carry oor Navajo


/ˈkæri/, /ˈkɛ.ɹi/, /ˈkæ.ɹi/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) To lift (something) and take it to another place; to transport (something) by lifting.

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I can’t remember much of what the paper said, but I will carry with me forever the gratitude I felt for a great Melchizedek Priesthood holder who saw in me spiritual wisdom that I could not see.
20 Ákohgo, oodląʼ éí hólǫ́ǫ doo; dóó oodląʼ hólǫ́ǫgo chohooʼį́į́dóʼ hólǫ́ǫ doo; dóó chohooʼį́ hólǫ́ǫgo éí diyingo ayóó óʼóʼníinii ałdóʼ hólǫ́ǫ doo.LDS LDS
Jennifer said, “I felt that Jehovah blessed me despite the trying experience and gave me enough strength to carry his name in a worthwhile way.”
“Áádóó nihí łaʼ ádił náhodołchiłgo hinohnánígíí tʼįįhdígoósh bilááh ádoohłíiłgo bínoołʼą́?”jw2019 jw2019
Jill carried him up.
Jó łahda diné doo hazhó’o yá’át’ééhgo nisidajik’ees da.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Encourage publishers to carry a few contact cards with them at all times.
Binahjį’ bee dahódiyiníí ninádidiilyéełgo eíí nihe’oodlą’ bóhonitáhgo bee niilzíl diidlééł.jw2019 jw2019
In the original language of the Bible, the word “listen” often carries the sense of “obey.”
Ałkʼidą́ą́ʼ daʼíldeeʼígíí Jiihóvah dayoodlą́ągo yaa ndahasneʼ, Éíbel bee hahoolzhiizh éí tʼáá ákogi ájítʼéii ńtʼééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Their words may be few, but they will be carried into the heart of the humble listener who has come to the conference hungry for the good word of God.
Iiná yá’át’ééhgo ’ájóolį́’ígíí binaaltsoos ei binijinish. Bááh dóó tó dildzingo nádiih’ígíí Biyiin dóó Bisodizin ei bohoodishááł jinizin.LDS LDS
You truly carry a circle of influence with you!
Tʼóóʼahayóí Diyin Bizaad ádaalyaa náánáłaʼ naaltsoos biláahgo.LDS LDS
It seems to accelerate among members of the Church in times and places where there are trials of their faith, where they have to plead to God for help to even carry on.
Ła’ajį’ hooghagi hanashyį́įgo, náasoo niha’áłchiní yazhí baa ntseskéesgo, shí naaltsoos Ák’isbii’ ahis’áád dóó sin áyaaléi’ yiiłtsą́.LDS LDS
This is why some advertisements seem to carry the implicit message that if we fail to buy their breakfast cereal or miss out on the newest video game or cell phone, we run the risk of living a miserable life, dying alone and unhappy.
God éí Éíbraham Yił Ahaʼdeetʼą́LDS LDS
He carried Jill up.
Áko díí nahasdzáán bikááʼgi ayóí áhonóolingo iiná yéigo baa hózhǫ́ǫdoo.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
22 Wherefore, it was wisdom in the Lord that we should carry them with us, as we journeyed in the wilderness towards the land of promise.
Jiihóvah éí Mesáíyah átʼı̨́įgi, haitʼéego ííshjání áyiilaa?LDS LDS
(Isaiah 66:12, 13) Think how safe a baby feels when his mother carries him or plays with him!
Ha’át’íísh Baa nisinkees?jw2019 jw2019
I believe every human being carries in his or her heart some form of fundamental questions regarding life itself.
Áłtsé Diyin Bizaad ályaa yę́ędą́ą́ʼ éí Genesis 2:7gi Ádam “hinááh silı̨́ı̨́ʼ” ní.LDS LDS
They say: “One by one, he threw away the few nonessential belongings we carried.
T’áá hanéehee’ Oxford Sááh Yéiinei’aíí t’áá aniid “adá anlį́” naaháíjį’ baa óóldah?jw2019 jw2019
Coming out of the bathroom, to her great astonishment, she discovered that the tornado had lifted and carried her mobile home through the air, landing it perfectly upright on the top of her neighbor’s mobile home.
Díí hastóí ‘ałchʼooní nilı̨́įgo’ tʼáá bí nihá naʼádíltʼeʼgo nihíká anáhiʼnilchééh.LDS LDS
13 Young ones who are reasonably mature spiritually are not “tossed about as by waves and carried here and there” by their desires or by the influence of other young people.
Éí lá bich’į’ ayói ánizáád danóhsin, ndi Bí yinéł’į́į́dę́ę’go, nihi eíí áhandę́ę́’ bich’į’ wóhkáh.jw2019 jw2019
18 Because of their grief and much sorrow, and the iniquity of my brethren, they were brought near even to be carried out of this time to meet their God; yea, their agrey hairs were about to be brought down to lie low in the dust; yea, even they were near to be cast with sorrow into a watery grave.
Eyring dóó Eldir dóó Sister Tad R.LDS LDS
The World Book Encyclopedia says that freedom is “the ability to make choices and to carry them out.”
Séítan dóó biníłchʼi bidaʼiiníziinii éí diné ńtsíyiiłkeesgo daneeznáanii biníłchʼi tʼah dahiná danízin, áko éí bitsʼą́ą́dóó ąąh ndahayooʼaah dóó achʼįʼ ańdahaaztʼiʼ danízin.jw2019 jw2019
My father —not about to abandon me to the rebel forces— carried me.
1970 bii’, ńda’nitinígíí aZhe’é yisdaa’iildééh bináhat’a’ dóó Yisda’iinííł Nina’ídláh yee ńdashi-neeztą́ą́’, dóo na’ahódiszíi da.jw2019 jw2019
He holds all the keys to successfully carry out God’s work on the earth.
NahalneʼLDS LDS
That is comforting to know, for it means that God can carry out any purpose that he has in mind and can fulfill any promise that he makes.
Jiihóvah Yá Dahalneʼé website hadeiidiilaaígíí biiʼ dídííʼįįł.jw2019 jw2019
As you respond to spiritual promptings, the Holy Ghost will carry your words to the heart of another, and one day the Savior will confess you before His Father.
Packer yaa hóolne’: “Bí dóo bąąh háa’áá da.LDS LDS
I pray that the Holy Ghost will carry my words into your heart.
Ląʼígóó God baa íhoołʼaahgo éí áhánígo nikʼis dooleeł.LDS LDS
It will be an affirmation of some truth that the Spirit can carry into the hearts of those who will be praying for help, for divine direction, and to receive the pure love of Christ.
Díí kʼad áhoonííł.LDS LDS
For more information about employment that requires carrying a gun, see The Watchtower of November 1, 2005, page 31, and July 15, 1983, pages 25-26.
Hastóí, Réíhab yaa níʼáázh yę́ę díí Réíhab yichʼįʼ yee ádee haadzííʼ, Jériko ábidiʼniildįįdgo ni dóó nikʼéí doo atídadooníił da. Áádóó dah nízhdiitʼáázh.jw2019 jw2019
54 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.