fail oor Navajo


/feɪl/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
a failure, especially of a financial transaction

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However, we make a serious mistake by noticing only the human nature of one another and then failing to see God’s hand working through those He has called.
Akóndi, nihí ts’ída bee íilziih t’áá haishį́į́ bee bich’į’ anáhoot’i’ haiígal dóó Diyin God nayiizla’ígíí bila’ yee yilnishíí áadoo yiiltsą́ǫ.LDS LDS
Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail
Eíí bąą, diyinjí ayóó’ó’ó’ní yínóhtą’go, éiyá ts’ída aláahdi at’é, háálá t’áá ałtsoní a’óh daneel’ą́ą doo—LDS LDS
What they fail to understand is that there are more ways to see than with our eyes, more ways to feel than with our hands, more ways to hear than with our ears.
Ha’íí bí doo yik’ida’diitį́įh da łeh eíí akwǫ́ǫ́ lą’ída yit’į́ doo danhináá’ t’éi bee. Akwǫ́ǫ́ lą’ída doo yilá t’éiyá bee bidíilchíł da, Lą’ída doo nihijáá’ t’éiyá bee didíits’íił da.LDS LDS
Some may think they have failed too many times and feel too weak to change sinful acts or worldly desires of the heart.
Łá’ éiyá ádaaní dikwiidishį́į́ ch’ééh iit’į́įd dóó k’ad éí dóo biinishgháh da dooáii’ nahasdzáan bikáágoo dahólǫ́nígíí bił yá’adaat’ééh.LDS LDS
Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail
Ákohgo, diyingo ayóó’ó’ó’níinii yéigo yínítą́, háálá éí éí ts’ídá aláadi át’é, háálá t’áá ałtsoní éí yi’oh daneel’ą́ą dooleeł----LDS LDS
In contrast, Bible writers candidly recorded both their personal failings and those of their nation. —2 Chronicles 36:15, 16; Psalm 51:1-4.
Ákondi Diyin God Bizaad yikʼedaʼashchínígíí tʼáá bí dóó bidineʼé ádił nidaʼayiisííʼ yę́ę doo nanilʼingóó yikʼinídayíizoh. —2 Chronicles 36:15, 16; Psalm 51:1-4.jw2019 jw2019
Bloodguilt is guilt from causing someone’s death because we did something that put his life in danger or because we failed to do something that would have protected his life
Dił doo bee ádidahodidoołtʼih da éí łaʼda haada yiilyaago biniinaa beʼiinaʼ ninítʼiʼgo doodaiiʼ tʼáadoo haadayitʼéego bíká íilwodgóó biniinaa beʼiinaʼ ninítʼiʼgo óolyéjw2019 jw2019
In that inspired document, we concluded with the following: “We warn that individuals who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God.
Eíí hane’ diyiníí bii’, nihí bee ałch’į’ kódeilyaa: “Nihí iłtólí be’aha’deet’ą́ t’áá k’izhniti’íí eíí yííyá, éí achooní índa a’áłchiní atííł’į́į, doodáii’ éí hooghan t’óó yits’ą́ą́’ dah diiyaií lá honáasdi Diyin God bich’į’ bee ádaa hozhdoolní.LDS LDS
Accept responsibility for your failing grade.
Tʼáá shí áshtʼı̨́įgo biniinaa ákódzaa didíínííł.jw2019 jw2019
“It will occur —if you do not fail to listen to the voice of Jehovah your God.” —ZECHARIAH 6:15.
“[Jiihóvah] nihiDiyin God haleebee bikʼeh dahonołʼı̨́įgo tʼéiyá kótʼéego nihá áhodoonííł.”—ZECHARIAH 6:15.jw2019 jw2019
This is why some advertisements seem to carry the implicit message that if we fail to buy their breakfast cereal or miss out on the newest video game or cell phone, we run the risk of living a miserable life, dying alone and unhappy.
Éí biniinaa t’óó shą’shin ndi díí abínígo nidání doo naheenii’góó doodai’ daané’é da dóó béésh bee hane’é da doo naheelnii’góó doo nihił yá’áhoot’éégóó hinii’náa doo, t’áásáhí, doo nihił hats’íídgóó.LDS LDS
Without Him, no eternal goal is possible, and our plans to achieve our eternal goals will surely fail.
Bí doo biłgóó éí, hool’áágóó biniiyé nahat’á doo bíighah da, áádóó iiná doo ninít’i’ii binahwiit’áháa doo ádoonííł da.LDS LDS
(Ezekiel 34:14) Jehovah has never failed to give us a refreshing variety of timely spiritual food.
(Ezekiel 34:14) Jiihóvah diyin kʼehgo anáʼáłtsoʼ tsʼídá doo yiʼoh nilı̨́į da, éí tʼáá ákogo nizhónígo ałʼąą ádá átʼéego nihá naʼałtsoʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Now, it is important to understand that some suffering and affliction can also enter our lives if we fail to truly repent of our sins.
K’ad, éí ts’ída bik’i’didootį́łii eíí dóo hazhó’ó nihe’íina’ łahgo aneilyáagoo ałdó’ bikéé nihich’į’ nahwii’na dóó ti’hoo’niih diidlééł.LDS LDS
I can still remember that after I spoke, I had a sinking feeling of having failed.
T’ahdii bénáshniih, ałtsogo, t’áadoo hazhó’ó í’iishłaa da niizį́į’.LDS LDS
Sadly, Solomon failed to continue acting in harmony with Jehovah’s wisdom.
Ndi Sálaman éí Jiihóvah doo bikʼehgóó jideeyá.jw2019 jw2019
You fail a test because you did not study for it.
Doo study íʼiinilaaígíí biniinaa óltaʼdi test fail íinilaa lá jiní.jw2019 jw2019
What might be one of the reasons why we, knowing all these things, often fail to keep the Sabbath day holy?
Ha’iísh biniiyé akíit’į́, díí doole’é ałtso nihíł bééhozin ndi, t’áa’aghąąh dóo dimǫ́ǫgo hodiníilzin da łeh?LDS LDS
The political, religious, and commercial systems that are part of Satan’s system will fail.
Bílaʼashdlaʼii binahatʼá, sodizin bił nahazʼą́ą́góó índa naalyeʼé nidahaniihgóó éí Séítan binahatʼá biyaadóó sinilígíí ádoodįįł.jw2019 jw2019
Joshua and Solomon both confirmed that not one word of Jehovah’s promises had failed.
Jáshowa dóó Sálaman éí Jiihóvah tʼáá aaníí saad yee ádee haadzíʼígíí bikʼehgo áhoonííł.jw2019 jw2019
How did Brother Harris fail to demonstrate modesty?
Haitʼéego Brother Harris ádaa haʼniihgo haadzííʼ?jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 18:11) The material things of this world will fail.
(Proverbs 18:11) Tʼáá ałtso naadeełii dahólónígíí ádoodįįł.jw2019 jw2019
“The wrong shall fail, the right prevail” (“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” Hymns, no.
“Dóo akót’é adoodįįł, t’áa akót’é ak’éhdidoodlééł” (“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” Hymns, no.LDS LDS
He will not fail to care for all His own.
Yénálniih áádóó naa áhályą́ą doo.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 96:4-6) But some who worshipped God failed to do that.
(Psalm 96:4-6) Ndi łaʼ God deidósin yę́ę díí yee yiʼoh danílı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
42 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.