faith oor Navajo


/faith/, /feɪθ/ naamwoord
A feeling, conviction or belief that something is true, real, or will happen.

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Amanda Miller


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faithful and discreet slave
ba’ahódlíigo inda hoyą́ągo naal’a’í


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How do we benefit from Jehovah’s instruction that “the faithful steward” gives us?
5 Jó, shí éí beehazʼáanii ninílá, dóó shí shidineʼé Israel bił ałhadiʼnishtʼą́; éí bąą, éí beehazʼáanii yę́ę shí shinahjįʼ ałtso beʼelyaa, háálá shí éí beehazʼáanii biʼdeeshłííł biniiyé níyá; éí bąą éí kojįʼ ninítʼiʼ.jw2019 jw2019
15 Jehovah assures us that because we have faith in the ransom, our sins are “blotted out.”
Jesus éí Naatʼáanii ábiʼdiilyaago, Séítan yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ adah ayííłghan.jw2019 jw2019
Imitate the faith and obedience of Noah, Daniel, and Job: Try to have the same faith and obey Jehovah the same way as they did
NAʼÍDÍKIDÍGÍÍ 16jw2019 jw2019
2 As long as he was faithful, Solomon enjoyed many blessings.
Haitʼéego tʼáá łáʼígíí diné bee, bílaʼashdlaʼii nááhaazniiʼ?jw2019 jw2019
However, some, such as Abel, Enoch, and Noah, remained faithful to Jehovah. —Hebrews 11:4, 5, 7.
“Dóó shizaad dóó shina’nítin doo diné dahóyą́ąjí saad łíkingo ásh’į́į da, ndi Ii’sizį́į dóó be’ádziil yee ííshją́ íił’į́į́ bééhózin:jw2019 jw2019
And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgment-seat of Christ, and shall dwell with him eternally in the heavens.
Dóó doósh tʼáadoo biniiyéhé tiʼdahooʼnííh ńtʼę́ę́ʼ?LDS LDS
Ezr 1:3-6 —Why were the Israelites who did not volunteer to return to Jerusalem not necessarily weak in faith?
(Matthew 7:14) God oodląʼ bił tʼááʼákoígíí éí Bizaad tʼááʼaanínígíí binahjįʼgo tʼéiyá.jw2019 jw2019
What blessings will come to young ones who have faith in Jehovah and obey him?
Éí Iiláíjah bisodizin Jiihóvah yidiiztsʼą́ąʼgo yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ kǫʼ dookʼą́ąłgo nááʼjiiłniih bikáaʼjįʼ kóyiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
For salvation cometh to none such except it be through repentance and faith on the bLord Jesus Christ.
Hashtł’ísh náábáłígíí ałníi’gi ńdeiiztł’ígíí biniinaa nizhǫ́nígo ádayíílaa.LDS LDS
Jesus’ life was so valuable that after Jehovah resurrected Jesus to heaven, Jehovah gave all humans who exercise faith in Jesus the opportunity to live forever.
Haash yitʼéego ni God bichʼįʼ ádaaʼidíítʼaał?jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 12:25; Colossians 4:11) We show that we love “those related to us in the faith” by what we say and do. —Galatians 6:10.
“Diyin God bizaad bee akʼeʼashchíinii tʼáá ałtso Diyin God ił halneʼgo bee akʼedaʼashchı̨́.”—2 Timothy 3:16, Diyin God Bizaad (Navajo Revised).jw2019 jw2019
8 Jesus’ faithful apostles also showed great courage.
“Índa łahgo...niʼ ńdahidiʼńaah doo.”jw2019 jw2019
In fact, you might find points in God’s Word that you do not often think about but that can strengthen your faith that you will see your loved ones again.
Azhą́shį́į́ kóhoot’ée ndi, k’ad kót’éego kwe’é kééhasht’ínígíí shił yá’át’ééh.jw2019 jw2019
6 I say unto you, if ye have come to a aknowledge of the goodness of God, and his matchless power, and his wisdom, and his patience, and his long-suffering towards the children of men; and also, the batonement which has been prepared from the cfoundation of the world, that thereby salvation might come to him that should put his dtrust in the Lord, and should be diligent in keeping his commandments, and continue in the faith even unto the end of his life, I mean the life of the mortal body—
23 Ndi díí éí Diyin God bichʼįʼgo tʼóó aa oodloh átʼé, Christ bibee ajoobaʼ, dóó Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii bibee adziilii doo jinízingóó, dóó doo ndaalnishii joodlą́ągo.LDS LDS
(Acts 16:4, 5) From the letter to the congregations about circumcision, we can see that the governing body had God’s spirit and showed qualities such as love and faith. —Acts 15:11, 25-29; Galatians 5:22, 23.
Job ádzaaígíí binahjįʼ haʼátʼíí bééhoozin?jw2019 jw2019
30 And thus were the Lamanites afflicted also, and began to decrease as to their faith and righteousness, because of the wickedness of the arising generation.
Éí B́íts’ą́ądę́ę́’ diyiníí nihéiinilá.LDS LDS
The grief we feel when a loved one dies does not mean that we lack faith in the resurrection (Ge 23:2)
(Isaiah 48:17, 18) Jiihóvah éí tʼááʼałtso bílaʼashdlaʼii binahatʼaʼ niidoołtʼihgo bichʼįʼ hoolzhish.jw2019 jw2019
21 And except ye have acharity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope.
Paul bidáʼí haash yidzaa?LDS LDS
Lu 18:8 —What kind of faith is Jesus referring to in this verse?
15 Doo tʼáá aaníí Diyin God yá dahalneʼígíí tʼáá baa ákonohsin, éí éí dibé ndahalingo hadadítʼéego ndaakai, ndi biyiʼdi éí mąʼiitsoh kʼad dichin biʼniighą́ʼígíí ádáátʼį́.jw2019 jw2019
All who put their faith in Jesus can have their sins forgiven and receive everlasting life.—1 Timothy 2:5, 6; John 3:16; Romans 5:18, 19.
Jesus Christ dóó Nina’ídláii be’ádziil bee na’ádziih dóó hatah hódzil adéiile’ t’áa háiida yoki’ígíí.jw2019 jw2019
Think for a moment about how our example affects our brothers who are imprisoned for their faith.
18 Áádóó, aláahdi nihinaatʼáanii dííleeł dashiłníí ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Can we exercise the faith to believe and to act accordingly?
Nihí díí ahoonííł niil’ǫ́ǫ, Nihí áadi atáh náakai nahalǫ́ǫ dóó t’áa t’óó saad deiyísinółts’ą’í.LDS LDS
If there is one preeminent objective of general conference, it is to build faith in God the Father and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
* Jesus tʼóó Naatʼáanii jizhlı̨́ʼígo, áłtsé ázhdooníłígíí éí Séítan dóó doo yáʼádaashǫ́ǫ́góó bándaalʼaʼígíí yił nahasdzáán bikáajįʼ adahizhdoołtłʼił.LDS LDS
As much as I love everything about Christmas, the only things that seemed to matter were my eternal marriage, my family, and my faith in and testimony of my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the plan.
20 Nahasdzáán bikááʼ ayóó áhonóolin doo.LDS LDS
Jesus promised that his faithful apostles would rule with him there.
6 Ánihidishní, Diyin God biyáʼátʼéehii baa ákodanoozį́įʼgo, dóó beʼadziilii aláahdi átʼéii, dóó bihoodzáanii dóó bihaʼólníinii, dóó nihookááʼ dineʼé hazhóʼó áłtsé yił naalnishígíí baa ákodanoozį́įʼgo; dóó ałdóʼ hodeeyáádą́ą́ʼ nahasdzáán ályaadą́ą́ʼ bąąhági átʼéii bikʼé nináʼdoolyéełgo bee nihootʼánígíí, áko tʼáá háiida Bóhólníihii yaʼólíhígíí éí yinahjįʼ yisdáńdoodááł, dóó áłahjįʼ bibeehazʼáanii yikʼeh hółʼínígíí, dóó beʼiinaʼ nítʼiʼjįʼ ndi náás oodlą́ągo, tʼáá bitsʼíís yee hináajįʼ éí ááłdishní—jw2019 jw2019
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