color oor Navajo


/ˈkʌlə/, /ˈkʌl.ɚ/, /ˈkʌl.ə(ɹ)/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
The spectral composition of visible light.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


visual perception of light wavelengths


An attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In it he discussed experiments into the nature of light, including how light splits into its constituent colors, reflects off mirrors, and bends when passing from one medium into another.
“Diyin God baa hohkááh, áko bí ałdóʼ nihaa doogááł.jw2019 jw2019
Why do we see different colors in the sky?
1 Jó áko, áádóó shizhéʼé naʼageeł biyiʼ góneʼé, Bóhólníihii bichʼįʼ haadzííʼ, dóó kóhodííniid: Lehi, háálá íinilaaígíí biniinaa nikʼihojídlí; dóóháálá neʼoodląʼgo biniinaa dóó díí diné tʼáadoo leʼé bee bił hodíílnih nidííniidę́ę bee bił hwíínílneʼgo biniinaa, jó, danidiyiilyééł danízin.jw2019 jw2019
Skin color changes.
Shich’ooní, Nancy, ałdó’ Náhagha’ yídiiyá.jw2019 jw2019
Tʼáá níléídę́ę́ʼ bílaʼashdlaʼii binaatʼáanii bił dahwéelzhishígíí, Jesus éí haitʼéego biláahdi ájítʼé?jw2019 jw2019
On that day, millions of people of many different countries and skin colors meet together around the world and show that they believe that Jehovah sent his Son.
Daniel éí kóbiʼdooʼniid, Mesáíyah “Diyin Kʼehgo Atsʼáltíinii” kweʼé nahalzhiishgo nideinóhłíi doo. Éí Jerúsalem hashtʼe doolníiłgo bee nihootʼánę́ę dóó bikʼijįʼ, 69 damóo nináháhááhígíí azlı̨́įʼjįʼ nideinóhłíi doo.jw2019 jw2019
(See opening picture.) (b) Why were the horses of different colors?
Anoonééł iiná bąąh ádin.jw2019 jw2019
What striking colors in creation have you seen near your home?
17 Dóó shí, Enos, ahaʼdeetʼánę́ę bikʼehgo áhodooníłígíí shił bééhoozin; ákohgo shitsʼíís dóó shiyiʼsizíinii hanáályį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
We will be different because we avoid off-color humor and degrading remarks.
Díí bílaʼashdlaʼii binahatʼaʼ bił nahazʼáanii, Séítan doo bee bóhólníihgoósh, Jesus naa dideeshʼááł yiłníi doo?LDS LDS
What do light and color reveal about Jehovah’s qualities?
T’áa ninzin gi’at’áo, Átaa’!jw2019 jw2019
And I have learned that a brother is a brother regardless of his skin color, and he will die for you if necessary.
Saturday Morning Sessionjw2019 jw2019
How do pigments enable us to see colors?
T’áa’ałah yaa nidineet’áázh bichahałhééłditą́ądi adinálkáá’ dóó t’óó baa’ígo hinánii yaa akóniizį́į́’, ayóó’ayo’níí atíił’į́į lá, áádóó łahgo dah nidiit’áázh.jw2019 jw2019
Behold, I will lay thy astones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires.
11 Tsʼídá tʼáá ákótʼée doo laanaa, tʼáá ałtsoní bitsʼą́ą́jígíí dahólǫ́.LDS LDS
At one time, Witnesses of different skin color in that country were not allowed to meet together.
(Matthew 9:32, 33; 12:22) Níłchʼi bidaʼiiníziinii łaʼ hastiin léiʼ tsiʼnideeyiiłáago tʼáá bí tsé yee naʼádílgizhgo ádabiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
(John 13:34, 35) They are not taught to think that they are better than people of other races or skin color.
Nahasdzáán dóó bílaʼashdlaʼii biniyé áyiilaagi hoł béédahodoozįįł dazhnízin.jw2019 jw2019
Hundreds of beautiful yachts, twinkling with lights of all colors, circled the harbor as we watched in wonder.
Jesus ání: “Tʼááʼaaníinii nihił béédahodoozįįł, índa tʼááʼaaníinii nihéédeididoochił.”—John 8:32.LDS LDS
When you look at a colorful flower, a starry sky, or a thundering waterfall, do you see the handiwork of the Creator?
Ákó ndi diné dahiinánígíí yíká anájah dóó yikʼidahałtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Instead, Jehovah gave us many types of fruit with a great variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and tastes.
Yá’át’éehgo á’deishłííł.jw2019 jw2019
Every inch was packed with old books, strange-colored bottles, and plastic bins spilling over with beads, bows, and buttons.
Tʼáá nináháhááh bikʼeh Jéfthah bitsiʼ dabikʼis baa nídaakahLDS LDS
Over the years, I have seen that the real cause of racism is not the color of a person’s skin but the sin that is in all of us.
Júdah binaatʼáanii Josáíyah, éí Jiihóvah dílzinígi, dóó biiʼ sohodizin yę́ę hashtʼéiizhdoodlíiłgo bizhdeeshnish.jw2019 jw2019
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