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/klɪəɸ/, /kliːr/, /klɪɚ/, /klɪə/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
Free of ambiguity or doubt.

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(Scientology) An idea state of beingness free of unwanted influences.

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t’áá ííshjání


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The message for us is clear: a repenting sinner draws closer to God than does the self-righteous person who condemns that sinner.
Ecclesiastes 8:9LDS LDS
His law of chastity is clear: sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wedded as husband and wife.
“Házhǫ́ Diyin God bibee’adziilii chodayoołį́į́go ts’ida ayóó’ó’ó’níigo dóó jooba’go t’éíya choo’į́.LDS LDS
The Bible thus makes clear that humans are not created as individuals with a soul that is immortal.
Doo t’áásáhí Diyin bikéé’ yiidáał da.jw2019 jw2019
These Bible teachings provide clear answers.
14 Dóó tʼóó ahayóí kin nitsaago dah naazjaaʼą́ą dóó béédahoʼdílzinę́ę táyiʼ góyaa daazlį́į́ʼ, dóó tʼóó ahayóí adahideezkʼą́ą́ʼ, dóó łaʼ éí tsʼídá yéigo ndahasnáhígíí bąą nahasdzáán bikáaʼjįʼ ndahaasdááz, dóó akweʼé kéédahojitʼínę́ę ndaaztseed, dóó kéyah bikáaʼgo doo siláhá da silį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Does your lifestyle make it clear that you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
15 Ndi diné doo baa ndinohʼaahgóó éí nihiTaaʼ ałdóʼ doo nihaa ndizhʼdooʼáał da.jw2019 jw2019
8 Jehovah has made it very clear that Jesus is the Messiah.
Tʼáá aaníí, “Diyin God, tsʼídá doo biyoochʼíidii, . . . iiná doo niitʼéehii bíká ił chohooʼíinii yee nihoníʼą́.”—Titus 1:2.jw2019 jw2019
Make sure that your introduction makes the subject and purpose of your presentation clear to your listeners.
Ndi biniiyé íit’ínígíí éí doo ádoodįįł da.jw2019 jw2019
And as time goes by, it is clear that people have less and less self-control.
“Eʼasdzą́ą́ danohłíinii, nihadahastiin bídahwíínółníihgo ádaʼdíínółzin, háálá Bóhólníihii bíiʼii ákódaatʼı̨́įgo beełtʼé.”jw2019 jw2019
For a long period after I converted to the gospel, I didn’t have a clear answer to the question “Why am I given trials?”
Ákondi hadaałtʼéego áńdeeshdlííł, háálá éí díí hachʼįʼ ííshjání ádeeshłííł shintsékees éí chʼį́įdii beʼiiníziinii binaʼadloʼii bilááh ábóodziil.LDS LDS
(Romans 12:9) Jehovah says that there would be a clear difference “between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him.” —Malachi 3:18.
Díí shı̨́ı̨́ nił bééhózin łaʼ tʼáá bitaʼígi ádahooníiłgo diné dee yiiłtsánígíí dóó dee diiztsʼąʼígíí dóó yaa ndayiizyeelígíí; łahda shı̨́ı̨́ díí táaʼgo baa hosidínítsʼą́ą́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Clearly, our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ have outfitted the Old Ship Zion with clear and simple eternal truths that will help us stay the course through the troubled waters of mortal life.
Áadóó éí bee ha’ííníiníí dóó nihi jéí bee ayáhágo ádííníizin doo, Níłch’I Diyinii nihił hólǫ́ǫgo t’áá’aaníí ayóó’á’ííníi’níi dooleeł.3031LDS LDS
(Job 2:4, 5) So Jehovah is allowing time to go by to make it clear to all that life without God as Ruler is miserable.
Ląʼí éí demons ayóó bee dajildzid ńtʼééʼ, haitʼéego doo ákódajítʼée da dajizlı̨́ı̨́ʼ?jw2019 jw2019
These loyal ones made it clear that they were not on the side of the sinners.
Taah hoʼdiltʼeehgo.jw2019 jw2019
And although Jehovah has been using certain humans to lead his people, it will be clear that Jehovah was and still is the true Leader of his people. —Isaiah 58:11.
Nighan Hazʼą́ągi Jiihóvah Dadíínóhsinjw2019 jw2019
Paul made it clear that spiritually-minded people do not look at things the same way as physical, or fleshly-minded, people do.
NAʼÍDÍKIDÍGÍÍ 8jw2019 jw2019
The goal was clear, but there wasn’t a good plan in place to reach the destination.
“Tʼáá ákogi ádaaníiłii hoolʼáágóó kéyah bííʼ dadooleeł, áádóó ákwii hoolʼáágóó kéédahatʼı̨́į doo.”—Psalm 37:29LDS LDS
“A correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes”21 provides enduring purpose and clear direction as we follow Him on the road of devoted discipleship.
T’áá yéego Yá’ąąshii Shizhé’é bééhoosįįhgo, t’áá yéego ba’áłchíní náásyoo’ishgo nésh’į́.LDS LDS
2 When we read Psalm 147, it becomes clear to us that the writer had a deep desire to praise Jehovah.
Dooládó’ íhooł’ą́ą’ da íídą́ą́’.jw2019 jw2019
Maria answered in a loud and clear voice.
Ajéí, t’áa sáhígo, doo bíígháh da.jw2019 jw2019
It is clear that Jehovah and Jesus used Brother Russell to take the lead at an important time in history.
Jiihóvah éí John haitʼéego choyoosʼįįdgo, Jesus éí Mesáíyah átʼı̨́įgi ííshjání áyiilaa?jw2019 jw2019
is simple, clear, and brief.
Alą́ąjįʼ Ndahalneʼii Haitʼéhígíí Daʼółtaʼ Bá Dahólǫ́?jw2019 jw2019
A law is a clear statement of what should or should not be done.
“Áádóó haaʼíshąʼ ayóóʼádaʼííníiʼníigo índa naanish yáʼátʼéehii baa neiikaigo ałkʼindeiildzilgo ahídaniidlı̨́į doo,... ahił yadahoniidlįįh doo.” —Hebrews 10:24, 25.jw2019 jw2019
Then it should become clear that Jehovah’s way of ruling is the best and that he deserves our wholehearted support.
Jesus Christ bá neil’a’go dóo ła’ dimǫ́ǫ índa ła’ajį́ t’éí aneiil’į́į́h da.jw2019 jw2019
15 Yet, my brethren, I have not done these things that I might aboast, neither do I tell these things that thereby I might accuse you; but I tell you these things that ye may know that I can answer a clear bconscience before God this day.
“Dóó doole’é azhą́ dóo dahináa da ndi, tsin índa ats’id bee ályaií, t’áa’at’é áł’ąą’ at’éego dadíi-tsa’, háiit’áosh tsin índa ats’id diitsa’íí bee bééhozin doolééł?LDS LDS
Practical Value Made Clear
Bee haz’áanii dóo bee łáhgo azhdoołííl da éí doodáo t’óó iłhalą́ bii’ óóldee’, ił hasoh, dóó atįįh k’éh yikáh da dóó yiniił.jw2019 jw2019
82 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.