįįłgo bichʼįʼ hoolzhish.jw2019 jw2019
I have received letters from brothers and sisters in Ireland, Britain, and even the United States.
Baah áheenizin díí oodlą́ ts’ídá bitłąądí bee há’asdlin ko’doo nitsaago Álahsiidlííhdí.jw2019 jw2019
One type includes copper and became widely available in the United States by 1988.
Átsé éiyá, náás yoołkááłgóó nihí diné nihináo doole’é yi’óhneel’ą́nii wóh’į́ nídi t’áa nihí ałdó’ díí naakijį́ bee nihich’į’ ha’íísdzi’ígíí eíí nihe’íina’ bee ch’ééh ádeiil’į́, t’óó naah nihónółkaad dóó bits’ą́ąjoo dah dooínááh.jw2019 jw2019
While we were in the United States, we saw and experienced many things that were new.
Oodlą́ągi, Yáʼátʼéehgo Oodááł, dóó Ayóóʼóʼóʼní Bee Naʼnitinjw2019 jw2019
In 1960, I arranged for charter flights from the United States to Europe for the international conventions in 1961.
Díí yinííł bee biláago bínindlį́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
10 Irene, an unmarried sister in the United States, wanted to share the good news with people who spoke Russian.
Ndi Séítan éí tʼáá íiyisíí yá ndaalʼaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Monson and I were offered an opportunity to tour Air Force One—the magnificent aircraft that transports the president of the United States.
25 Dóó índa diné yáʼátʼéehgo dahináanii Diyin God bił hazʼą́ądi bitsʼádaʼdeezdíin doo.LDS LDS
Little did these early members know they would be faced with a United States financial crisis—the panic of 1837—that would test their very souls.9
Áádóó bee bééhániih doo biniyé náátsʼíílid niiníłdéél.LDS LDS
The choir just sang one of the most beautiful Christmas melodies ever written, the enchanting “Carol of the Bells,” which was first performed in the United States in 1921.
Ats’íís yinahjį’ dóó t’áá da’doosíih ndi, Átaa’ bá ndaalnishíí baa hástł’adiikáh dayóo’į́įgo yee nihiká adahájeehígíí eíí ts’ída nihii’sizį́į deidoołchǫ́ǫ́ł dóó nihits’íís táadoo haadeinehí są́ biih hidiikáhgo, yá’ąąsh, biká iit’į́įdi nihidiikáh.LDS LDS
A brother named Joshua, who lives in the United States, says that if you stay close to Jehovah, you will see clearly what is important and what is not so important.
Díí shił t’áá’aaníí, Jesus Christ bizhi’ binahjį’, amen.jw2019 jw2019
8 A sister in the United States remembers: “Over the years, my husband and I have had the opportunity to provide hospitality in our home for many speakers and their wives.”
“Ánii Áha’deet’ą́nii biyi’, azhe’é ła’ Yisda’íinííł she’awéé’ hadíłt’é ánandlééh.jw2019 jw2019
I come from the Deep South of the United States, and in my youth the words of old Protestant hymns taught me of a true disciple’s heart—one that has been changed.
Aadóó Diyin God ts’ída bina’nitin dóó bibee nahza’ą́ yéhaakáh, éí hodeeyáadę́ę́’ ádayiiláayę́ę.LDS LDS
In 2014, Barack Obama, who was then president of the United States, suggested that because of all the bad things reported in the press, many conclude “that the world is spinning . . . fast and nobody is able to control it.”
7 Dóó nihookááʼ dineʼé yisdánáhákáahgo áyiilaa, ákogo tʼáá háiida beʼiinaʼ łahgo ánáyiidlaago doo yee ádąąh dahaztánígíí ánihwiitʼaah bíiníłką́ądi bééhózinígíí éí Diyin God bił hazʼą́ądi éí yił yah adoogááł, yáʼąąshdi sin bee ayóó óʼóʼní yee dahataałii yił dahataał doo, aTaaʼ, aYeʼ dóó Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii bichʼįʼ, éí éí tʼááłáʼí yee Diyin God danilį́, ił hózhǫ́ doo nińtʼiʼii bił dahólǫ́ǫgo.jw2019 jw2019
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