good evening oor Navajo

good evening

Used as a greeting in the evening.

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nizhónígo hííłchʼįʼ neeʼaʼdooleeł

greeting said in the evening

yáʼátʼééh iʼííʼą́

greeting said in the evening

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Each felt that the seed was good, even felt the swelling in our hearts, and experienced joy as our hearts and minds seemed to expand.
Éí dóo dajitsáadoo índa bił háhalzhish da!LDS LDS
It says again and again that we are going to be blessed for our desire to do good, even as we actually strive to be so.
Dóó díí kótʼáo éí baa naʼasogo baa naashá.LDS LDS
14 Being modest will help us to make good decisions even when we cannot know or control exactly how things will turn out.
Diyin Bizaad—Haʼátʼíísh Biiʼ Baa Haneʼ?jw2019 jw2019
BIBLE EXAMPLE FOR MEDITATION: The apostle Paul recognized John Mark’s good qualities, even though John Mark had disappointed him earlier. —Ac 13:13; 15:37, 38; 2Ti 4:11.
Shí łada doo hózhǫ́ shi ts’á’di’nídíin da nisin łeh.jw2019 jw2019
(James 1:17) He holds back nothing good from mankind, even at great cost to himself.—Ephesians 2:4-7.
Aooʼ, tʼáá shį́į́ aaníí nááʼdiijeeh bee yídóojiiłii átʼé, iiʼsizíinii éí doodago atsʼíís dóó ayiʼsizíinii hózhǫ́ǫjįʼ éí doodago doo ił hózhǫ́ǫ́jígo bidaʼiiłníhígíí, saad bee shił hóóneʼígíí bikʼehgo.jw2019 jw2019
Mt 9:35-38 —Love for people moved Jesus to preach the good news even when he was tired and to pray for God to send more workers (“felt pity” study note on Mt 9:36, nwtsty)
Yisda’iinííł yiniitą́’, Nihił bééhózingo ádidii’nííł, “Ałtso éí ła doonííł.”jw2019 jw2019
Christoph says, “Jehovah sent me good advisers, and I listened to Him, even if it took some time.”
Haʼátʼíísh biniinaa edaʼalyaii doo bichʼįʼ nahwiidláa da?—Psalm 115:4-8.jw2019 jw2019
Even though Rehoboam did some good things, the Bible says about his rule: “He did what was bad.”
15 Áádóóyáʼąąshgóó nínáánádzáago—naaki góneʼ hachʼįʼ ííshjání áʼdiilyaa, dóó aTaaʼ yichʼįʼ náádzá, ałtso hadaałtʼéego áńdahoodlaago, dóó ndanitłʼah yę́ę, dóó doo daʼooʼínę́ę dadeezghal dóó doo dadiitsʼaʼą́ą ńdaʼdiiztsʼą́ą́ʼ, dóó tsʼídá ałtso bąąh dah nahazʼáanii hadaałtʼéego ánáyiidlaa ndi, dóó diné łaʼ ádinę́ę nínéidiisą́, dóó beʼadziil ííshjání áyiilaa, dóó aTaaʼ yichʼįʼ deigo dah nahodiidleʼ—jw2019 jw2019
21 In this old system, even what people call the good life is short.
Hazhǫ́’ogo diyin God bizaad jołtá dóó baah nisijíkeesgo t’éíya nizhǫ́nigo hw’é’oodlą́ bidziil doo.jw2019 jw2019
Instead, she talks about something positive, such as the good results that our preaching has even though some react in a negative way.
díí bee éé’diitį́į́h ááh yił nínígíí t’áała’í níizį́nigo nihá náasdi hazhó’ó diyiníí bik’ehgo ánalyaa.jw2019 jw2019
The world in which we live is putting great pressure on good people everywhere to lower or even abandon their standards of righteous living.
28 Jew dineʼé ałdóʼ yitaadaakai dooleeł, dóó doo Jew dineʼé béédahósin da dooleeł.LDS LDS
Even if those initiating a celebration have good intentions, the celebration may not be approved by God.
Haʼátʼíísh Biniyé New World Translation Ádeiilyaa?jw2019 jw2019
17 Even so every agood tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Haʼátʼíishąʼ Áłah Nídeidleehgi Baa Ákodíníízįįł?LDS LDS
Instead of worrying, we can focus on the good things we have now and wait patiently for even better things in the future.
32 Aooʼ, wóshdę́ę́ʼ Christ baahohkááh, dóó binahjįʼ hadanołtʼéego adanihiʼdilneʼ, dóó bąąhági átʼéii átsʼádahidohtʼaah; dóó tʼáá aaníí bąąhági átʼéii atsʼádahisidohtʼą́ągo, dóó niheʼadziilii, dóó nihintsékees, dóó tʼáá átʼé bee, nihiDiyin God ayóí íínóhʼníigo, áko éí bidiyingo joobaʼ nihikʼéstiʼ, áko bidiyingo joobaʼ binahjįʼ Christ biiʼ hadanołtʼéego ánihidiʼdoolnííł; dóó Diyin God bidiyingo joobaʼ bee Christ biiʼ hadanołtʼéego ánihiʼdiilyaago, éí tsʼídá Diyin God bibee adziilii doo yidoohdląąłígíí doo nihá bíighah da.jw2019 jw2019
IN WORD: We zealously preach the good news of God’s established Kingdom with Christ as King, even in the face of ridicule
Háálá bee yah ahóótʼiʼígíí éí iiná łahgo álnééh dóó tó bee alzį́į́h, dóó índa kǫʼ dóó Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii bee nihibąąhági átʼéii nahjįʼ kóohłaago nihaa ńdidootʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
It is good to have goals and plans for our careers, for our education, even for our golf game.
Hashtł’ísh náábałí bikáá’ niitłíh gi’at’áo, nihí ałdó’ ałníi’gi ńsiidzį́h.LDS LDS
8, 9. (a) Even though Paul had suffered an injustice in Philippi, what good happened because of those events?
Haʼátʼíí biniyé Jesus éí God íinízinígíí bíká sodadołzin níigo naʼneeztą́ą́ʼ?jw2019 jw2019
Even so, she enjoys preaching using the telephone and has some good return visits.
T’áa’aníít’é eíí tsíłkéí bá baa laanáá daníizin Wilford Woodruff nahálingo áda’doolííł, éí Aaronic Bibee’ádziil bee hólǫ́ǫgo Jesus Christ bá hane’ yá’at’éehii bidzíilgo yee na’nítingo í’diyíildee’.jw2019 jw2019
Even though Jehovah is kind to “both the wicked and the good,” he is especially kind toward his faithful servants.
Bílaʼashdlaʼii éí kʼé yee dahwéeʼaah doogi, doo yídaneelʼą́ą da. Ákondi Naatʼáanii Mesáíyah éí kʼé bee Hózhǫ́ǫ́jí Yinantʼáii wolyé.jw2019 jw2019
We might even think that to be controlling, manipulative, and harsh will be for the good of others.
—Naaltsoos Acts wóltaʼii 11:22dóó wóltaʼii 28:31jįʼ biiʼ baa haneʼ.LDS LDS
Perhaps that is why at Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah arranged for “devout Jews from every nation under heaven” to hear the good news in their “own native language,” even though they likely spoke a common language, such as Hebrew or Greek.
Díí dineʼé éí “Ízrel” yee yiyíízhiʼ, áádóó Ízrel dineʼé tʼááʼaanínígíí oodląʼ dóó bizaad éí yaa ádahalyą́ą doo biniyé hąąh niilyá.jw2019 jw2019
The point is that even though you and your brother are different, you can focus on his good qualities.
Diné díí yee dahinánii dóo nináhalyé yii’ da’íidoołwósh da.jw2019 jw2019
Even though she was in the truth, she focused on getting higher education and a good job.
Akǫ́ǫ́ Yéshmish bisin dóó bee adoot’ááł dóoła’ biláahgo at’éhi da, ła’ haijéé’ dóó yił ałk’is danilį́į, bił dahózhǫ́ǫ nihighagi ałhíhiikááh, dóó áłchiní dabiinéiigo?jw2019 jw2019
Even though they are not perfect, they try very hard to develop good qualities and to do what Jehovah wants them to do.
Diyin God ayóó’ajónóo, bá nijilnish łeh.jw2019 jw2019
Even if our relatives never accept the truth, we can be happy knowing that our good conduct pleases Jehovah.
Bíhwiidooʼáłígíí 8 góneʼ biniinaaígíí hazhóʼó bíhwiidiilʼááł.—2 Peter 2:9; 3:7, 13 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
34 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.