eyes oor Navajo


/aɪz/ werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of eye.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


The Need Greater's Dictionary

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when your eyes open in the morning
when your eyes open in the morning
ah-nah · anááʼ
slant eye
apple of someone's eye
ayóó ábídóóʼní
ah-nah · anááʼ
ah-nah · anááʼ
ah-nah · anááʼ
ah-nah · anááʼ
ah-nah · anááʼ


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And mine eyes have beheld great things, yea, even too great for man; therefore I was bidden that I should not write them.
24 Dóó Nephi bidineʼé dóó Laman bidineʼé daʼahigą́ągo yiiłtsą́ago shíiníłką́.LDS LDS
What they fail to understand is that there are more ways to see than with our eyes, more ways to feel than with our hands, more ways to hear than with our ears.
Ánihiilaaígíí éí naaldlooshii beeʼiinaʼ ałdóʼ bił diyin.LDS LDS
When he opens his eyes again, he is surprised to find that his dog is gone, his rifle has rusted, and he now has a long beard.
Séítan dóó demons bitsʼą́ąjįʼ ádaniitʼéego, haʼátʼíí ádadiiʼnííł?LDS LDS
5 Jehovah hates pride, which is described in the Bible as “haughty eyes.”
Níhí éí Jesus Christ bibéé’ yiikáhii yit’į́.jw2019 jw2019
We can open the eyes of their understanding to the necessity of priesthood power in eternal covenants.
DIYIN BIZAAD YEE NAʼNITINÍGÍÍ ÉÍ DÍÍ: God náasdi yaa halneʼgo éí nihookááʼ tʼáá siʼą́ą́ ńtʼééʼ hodiiyeelgo áhodoolííł.LDS LDS
The human eye is a marvel of creation
Diyin Bizaad áníigo éí diné daatsaahgo bee iinaʼígíí ninítʼíʼgo doo náá hínáa da.jw2019 jw2019
Those who lived there had to make big changes in order to become clean in Jehovah’s eyes.
16 Jó, áádóó biiskání diné ałtso áłah anáánádzá, dóó áłchíní yázhí yádaałtiʼgo dajiiłtsą́ dóó deidiiztsʼą́ą́ʼ; aooʼ, azhą́ awééchʼíʼí ndi bizééʼ ąą ádayiilaa dóó nizhónígo hadaasdzííʼ; dóó yaa yádaałtiʼígíí éí doo nááhídóosoh da hodooʼniid.jw2019 jw2019
“The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and his ears listen to their supplication.” —1 PETER 3:12.
5 Háiida Bóhólníihii binaanish yikʼijįʼ nilíinii hóyééʼ bí dooleeł; aooʼ, háiida Christ dóó binaanish doo yiniizį́ʼígíí éí hóyééʼ bí dooleełjw2019 jw2019
Satan also said: “God knows that in the very day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad.” —Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-5.
Adiniłdíín nijaa’yę́ę dóo bíighá da, dóó biláahgo chahałheeł.jw2019 jw2019
He let us know how precious we are to him when he said: “Whoever touches you touches the pupil of my eye.” —Zechariah 2:8.
Bi ch’ooné bighagii dahsidá.jw2019 jw2019
Daniel says: “With tears in our eyes, we began thinking about our return to Spain.
Nihił halneʼígíí Diyin God Bizaad yółtaʼgo nihí ałdóʼ bił daníilʼı̨́įgo nizhóní doo.jw2019 jw2019
1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had ended these sayings he cast his eyes round about on the multitude, and said unto them: Behold, ye have heard the things which I ataught before I ascended to my Father; therefore, whoso remembereth these sayings of mine and bdoeth them, him will I craise up at the last day.
Jesus Christ yá siziní Paul hast’ą́ą́’, oodlą’ní dayóódlą, áko bee adinídiin hólǫ́ǫ doo.LDS LDS
That is why he pleaded with his people “that there should be no contention one with another, but that they should look forward with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having their hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another” (Mosiah 18:21).
Nihikʼé Nináʼílyáagi—God EiníláLDS LDS
(Ro 1:20) By pausing to reflect on what we see with our eyes, we are able to perceive God’s power, love, wisdom, and justice, as well as his generosity. —Ps 104:24.
Hebrews 3:4jw2019 jw2019
Behold, I take off my garments, and I shake them before you; I pray the God of my salvation that he view me with his aall-searching eye; wherefore, ye shall know at the last day, when all men shall be judged of their works, that the God of Israel did witness that I bshook your iniquities from my soul, and that I stand with brightness before him, and am crid of your blood.
12 Háálá tʼáá íiyisíí ił hózhóonii nihiiʼ dooleeł dóó tʼáá íiyisíí baa nihił dahodoozhǫǫł, háálá ayóó átʼéii yáʼąąshdi yisołbą́ dooleeł; háálá tʼáá díigi átʼéego nihilą́ąjįʼ Diyin God yá dahalneʼii yichʼįʼ ndahwiisnááʼ.LDS LDS
“The eyes of the blind will be opened.” —Isaiah 35:5
3 Aooʼ, tłʼééʼ bíighah Jesus baa dahojilneʼ; dóó áko índa diné tʼóó ahayóígo bitahgo, aooʼ, tsʼídá tʼóó ahayóí, tłʼééʼ bíighah ndaalnish, áko yiską́ągo Jesus náánádááhą́ągi dahoniidlǫ́ǫ doo danízingo.jw2019 jw2019
“And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.
God Bikʼis Éí Doo Yáʼátʼéehii Yitsʼąą NdaakaiLDS LDS
The Bible says: “Moses did so before the eyes of the elders of Israel.”
Éii tsistła hodeest’ą́nígíí ałdó’ Yisda’iinííł be’ádziil hólǫ́nígíí yee hatsáii didoo’ááł.jw2019 jw2019
After accepting some of their liquor, Rip becomes drowsy and closes his eyes for a moment.
Háadi, t’óó shitáh honǫ́ǫghá,LDS LDS
8 And it came to pass, as they understood they cast their eyes up again towards heaven; and behold, they asaw a Man bdescending out of heaven; and he was clothed in a white robe; and he came down and stood in the midst of them; and the eyes of the whole multitude were turned upon him, and they durst not open their mouths, even one to another, and wist not what it meant, for they thought it was an angel that had appeared unto them.
200 naahaidą́ą́’, Americangi hane’ yazhí “Rip van Winkle” t’áa hodina’í ayóí silį́į́’.LDS LDS
Ps 123:2 —What is the point of the illustration about “the eyes of servants”?
Hooghan góneʼ tʼáá íiyisíí adinídíín, ákondi sizínígíí binaagóó aláahgo bitsʼádiʼńdíín.jw2019 jw2019
They feasted their eyes on captured ships, massive floats depicting battle scenes from the war, and items plundered from Jerusalem’s temple.
Háájigo lá biká sodiszinée bee shik’í hojísdli’ dóó hónáásdi éiyá she’íina’ biniiyéii shił íishją́ ályaa, dóó Jesus Christ báhane’ she’íina’ t’áa’at’é biih yilá.jw2019 jw2019
(Colossians 3:18) When you do, you will be beautiful in the eyes of your husband and of Jehovah. —1 Peter 3:1-6.
Nihił béédahoozįįdgo éí “God doo ałʼohgo dineʼé yaa nitsíkees da.” Áko tʼáá náhwiistʼą́ą́ ńtʼééʼ tʼáá łaʼ hajííjééʼ nahalingo nihee oodląʼ bee łááʼ daniidlı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
He opens our eyes and our ears.
Diyin God Bizaad binaʼnitin bikʼehgo oodááłígíí bee hatsʼíís bitah yáʼáhootʼééh áyósin, diné bił ídlı̨́, aʼááh hwiinidzin dóó doo honaʼadloʼgóó áhwiiłʼįįh.LDS LDS
32 Then shall their awatchmen lift up their voice, and with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye.
Áko tʼáá níléédę́ę́ʼ Diyin God Bizaad bee naʼnitinę́ę bikʼiʼdidootı̨́ı̨́ł biniyé bíká dazhdínéeztą́ą́ʼ. Áádóó Jiihóvah bíká elwodgo Diyin God Bizaad bikʼidazhdiitą́.LDS LDS
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