great-aunt oor Navajo


The sister or sister-in-law of one’s grandparent, aunt of one’s parent.

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amá sání

aunt of one’s parent


aunt of one’s parent

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As Eva grew older, she often thought of the words of her great-aunt Rose.
Éí shį́į́ sodizin bá hooghangóne’ yah’azhdínóochééł biniiyé.LDS LDS
Great-Aunt Rose lived there alone; she had never married.
Tį́’ kógi’nídiit’ásh.LDS LDS
At first she didn’t pay much attention to Great-Aunt Rose.
Áko diyingo ndaalʼaʼí ayóó átʼéego bił dahóozhǫǫd!LDS LDS
Before Eva knew it, Great-Aunt Rose said it would soon be time for Eva to return home.
Nihí t’áá’aaníí binahjį’ deiíltsą́nígíí Ázhe’é dóó Áye’ baa nihił hódoolą́ą́ł dóó bee didiigóhgo náhonitł’á hodoolééł.LDS LDS
And besides, she didn’t even know Great-Aunt Rose.
27 Dóó díí éí tʼáá ałtso hódzáaniikʼehgo dóó hazhóʼó ałkééʼ sinilgo ádaołʼį́į dooleeł; háálá diné éí bidziilii yiláahgo yilwoł doo bee bá hazʼą́ą da.LDS LDS
So Eva’s parents were sending her to spend the summer with Great-Aunt Rose.
Díí ałdóʼ baa sodadiilzin doo; nihichʼiyąʼ, nihinaanish, nihił hazʼą́ągi, nihiʼééʼ bee hadíníitʼéhígíí dóó nihitsʼíístah áhootʼéhígi.LDS LDS
So Eva packed up a suitcase and took the long drive with her father to Great-Aunt Rose’s house.
(John 17:3; Mark 12:29) Jesus éí Biyeʼ áłtsé yizhchíinii nilı̨́, dóó bí éí God yiyaadóó dah sidá.LDS LDS
With her mind now at ease about her mother, Eva began to notice Great-Aunt Rose a little more.
God biNahatʼaʼ éí bílaʼashdlaʼii binahatʼaʼ haidoolííł?LDS LDS
Over time, Eva made a surprising discovery: Great-Aunt Rose was quite possibly the happiest person she had ever known!
Jiihóvah Yá Dahalneʼé áłtsé Diyin God Bizaad Yaa Daʼółtaʼii dabidiʼníigo bee béédahoʼdílzin ńtʼééʼ.LDS LDS
She realized she was actually going to miss this strange old house with the stalker cat and her beloved great-aunt Rose.
Tsé dóó chił biyi’chí’nishwod dóó shé’asdzą́ą́ bizééshíshchidgo yíinishtą́.LDS LDS
Soon Eva made another startling discovery: not only was Great-Aunt Rose one of the happiest persons she knew, but Eva herself was happier whenever she was around her.
“Dóó ínóolta’í ndeidiyooléełgoo aheeskai, t’áa kintáh ndábi’dizhchį́įgi.LDS LDS
Eva was silent, so Great-Aunt Rose continued: “There is enough that doesn’t go right in life, so anyone can work themselves into a puddle of pessimism and a mess of melancholy.
Nihił hoogáłígíí háísh íiyisíí yee ádíhólnííh?LDS LDS
And one day, as she was standing in her own home, admiring a painting of a girl in pioneer dress skipping down a bright blue path, she realized that somehow she had reached the same age her great-aunt Rose was during that remarkable summer.
O jishcháá’, nihóneezná lá haají?LDS LDS
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