cloth oor Navajo


/klɒθ/, /klɑθ/, /klɔθ/ naamwoord
(uncountable) A woven fabric such as used in dressing, decorating, cleaning or other practical use.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


woven fabric

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

to take them off (clothing)
clothes moth
chʼosh ałchozhii
my clothes
clothing, garment, shirt
tight fitting (clothing)
white clothes


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They wear tight-fitting and revealing clothing, even to Christian gatherings.
Matthew yá’at’ééh yaa halne’íí eíí Jesus dine’é nayíiłdzíí’ “eíí dah éí be’doolnííł jó bá yáłti’í Esaias yee haadzi’ę́ę, konǫ́ǫ, nihąąh dah nahas’ą-nę́ę akwiidiitą́, dóó nihítáh dah honeesgháii” (Matthew 8:17).jw2019 jw2019
She wanted to be healed, so she touched Jesus’ clothing.
Akó, hwiitááł:jw2019 jw2019
15 Beware of afalse prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
19 Haʼátʼíí shı̨́ı̨́ doo bíniilʼą́ą daígíí, Jiihóvah ánílééh doo nihididooniił da.LDS LDS
Clothe yourselves with . . . kindness, humility, mildness, and patience.” —Colossians 3:12
T’áá’íiyisíí shee hodíina’, nát’ą́ą́’ áná’ásh’į́įgo, ha’ííníshníigo; ił chohoo’į́ dóó óodlą’ biłgo, bił hinishnáanii bííníghah shiłníigo; dóó tódilchxoshí łą́ągo eíí doo haitéhígíí baa hane’ da.jw2019 jw2019
You can also pray about food, employment, shelter, clothing, and health.
Nihich’į yá’da’niiłti’ígíí dai’sinilts’ą́ą́’ doo, dóó bits’ą́ą́dę́ę́’ ídahwiidil’ááłgo daniidzin.jw2019 jw2019
26 And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you—that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may awalk guiltless before God—I would that ye should bimpart of your substance to the cpoor, every man according to that which he hath, such as dfeeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.
Nihe’awéé’ be’ashiiké dóo hooghagi sikéé da ndi yilá bee béé’dilchi’ eíí yee niná’nęęh doo.LDS LDS
5 What would you do if you realized that your clothes were dirty and smelly?
Azhéʼé dóó amá dóó áłchíní bíkáʼaʼdoowoł biniyé Jiihóvah Yádahalneʼí naaltsoos ádeeyiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
8 And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they asaw a Man bdescending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him, and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another, and wist not what it meant, for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them.
Sozdilzingo “The Living Christ” jółta’go éí Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, dóó Gáamalii Binaaltsoos yii’ hadahaasdzíí’yę́ę jółta’ nahalin.LDS LDS
He never made much money, but he gave us a place to live, clothes to wear, and enough food to eat.
Adam éí tʼáá átʼé baʼáłchíní niʼiidzííh yee yiʼdíiłnaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Clothe yourselves with the new personality.” —COLOSSIANS 3:10.
Jesus ání, “Fig sikaadii binahjįʼ haneʼ bee akʼidiʼdootı̨́įłii nihił béédahoozįįh.”jw2019 jw2019
Soon the man under the cloth began to tremble and sweat.
Háálá éí doo yisdádoogáał da tʼáá hazhóʼó beʼiinaʼ łahgo ánáyiidlaa dóó Bóhólníihii Jesus Christ yoodlą́ągo tʼéiyá.jw2019 jw2019
However, Jehovah knew that outside the garden of Eden, they would need clothing that could give them more protection, because the ground was cursed and full of “thorns and thistles.”
Dóó díí kótʼáo éí baa naʼasogo baa naashá.jw2019 jw2019
The apostle Peter said: “All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because God opposes the haughty ones, but he gives undeserved kindness to the humble ones.” —1 Peter 5:5.
16 Dóó áhodoonííł bąąhági ádaahtʼínígíí biniinaa ląʼída ałʼąą ádaatʼéego naałniihii bikʼee tiʼdahwiidoohnih.jw2019 jw2019
Does the interested one need a ride or assistance with choosing appropriate clothing?
26 Jó ndi, shí éiyá deiłtsą́, dóó shíká iijééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
4 When we clothe ourselves with the new personality, we treat all people with respect and honor, no matter what their race or background is.
Díí hastóí éí Jeremáíyah tʼáá ákóyaaí dazhdootsaał dah hóʼní.jw2019 jw2019
Our clothes do not need to be expensive or fancy to be appropriate, clean, and presentable.
Saturday Morning Sessionjw2019 jw2019
For example, if our brothers or sisters do not have enough food or clothing, they need more than kind words.
16 God bikʼis diidleeł yę́ęgi, Séítan éí tʼóó ahayóígóó ałʼąą ádaatʼéego nihikʼijįʼ yee naalnish.jw2019 jw2019
Clothing our eternal spirits in physical bodies; living by the teachings and commandments of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; and forming eternal families allows us, through the Savior’s Atonement, to fulfill God’s goal of immortality and eternal life for His children with Him in His celestial kingdom.
Bił na’nishtiníí bił, dóó ła’ sheiíltį́, na’nitin biniiyé dahdiit’áázh.LDS LDS
Then, when she grabbed him by his clothes, he ran away from her.
13 Diyin Bizaad ání, Séítan dóó níłchʼi doo yáʼádaashxóonii yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ adabidiistłʼíidgo diyingo nidaalʼaʼii akʼeh dahółʼínígíí bił dahóózhǫǫd.jw2019 jw2019
They may imitate the clothing, conduct, and behavior of political and religious leaders, athletes, movie stars, and other celebrities.
Peter kóníigo akʼeʼashchı̨́: “Nihí ałdóʼ tʼáá ałtsojįʼ diyingo dahinohnáa doo. Háálá Diyin God bizaad bee akʼeʼashchíinii kóní, Dadinohyin, háálá shí [Jiihóvah] dinishyin.”jw2019 jw2019
9 We all need things such as food, clothing, and shelter.
“T’óó áháyóí da’neest’ą́, ndí t’áa dikwihóo nidaalnish;jw2019 jw2019
I could discover that he had no other clothing on but this robe, as it was open, so that I could see into his bosom.
Háágóó díínáałgo éí áadi oodlání danilíinii níká’adoojahgo Diyin yá’átéehgo bá nanilnish dooleeł áádóó ni dóó na’áłchíní ałdó’ yíká’adoojah?LDS LDS
It’s like taking a beautiful garment someone gave you and using it as a cleaning cloth
T’áa’ániit’é dine’é nihiká ádiilwółnóo shích’į’ í’iiláaígíí bił ahádaniilt’é dóó bidínilkáál.jw2019 jw2019
He gave another man a mirror, then covered him with a white cloth.
T’íshį́į́ chidi bii’ halts’idgo niizį́į́’, íí’hááyáo biye’ nahasht’éí binááhaíí bił ayóó’at’éii ákǫ́ǫ́ sitį́, Austen, yáago tsénadleehé yikáá’.jw2019 jw2019
He must provide food, clothing, and housing for his wife and children.
Bee lá éí, hodíína’, adił naalbąąsí t’áá hazhóo’ígo haanéíniłbą́ąz dóó bee hwííselį́į́níigo bii’ haa-shółteeh ní.jw2019 jw2019
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