fit oor Navajo


/fɪt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
(intransitive) Of an object, to be of the right size and shape so as to match another object.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo





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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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Abbreviation of [i]feed-in tariff[/i].

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fully inclusive tour

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Soortgelyke frases

tight fitting (clothing)


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They wear tight-fitting and revealing clothing, even to Christian gatherings.
Éí ééʼ béédahídéezdon áádóó bighádahootʼínígíí Oodlání ałhínéikahgóó yee háádadiitʼįįh.jw2019 jw2019
Teenage years are often years of insecurity, of feeling as though you don’t measure up, of trying to find your place with your peers, and of trying to fit in.
Nǫǫselíjį’ hwi ahalzhíshgo dóo ahójilchį̨́įh da łih, dóo ga’ nléii gi’at’áo honishyói da, háiila bee hasinígíí benisht’ée doolééł, dóó bił naashjéeh doolééł.LDS LDS
19 For the anatural bman is an cenemy to God, and has been from the dfall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he eyields to the enticings of the fHoly Spirit, and gputteth off the hnatural man and becometh a isaint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a jchild, ksubmissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.
19 Háálá diné atsʼíískʼehgo ntsékeesígíí Adam asiihgo adáátłizhę́ędą́ą́ʼ dóó wóshdę́ę́ʼ, Diyin God yitsʼą́ą́jí nilį́, dóó tʼáá ákótʼéego, ahoolʼáa dooleeł, tʼáá hazhóʼó Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii bá haneʼ yiyíistsʼą́ąʼgo tʼéiyá, dóó diné atsʼíískʼehgo ntsékeesígíí nahjįʼ kóyiilaago dóó Bóhólníihii Christ bee nináʼílyáhígíí binahjįʼ Bóhólníihii yá sizį́ silį́įʼgo, dóó áłchínígi átʼé silį́įʼgo, akʼeh hółʼį́ , aa hojoobaʼ, hojoobaʼ áhwiinidzin, haʼólní, ayóó óʼóʼníinii tʼáá íiyisíí biiʼ hólǫ́, dóó Bóhólníihii tʼáá ałtsoní íidoolííł nízinígíí yikʼeh hółʼį́, áłchíní bizhéʼé yikʼeh hółʼínígi átʼéego.LDS LDS
1 And now behold, I say unto you that when the Lord shall see fit, in his wisdom, that these sayings shall acome unto the Gentiles according to his word, then ye may know that the bcovenant which the Father hath made with the children of Israel, concerning their restoration to the clands of their inheritance, is already beginning to be fulfilled.
1 Jó dóó kʼad, ánihidishní Bóhólníihii yaa ntsékeesígíí, dóó ádííniidę́ę bikʼehgo díí náádaháasdzooígíí Gentile dineʼé bichʼįʼ kódadoolnííł, ákódzaago nihił béédahodoozįįł aTaaʼ Israel baʼáłchíní yił ałhadaʼdeestʼánę́ę, díí kéyah ałkʼidą́ą́ʼ yee diníʼánę́ę baa ndeetʼaahígíí éí tʼáá íídą́ą́ʼ hahoolzhiizh dooleeł.LDS LDS
Being well-prepared to preach is like wearing “shoes” that fit you well.
Tsʼídá hazhóʼó biniyé hashtʼéédiitʼįįhgo éí “ké” nizhónígo hwíighahgo bee nijighá nahalin.jw2019 jw2019
29 And it shall come to pass, when the Lord seeth fit in his wisdom that they shall minister unto all the ascattered tribes of Israel, and unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, and shall bring out of them unto Jesus many souls, that their desire may be fulfilled, and also because of the convincing power of God which is in them.
29 Áádóó baa hodoolzhish, Bóhólníihii yaa ntsékeesígíí bikʼehgo Israel bidineʼé taooskai yę́ę ałtso ndeidínóotį́į́ł, dóó índa ałʼąą dóoneʼé bił nahazʼą́ągo, ałkʼéí danidlíinii bitahgóó, ałʼąą dabizaadii dóó diné danilíinii bitahgóó naʼnitin kódeidoolííł, dóó áádę́ę́ʼ diné daʼoosdląądígíí Jesus yaa deidiyooʼish, áko deinízinę́ę ałtso bá bidaʼdoolnííł, dóó ałdóʼ Diyin God bibee adziilii bee akʼeh hodidlíinii biiʼnaazláhígíí bikʼehgo.LDS LDS
He says: “I studied the Bible and studied and studied some more, and the pieces started to fit together.
Ájíní: “Diyin Bizaad nibéhéstsaadgo bee naʼádinéshtą́ą́ʼ, áádóó tʼáá ałtso shá ahiih yíkai.jw2019 jw2019
True disciples of Christ are not looking to make excuses for the doctrine when it doesn’t fit the world’s current concepts.
Christ t’áa’aaníí bá naazį́į daats’í bina’nitin dóo akót’é daaníi da, dóoni’ éí ni’ bikáa’ akót’áo nitséhakées da.LDS LDS
He felt like he didn’t fit in with the students in his high school.
Ółta’di éí tséiłkéi doo bił ahééh danisht’éida yiniizį́į́’.LDS LDS
6 The breastplate of a Roman soldier was often made of horizontal strips of iron that were bent to fit around his chest.
6 Rome bisiláo éí bijéítsʼiingi dah sitánígíí béésh naaniigo bąą dah naaztą́ągo yee ndaakaigo ádaalyaa.jw2019 jw2019
Fits of Anger, Violence: Uncontrolled anger can lead to acts of violence.
Ákʼeejildlaʼ, Doo Tsʼíidii: Ákʼeejildlaʼgo éí doo yitsʼíídgo ádaʼalʼíníí bee baa hwiitʼééh.jw2019 jw2019
11 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.