healed oor Navajo


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Simple past tense and past participle of heal.

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The Gospel of Matthew explains that Jesus healed the people “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses” (Matthew 8:17).
Kéyah bibeehazʼą́ąnii bikʼeh honiłʼı̨́.LDS LDS
When you approach the elders, they will use the Scriptures and offer heartfelt prayers to soothe your heart, lessen or remove your negative feelings, and help you to heal spiritually. —James 5:14-16.
6 Kéyah Tʼáadoo bee Honóoshóní Koshídę́ę́ʼ bił Hoolzhish!jw2019 jw2019
The Spirit heals and renews our souls.
Dóó doo łaʼ biniiyé áshtʼį́įda tʼáá hazhóʼó nihitsʼíís dóó nihiyiʼsizíinii yáʼátʼéehgo bił hazʼą́ą dooleełígíí tʼéiyá.LDS LDS
Mr 2:6-12 —Jesus proved that he has authority to forgive sins by healing the paralytic (“Which is easier” study note on Mr 2:9, nwtsty)
Tʼáá ahą́ą́h ałhá náhoołʼaahgi tʼáadoo baa náyohʼnahíjw2019 jw2019
Jehovah is eager to comfort us and to heal our emotional wounds.
Éíbraham baʼáłchíní kʼeeʼąą dínéestʼą́.jw2019 jw2019
After being shipwrecked on Malta, he no doubt took the opportunity to share the good news with those he healed.
Éí Éí Nephi Biyeʼ—Jesus Christ Łaʼ Yikééʼ Naazínígííjw2019 jw2019
13 But wickedness did prevail upon the face of the whole land, insomuch that the Lord did take away his abeloved disciples, and the work of miracles and of healing did cease because of the iniquity of the people.
26 Dóó yíi háíshį́į́ díí nahjįʼ kodajiilaaígíí dazneeznáago doo há yáʼátʼéeh da dooleeł, háálá bąąhági átʼéii baa jookahgo dazneezná, dóó Diyin God bił hazʼą́ądi yisdánáhizhdookahgo éí doo bíighah da; dóó díí éí Christ ánínígíí bikʼehgo yáshtiʼ; dóó doo éí shiyoochʼíid da.LDS LDS
She wanted to be healed, so she touched Jesus’ clothing.
Ałtsé doo bił yá’át’ééhda ndi dóó bik’is t’áádíkwíí’íyee’ áyiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
Magical Spells and Spiritism: Some people call on the power of the spirits to try to heal sicknesses.
Áádóó éí beehániihíí doo nantł’á da, dóó eíí benásh-niihgo doo nantł’agóó baa hasti’íí benáshníihgo eíí lą’í nááhai.jw2019 jw2019
Sickness: Jesus was well-known for his ability to heal the blind and the lame, as well as those suffering from epilepsy, leprosy, or any other sort of infirmity.
Háísh átʼı̨́ nínízin?—Aooʼ, Jiihóvah God.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus healed a leper. —Mt 8:1-3
God biNahatʼaʼshąʼ haʼátʼíí nihá niidoolééł?—Psalm 72.jw2019 jw2019
Paradoxically, in order to have a healed and faithful heart, we must first allow it to break before the Lord.
Łáʼí dah yiihkahígíísh haʼátʼíí bee łahdę́ę́ʼ oodlání dah yikahígíí bił áłʼąą ániitʼé?LDS LDS
2 Some people say that time can heal all wounds.
Diyin bizaad baa íídéeshtah nisin tʼóó bididííniił.jw2019 jw2019
I share with you a portion of this sister’s testimony of the healing power of repentance: “How does someone go from being one of the lost sheep and gripped by [sin], to this peace and happiness we now feel?
11 Shí, Enos, díí saad disétsʼą́ąʼgo dóó bikʼijįʼ, Bóhólníihii yinishdlánígíí tsʼídá doo nahjįʼ kódooníił da silį́į́ʼ; dóó ląʼída nízaadgóó tiʼhooshníihgo Laman bidineʼé dashikʼisóó bá sodeeszin.LDS LDS
He healed the blind and the speechless. —Mt 9:27-34
Nízhi’ yee hósin t’áá Bá yáłti’í Joseph bízhi’ yee yiyíí-zhi’í gi’át’áo nléí yił yit’į́ í’diilyaadą́ą́’.jw2019 jw2019
6 Yea, awo unto him that shall deny the revelations of the Lord, and that shall say the Lord no longer worketh by revelation, or by prophecy, or by bgifts, or by tongues, or by healings, or by the power of the Holy Ghost!
23 Ádaadin yę́ę daneeznáádę́ę́ʼ náábidiʼdooljah.LDS LDS
The Book of Mormon records His healing those “that were afflicted in any manner” (3 Nephi 17:9).
Díí bichʼįʼ hoolzhish, Jesus Naatʼáanii nilı̨́įgo tiʼhooʼnííh dóó atídaʼałʼínígíí bibee íhólníihii yee ałtso íidoołdįįł.LDS LDS
Lu 17:11-14 —Jesus healed ten lepers (“ten men with leprosy” study note on Lu 17:12, nwtsty; “show yourselves to the priests” study note on Lu 17:14, nwtsty)
Bí dóó bíká anájahígíí hótsaa góne’ naat’áanii stake dayoo’ishígíí dóó bishops dóó náánáła’ bisodizin bá hooghan nida’nitin’igíí ahíikai.jw2019 jw2019
A physical wound needs time and tender care in order to heal.
Ámá dóó ázhé’é niiłį́nigii ei niha ałchini sodizin béé naniitin.jw2019 jw2019
While on earth, Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick, and restored life to the dead!
Bidine’é eíí yaa náyooskąn “ákwe’é la’ doo ahił saa hólǫní da, ndi náasee’ anáá’ t’ááła’ígo yee yinéł’į́, t’ááła’í yooglą’ dóó t’ááła’í tó bee álzį́į́h, bijéí t’ááła’íi bee yisdł’ǫ dóó yee ayóó’áda’óhó’níigo” (Mosiah 18:21).jw2019 jw2019
In the New Testament, a father asked the Savior to heal his child.
Jesus éí hweʼanaʼí tʼáadoo nátʼą́ą́ʼ atíníʼjiidlaa da.LDS LDS
Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that bmy wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil.
5 Dóó naakitsʼáadah Jesus yikééʼ naazínígíí éí ląʼída naanish ayóó átʼéii ádayiilaa; áko índa bitah dahoneezgaiígíí bitah yáʼádahootʼéehgo áńdayiidlaa dóó daneeznánę́ędóʼ dahináago áńdayiidlaa, dóó doo ndaakai yę́ę éí ndaakaigo áńdayiidlaa índa doo daʼooʼínę́ę, daʼooʼį́įgo áńdayiidlaa, dóó bijééhdaakałę́ę éí daʼdiitsʼaʼgo áńdayiidlaa; dóó álílee tsʼídá tʼáá ałtso ałʼąą ádaatʼéego éí bílaʼashdlaʼii baʼáłchíní bitahgóó yee ndaalnish ńtʼę́ę́ʼ; dóó Jesus bízhiʼ binahjįʼ tʼéiyá díí álílee yee ndaalnish ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.LDS LDS
CONSIDER: Why would Jesus heal people who were sick if sickness and suffering were deserved punishments from God?
Nídi t’áa doole’é diyiníí nihe’íina’ biih yiilyéehgo, nihí, ts’ída, nihokáajį’ ch’íídááh, t’óó nahalin, áádi nihichį’ nínááhodii’nááh.jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps it was because of his victory over the Assyrians or because Jehovah had healed him.
Eíí bąą, diyinjí ayóó’ó’ó’ní yínóhtą’go, éiyá ts’ída aláahdi at’é, háálá t’áá ałtsoní a’óh daneel’ą́ą doo—jw2019 jw2019
Because of His atoning experience in mortality, our Savior is able to comfort, heal, and strengthen all men and women everywhere, but I believe He does so only for those who seek Him and ask for His help.
Bich’e’é alą́ąjį’íí olta’góó bi’níłnii’, Jen bine’ hanályįįh niidzį́į́’.LDS LDS
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