energy oor Navajo


/ˈɛnɚʤi/, /ˈɛnədʒɪ/ adjektief, naamwoord
The impetus behind all motion and all activity.

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the federal department responsible for maintaining a national energy policy of the United States; created in 1977

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nuclear energy
łéétsoh bee atsiniltłʼish álʼį́į́h


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Every second, the sun emits energy equivalent to the explosion of many hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs.
Anoonééł éí haitʼéego bee naʼnitin?jw2019 jw2019
Some may feel that they do not have enough time or energy to be hospitable.
Atiin yiidááłgóó tsé ílíinii nideeztąąd ndi tsé doo ílíinii bił ał’ąą át’éhígíí doo nihił bééhózin da.jw2019 jw2019
Certainly, Jehovah, the one who gives energy to the sun, can give us the strength we need to endure our problems.
T’áá’ákót’éego honít’i’jí adéest’į́į́’ éí biniiyé sodiszin áko yá’ąąsh t’áá’áłahjį’bił ahídíníilt’i’ dooleeł, áko nahasdzáán bikáa’gi doo hasht’ehodít’éi doo yóó’anhidooził da.jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 21:24) Brother Russell used his time, energy, and money to teach these truths to others.
Łaʼda beʼawééʼ yichʼah hashkéego bílaʼ kǫʼ yee atííłʼı̨́įgo, haitʼéego baa nitsíníkees doo?jw2019 jw2019
Second, avoid activities that will take too much of your time and energy.
Diyingondaalʼaʼí haitʼéego God bidineʼé yíká anídaalwoʼ ńtʼééʼ?jw2019 jw2019
The soldiers might have thought, ‘What a waste of time and energy!’
3 Áádóó díigi átʼéego ahił dahalneʼ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ, yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ iinééʼ dazhdiiztsʼą́ą́ʼ, áádóó ndajizghal, háálá díí iinééʼ diistsʼą́ʼígíí tʼáadoo bikʼidazhdiitą́ą da; dóó díí iinééʼ éí doo bikʼeʼeshchʼíiʼ da, doo ndóʼ éí ayóo íitsʼaʼ da, ákótʼée ndi, dóó azhą́ hazhóʼógo yáłtiʼ ndi íiyisíí biyiʼ ałníiʼdi dabidiisnááʼ, wónáásdóó bitsʼíís tʼáá átʼé deidiisnááʼ; aooʼ, tsʼídá bitsʼíís dóó biyiʼsizíinii deidiisnááʼ, dóó bijéí diltłiʼ nahalingo ádayiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
He says: “The reductions in branch office personnel remind us of the urgency of the times and the need to focus our energy on the preaching activity.”
Saad naakigo shił bééhózin, díí baa hane’ígíí, God yee nihá naha’áhígíí áádóó t’áá nihí binahwiit’áhígíí.jw2019 jw2019
This takes a lot of time, energy, and money.
33 O nihí diné bąąhági átʼéii dóó doo yáʼátʼéehii baa naahkaiígíí dóó doo nihiʼdadidzil da dasoolį́ʼígíí, haʼátʼíísh éí biniiyé sodizin bá hooghan achʼįʼ ádaoołyaago bee béeso ádaołʼį́?jw2019 jw2019
24 And it came to pass that he did ainquire of the Lord, for they had bhumbled themselves because of my words; for I did say many things unto them in the energy of my soul.
Diijį́ deinóhnehii, nihí dóó shí, ałdó’ oodlą́’ bee náás yiikah, “[Átaa’] bida’ák’ehgi dine’é yisdáadookahgi bee bił nidíilnish,”11 Dóó naat’áanii Gordon B.LDS LDS
Science writer David Bodanis said that each second the sun produces as much energy as the explosion of billions of atomic bombs.
Áko tʼáá níléédę́ę́ʼ Diyin God Bizaad bee naʼnitinę́ę bikʼiʼdidootı̨́ı̨́ł biniyé bíká dazhdínéeztą́ą́ʼ. Áádóó Jiihóvah bíká elwodgo Diyin God Bizaad bikʼidazhdiitą́.jw2019 jw2019
48 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, apray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true bfollowers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall cbe like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be dpurified even as he is pure.
Jesus tʼah doo daatsaahgóó, haalá dahoonííł ńtʼééʼ?LDS LDS
Faced with so many demands —and too little time and energy to handle them— you may feel overwhelmed.
18 Naaltsoos danéedéhígíí éí Diyin Bizaad doo bił ahenáłtʼéii dago bíhwiilʼą́ą́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Consider, for example, the amount of energy he gives to our sun.
Níłchʼi dineʼé hólǫ́!jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 22:7) Satan wants us to spend all our time and energy working for his commercial world.
Béésh ał’ąą’ át’áo choo’į́, óolkił ałha’-nil dóó nizáadę́ę ásdiid.jw2019 jw2019
Mt 6:27 —Why is undue worry a waste of time and energy?
(Acts 15:32) Díí hastóí ádaa ádaʼdeestʼánígíí nahaneʼ yá alą́ąjįʼ naazı̨́įgo nihił nidahalneʼ, dóó díí nahaneʼígíí yee nidanihinitin.jw2019 jw2019
10 We use our time, energy, and material things to help and encourage one another.
“Dóó éí ahoodzaií eíí tágijį́ éí bee akóhoot’éego eíí akwe’é adinidiin dóo ła’yiiltsą́ą da” (3 Nephi 8:20–23).jw2019 jw2019
We knew that if we gave our heart to Him, trusted Him, and strived with all the energy of our soul to walk in the path of discipleship, we could be washed clean and once again enter the presence of our beloved Father in Heaven.
Dine’é ne’ájooba’ bee bił hólne’.LDS LDS
This boy is full of energy and loves the outdoors.
God biNahatʼaʼ índa áʼdoolíiłgi, dóó God bízhiʼ diyingo íidoolíiłgi baa íhwiidiilʼááł.LDS LDS
If we keep our life simple, we will be able to use more of our time and energy to serve Jehovah
Aghá sizį́į́ éí, Rip, t’oo baa tsihodeeskéezgo ayóo naakigo yi’ąą naaghá: naanish dóó be’asdzą́ą́’.jw2019 jw2019
What can we do if we do not have enough time and energy to show or accept hospitality?
Bíhwiidooʼáígíí 18jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah is the Source of all energy.
37 Dóó Laman éí Lemuel dóó Ishmael beʼashiiké yichʼįʼ haadzííʼ: Jó, nihizhéʼé dadiyiilyééł, áádóó nihikʼis Nephi ałdóʼ, nihí bínaaí daniidlį́, ndi nihinaatʼáanii dóó nanihinitiní átʼé nízingo nihąąh tsídeezkézígíí biniinaa.jw2019 jw2019
All these things may be good and honorable, but are they leaving us time and energy for what should be our highest priorities?
Aláahdi naatʼáanii Benjamin tʼahdii yáłtiʼ—Bóhólníihii Tʼáá ałtsojįʼ Bidziilii atsʼíís biyiʼ dóó diné neidínóotįįł—Nihookááʼ dineʼé bibąąhígi ádaatʼéii yá tiʼhooʼníihgo bitsįʼ biih dahasdzánídę́ę́ʼ dił hadahidoonah—Bízhiʼ binahjįʼ tʼéiyá bee yisdánáhóótʼiʼ—Bílaʼashdlaʼii éí diné atsʼíískʼehgo ntsékeesígíí doo biyáʼátʼéehii nahjįʼ kódeiléehgo bíighah dóó Nináʼílyáhígíí bee Christ Yá Naazíinii dadooleeł—Diné doo yáʼádaatʼéehii éí łeetsoii dookʼą́ąłgo dasiyį́ nahalingo tiʼdahooʼníih dooleeł.LDS LDS
He does not hesitate to give material things, but he also uses his time and his energy to help them
Lą’í ájolé’ éí nísin, ndi hástł’áseyá, dóó t’óó baa yinííł nísin.”jw2019 jw2019
A generous person gladly gives of his time, energy, and resources to help and encourage others.
Ákoh éí bi’ii’sizíinii awáalya dę́ę́’ ch’ínált’e’ nahalin doo dóó hool’áágo iiná bá bighago hoolǫ́ǫ dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
12 The best way to use our freedom is to use our time and energy to serve Jehovah fully.
Nihił yoołkááł bii’ díí bee háá’oodzíi’go Ataa’ yee Joseph Smith yiyíízhi’ígíí Nahagha’ nineiit’ą́, naazį́į dayíísį́į’go bá hane’ t’áałahidi yaa náádaho’níilne’ áadoo Bí nidoodááł.jw2019 jw2019
42 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.