head oor Navajo


/hɛd/, /hεd/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Of, relating to, or intended for the head.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


part of the body


part of the body
Swadesh Lists


The part of the body of an animal or human which contains the brain, mouth and main sense organs.


part of the body

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


A surname, from residence near a hilltop or the head of a river, or a byname for someone with an odd-looking head.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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Soortgelyke frases

lesser yellow-headed vulture
Jeeshóóʼ bitsiiłtsooí
car head
Yellow-headed Blackbird
yellow-headed blackbird
Grey-headed Albatross
Tónteel tsídiitsoh bitsiiʼ łibáhígíí
Big-headed Turtle
Chʼééh digháhii bitsiiʼntsxaaígíí
head chef
chʼiyáán ííłʼíní
head cook
chʼiyáán ííłʼíní


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“And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
8 Kʼad tʼááłáhádi daatsʼí diné náádidoojahgo bee nihootʼą́ągo éí doo bíhólníih da; háálá doo tʼáá ahąąh dazhninée da, díí éí doo bíhólníih da; tʼáá ałtso oolkiłígíí éí Diyin God tʼááłaʼajį́ bił nahalin, dóó diné tʼéiyá oolkiłígíí yikʼehgo naaghá.LDS LDS
A kingdom is a government that is headed by a king.
Sozdilzingo “The Living Christ” jółta’go éí Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, dóó Gáamalii Binaaltsoos yii’ hadahaasdzíí’yę́ę jółta’ nahalin.jw2019 jw2019
A Roman soldier wore a helmet to protect his head, neck, and face.
Ná hool’áo binahast’ą́ ba’íinilí.jw2019 jw2019
Together they have labored with love to make the promise of the Savior to Emma Smith come true: “For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads” (D&C 25:12).
God bízhiʼ haa wolyé, áádóó haʼátʼíí biniyé bízhiʼ choiniilʼı̨́į doo?LDS LDS
PRINCIPLE: “The plans of the diligent surely lead to success, but all who are hasty surely head for poverty.” —Proverbs 21:5.
Yinííł Nidaheeztį́’jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah told Zechariah to place the crown on the head of High Priest Joshua.
T’áa’aniit’é nida’ayéelzíí’.jw2019 jw2019
Lu 12:7 —Jehovah’s intimate knowledge of us reveals his keen interest in us (“even the hairs of your head are all numbered” study note on Lu 12:7, nwtsty)
Bábilan bidáńʼdítı̨́hígíí ayóó áníłtso dóó tooh nílı̨́įgo bichʼą́ą́h hólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
My mother’s prayers for that blessing were answered on my head.
Diyin God Aláahdi Átʼéii nízhiʼ baa dahwiiʼniih!LDS LDS
13 Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the asign be given, and on the bmorrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be cspoken by the mouth of my holy prophets.
1 Áádóó dah diikai, dóó Diyin God bizaad diné yee ndeidíníitą́ą́ʼ, bisodizin bá dahooghangóó, dóó dabighan góneʼ yił yah dahakáahgo; aooʼ, dóó kintah daʼnítiingóó ndi Diyin God bizaad yee ndaʼneeztą́ą́ʼ.LDS LDS
He will thus eventually bruise the serpent “in the head,” crushing him out of existence. —Hebrews 2:14.
Ééʼ daʼílínígíí doodaiiʼ nidaashchʼąąʼígíí doo nihee hólǫ́ da ndi, yáʼátʼéehgo ééʼ chin bąąh ádinígíí nihee hólǫ́ ndi yáʼátʼéeh.jw2019 jw2019
“And again, inasmuch as parents have children in Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized, that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents.
Ánihiilaii éí sodizin tʼáá nihiyiʼdi ádiiʼniid ndi yididootsʼı̨́įłgo átʼé.LDS LDS
What responsibility rests on family heads?
Shitsilí dóó shideezhí, ayóó’ádanihwíí’níi’ní, nizhónígo nantsídeekees, dóó ná sodadiilzin.jw2019 jw2019
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.
hashtʼéé hodoonííł?jw2019 jw2019
Raising the head with pillows may help to prevent the patient from gagging.
Jesus éí Séítan nahóhoneeztą́ąʼ ndi God bitsʼą́ąjįʼ tʼáadoo kójiidzaa da.jw2019 jw2019
After that Satan struck Job with “a malignant boil from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.”—Job 1:7-19; 2:7.
Monson díí Damǫǫ biyi’ nihich’į’ hadíídzih shidíí-niid.jw2019 jw2019
If he has time, continue the conversation, using a point under the heading “What Else Can We Learn From the Bible?”
Nichʼooní yaa nitsíkeesígíí baa ákonínízingo ‘baa aʼááh nínízin . . . índa aʼohgo ádaa nitsíníkees.’jw2019 jw2019
8 And under this head ye are made afree, and there is bno other head whereby ye can be made free.
Monson dóó shí Air Force One bii’ hadóoh’aash níhi’ doo’niidchidí naat’a’í Kéyahgi La’í danilį́į́ bi Naat’áanii nizhóní yee’.LDS LDS
I thought to myself, ‘If I am going to be my wife’s spiritual head, I have to do something.’”
Háiidígíí sin God ayóóʼádabóʼnínígíí yíká análwoʼgi, dóó yaa áhályą́ągi ííshjání ííłʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
Daniel explained that the parts of the image represented a long succession of world powers, starting with Babylon as the head of gold.
Tʼáá nihí haʼátʼíí shı̨́ı̨́ yáʼádaatʼéehii índa doo yáʼádaatʼéehii bee ádá nahwiitʼáago bikʼeh yiitʼash doo, jiniizı̨́ı̨́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
The six men with smashing weapons represent the heavenly armies with Christ at the head
Bee nihoolzish éí nihee’oodlą́ Jesus Christ éí binahjį́ yisdáiidéeh.jw2019 jw2019
How can family heads decide which language congregation the family will attend?
25 Áádóó kéyah bee ahaʼdeetʼánígíí bikáaʼgi, doo kééhatʼínígi neiikaigo, naaldlooshii ałʼąą átʼáo deiiltsą́, béégashii dóó bedaałtʼéhígíí, tʼáá áła, índa télii dóó łį́į́ʼ, índa tłʼízí dóó tłʼízí daʼałchinígíí, dóó naaldlooshii ałʼąą ádaatʼéii, diné choodoołʼįįłígíí bikʼídaniitą́ą́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
What responsibility do family heads have?
Shí “ts’ídá” ádishnǫ́ǫ, Nihizhé’é Diyin God Bi’tsi’ danoolį́ bininaa nihijéínízaagóyaa yidiyeesnáá’.jw2019 jw2019
“I keep playing that night over and over again in my head,” she says.
15 Shiblon éí senum ałnííʼdóó átʼé; éí bąą, shiblon éí tłʼoh naadą́ą́ʼ adeeʼé ałníʼnéélʼąądgo bą́ą́h ílį́.jw2019 jw2019
But the most important lesson is that the head of the Christian congregation is Jesus Christ, not any man.
’Amá dóó azhé’é niidlį́nigii ei sodizin bidzil’igii ei niha ’áłchíní yee naazi doo.jw2019 jw2019
At the end of your conversation, ask the question on the back under the heading “To Think About”: “What will life be like under the rule of God’s Kingdom?”
Baah áko niizį́į́’ nihi sódizin Nihizhé’é Yá’ąąshdi Hólóonii biye’ Jesus Christ bizhį́ binahjį́ nihik’idahojídlí łeh, ázha łahda doo nihił bee dáhozin ndi.jw2019 jw2019
64 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.