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those over which they are in charge
yaa ádahalyáanii
those in charge
since he is in charge of it, since he is looking after it.
yaa áhályą́ągo


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The speeches that followed were full of charges and harsh accusations.
Ahísółkéegi hazhóʼó baa áhólyą́ą dooleełgo éí díí naakigo bikʼeh ádíínííł.jw2019 jw2019
We holders of the priesthood can and must add to that support with our determination to answer the charge that as we are converted, we are to reach down to strengthen our brethren.8
Christ yikééʼ naazíinii oodląʼ yee Christ baʼáłchíní daazlį́į́ʼ—Áádóó áko Christ bízhiʼ éí bee dawójí yileeh—Aláahdi naatʼáanii Benjamin naanish yáʼátʼéehii bee tʼáá íiyisíí danihidziil dóó doo nahjįʼ kódaahnéehgóó nisoozį́ yiłní.LDS LDS
While living in Bountiful, Nephi was charged by the Lord with the responsibility to build the ship which would take them across the sea to the promised land.
Diyin God Bizaad áníigo éí God Ánihiilaii “átʼéii yínanihiniłtin” doogo nihá yinízin, áko bí “bikʼehgo daʼnítiinii deíníikáah dooleeł.”LDS LDS
Within these organizations, you have specific charges to serve others for Him.
Díí baa nitsíníkees, Jiihóvah yíísíníłtsʼą́ąʼgo bikʼeh honíłʼı̨́įgo, éí náasdi nihá siláhígíí bee níʼdiildįįł!LDS LDS
In some cases, government authorities have even charged teenagers as sex offenders because they were involved in sexting.
T’áá Yinitą́’jw2019 jw2019
They do not charge money for this.
10 Dóó ákótʼáo ándahwiiʼaahii dadínéezbindóó tseebídiin dóó baʼaan tsostsʼid ałdóʼ ałtso nááhai, diné ałnííʼ bilááhdóó tʼahdii ádaa dahaʼniih dóó bąąhági átʼéii yaa naakai, dóó tʼáá áłchʼį́į́dígo hazhóʼó Diyin God bibeehazʼáanii yikééʼ deíkááh.jw2019 jw2019
2 And aNephi, the son of Helaman, had departed out of the land of Zarahemla, giving charge unto his son bNephi, who was his eldest son, concerning the cplates of brass, and dall the records which had been kept, and all those things which had been kept sacred from the departure of Lehi out of Jerusalem.
Shí eíí Diyin God, Ahool’áo nihíZhe’é, ba’íiniidlí dishní; bíYe’, Jesus Christ be’íiniidlí, dóó nihá Nina’idláii bee oodlą’ yiik’ą́ą́s; Íi’sizį́į ił halní ba’íiniidlí; dóó bá yádaałti’í dahináii bada’íiniidlí, atįį dąąh hats’a’díilbas dóó nihaa’áhayą́ągo nihił naa’óolwółdoo—t’áadoo t’óó bił yiidáłí ndi hooghangóó néiidáałgo nihił hózhǫ́.LDS LDS
The Jews could present no evidence for the charges they brought against Paul.
Naalʼaʼí haitʼéegoshąʼ baʼahódlí dóó hóyą́?jw2019 jw2019
(Mt 10:8) We adhere to that clear direction by not charging people for a copy of the Bible or our Bible-based literature.
díí bee éé’diitį́į́h ááh yił nínígíí t’áała’í níizį́nigo nihá náasdi hazhó’ó diyiníí bik’ehgo ánalyaa.jw2019 jw2019
She had been faithful to this charge from the Lord:
Diné tʼóóʼahayóí ałʼąą átʼéego tʼáadoo leʼé yichʼįʼ ndahałá.LDS LDS
History shows that merchants in the temple treated their customers unfairly by charging very high prices.
Ííden dáʼákʼehgi díí tłʼiish choyoosʼįįdgo Íiv yee yichʼįʼ haadzííʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Our organization publishes and distributes hundreds of millions of Bibles and other publications every year without charge.
1 Dóó kʼad, áádóó éí aláahdi naatʼáanii Benjamin bidineʼé yichʼįʼ haadzíiʼgo, diné łaʼ bidineʼé bitahgóó ayííłʼaʼ, shizaad deidiiztsʼą́ʼą́ą daatsʼí deiyoosdląąd nízingo.jw2019 jw2019
It was their charge—and, subsequently, the charge of their posterity—to create mortal bodies for God’s spirit children so they could experience mortality.
God éí hoolʼáágóó nahasdzáán bikááʼ ayóí áhonóolingi nihił dahózhǫ́ǫgo hashtʼe hodítʼéego kéédahoniitʼı̨́į doogo nihá yinízin!LDS LDS
Emotions may be further charged by vivid memories and dreams.
T’áá’aaníigo ádíshní hool’áágóó Diyin dóó Yisdá’iiníiłii Lord Jesus Christ bił kééhwiit’į́į dooleeł éí nahat’á yá’át’éehii át’é.jw2019 jw2019
We all regularly experience highly charged feelings of anger—our own and others’.
Davidísh doo náhinilyées da nínízin?—Aooʼ, doo náhinilyées da.LDS LDS
We do not tithe, charge dues, or take up collections.
1 Áádóó tádiin dóó baʼaan dį́į́ʼ éí ałtso nááhai; dóó tádiin dóó baʼaan ashdlaʼ ałdóʼ ałtso nááhai; jó áádóó tʼáá ałtso kéyahgóó éí naakitsʼáadahii Jesus yikééʼ naazínígíí, Christ bisodizin bá hooghan bee dah daʼíldéehgo ádayiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
Shebna was the steward “in charge of the house,” likely the house of King Hezekiah.
9 Kʼad, áádóó, díí saad disétsʼą́ą́dóó shikʼisóó danilíinii, Nephi bidineʼé bąąh tsídékééz; ákohgo, shitsʼíís dóó shiyiʼsizíinii bee tʼáá íiyisíí Diyin God bee bichʼįʼ sodeeszin.jw2019 jw2019
With the opening of the first four seals, symbolic horsemen charge onto the world scene.
SODIZIN ayóó bééhoʼdílzingo Lord’s Prayer bidiʼnínígíí tʼóó ahayóí diné yéédahósin.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus was despised and charged with blasphemy.
T’áá doole’é ayóo atsíjį’ naanilí doodáo Diyin bá wołnishę́ę nǫǫłtłóólao dóó bee’ádzil ayóo bee wołnishę́ę!jw2019 jw2019
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