his kingdom oor Navajo

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God promised that Jesus would become the King of His Kingdom.
7 Háálá diné tʼóó ahayóígíí biniinaa aláahdi naatʼáanii Benjamin Diyin God bighan tsé binázʼáhígíí biyiʼ tʼáá átʼé neidínóotįįłgo doo bíighah da, éí bąą wódahdi dah azką́ągo bá ályaa, áko áádóó diné saad yee yichʼįʼ hadoodzihígíí deididootsʼį́į́ł.jw2019 jw2019
The prophecy in Daniel chapter 4 teaches us that God would set up his Kingdom in 1914.
Háísh éí God Átʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
Through his Kingdom, Jehovah will soon end the suffering of each individual.
6 áádóó, táadi azlį́įʼgo índa haʼoodzíʼígíí iinééʼ deidiiztsʼą́ą́ʼ doo yikʼidaʼdiitą́; dóó kóbiʼdooʼniid;jw2019 jw2019
“I shall certainly establish the throne of his kingdom firmly to time indefinite.” —2 Samuel 7:13
Joseph Smith Diyin Bizaad ániid áníyiidlaayę́ę yee na’neeztą́ą́’: “Áko asdzání áádóó God yaahaznih, áádóó yoosdląąd.15jw2019 jw2019
Asa was determined to remove false worship from his kingdom
Jiihóvah éí nihił haʼólní, béédahodiilzįįł, dóó nihinaatʼáanii ádadiilnííł biniyé yá hazʼą́ągo hoolzhish.jw2019 jw2019
He could see that the religious leaders were not teaching the truth about God and his Kingdom.
Ákondi náasdi iiná ná chohooʼínígíí éí doo náánáłaʼ ánínígíí biniinaa niʼ kódíílííł da.—Proverbs 29:25; Revelation 14:6, 7 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Two, Jehovah will use his Kingdom to bring all the benefits of the ransom to obedient humans.
21 Dóó wónáásdóó nínaaí tʼahdii nikʼijįʼ nilį́įgo dooleeł, Bóhólníihii bichʼįʼ dádiʼdoolkał.jw2019 jw2019
We more fully come to know the Lord as we serve Him and labor in His kingdom.
2 Dóó díí Jesus Christ bee ahił dahojilneʼ, daaztsą́ągo bee ééhózin doo haʼnínę́ę éí hoł ííshjání ályaaígíí bee ahił dahojilneʼ.LDS LDS
God will eliminate sickness and death, unite mankind under his Kingdom government, and make the earth a paradise
“Díí atsé dóó aláadi beehaz’ą́ at’é.jw2019 jw2019
Under his Kingdom, a heavenly government, people will not “learn war anymore.”
Ła’ haz’á éí doodáo naaki?jw2019 jw2019
20 Very soon, God will destroy all wickedness and his Kingdom will rule over the earth.
10 Jiihóvah haitʼéego nihikʼé nináʼídlá?jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 22:28-30; Revelation 5:9, 10) Jesus called these corulers in his Kingdom a “little flock.”
“Ííshjaah chį́į́diitahdę́ę́’ nichį́ bizee’ ąą’ádzaahgo, díí nił bee hózin doo, shiyé, díí ts’ídá t’aa’ałsoh bóhodiiłaal biniyé, áko díí ná yá’át’ééh doo.jw2019 jw2019
How did Jesus make it clear that his Kingdom would be no part of this world?
Eldir Taiichi Aoba Tsosts’ídiindóó, éí Shikoku, Japan, nléí dziłtahdí t’áa dikwíhi hooghandóó naagháh, nooséłi áłah silį́į’gi ndi’niitį́į́ł bi’doonííd.jw2019 jw2019
What we do for Jehovah and his Kingdom will make us truly happy.
Jesus taah hoʼdooltʼeʼ yę́ędą́ą́ʼ éí Mesáíyah [Christ] jizlı̨́ı̨́ʼjw2019 jw2019
(2 Chronicles 11:16, 17) So because Rehoboam obeyed Jehovah, his kingdom became stronger.
Díí ááhyiłnínígíí éí God bił ałchʼóoʼní nínízin ládą́ą́ʼ, tsʼídá tʼáá ákótʼéego bichʼįʼ nahadlá bíhwiidííłʼááł.—Matthew 7:13, 14.jw2019 jw2019
Do not get involved in the political affairs of the nations; they do not support Jehovah and his Kingdom.
Ízrel Dineʼé Naatʼáanii Dajííkeedjw2019 jw2019
When Asa became king of Judah, he was determined to remove false worship and disgusting sexual immorality from his kingdom.
Diyin God Bizaad éí 1,600 dóó baʼaan nááhaijįʼ bikʼeʼalchíigo ályaa, daʼníłtsʼą́ą́dę́ę́ʼ dízdiin bíighahgo hastóí yikʼedaʼashchı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
So the king was willing to pay the price of one-half his kingdom in order to spare his own life.
Díí bílaʼashdlaʼii yichʼį ndahwiiłnánígíí éí tʼóó kónígháníjįʼ báhadziih.—Revelation 12:12.LDS LDS
But the Lord is building His kingdom quietly through His faithful and humble servants, with little fanfare, toward its glorious millennial future.
20 Áádóó, aooʼ, tsʼídá, tʼáá ałtsoní, Diyin God yá dahalneʼii yaa dahoolneʼę́ę bidaʼalyaa.LDS LDS
Then He had to rebuke some of the brethren because they were arguing about who would be the greatest in His kingdom.
Áłhił ndáalnishgo Yisda’íinííł Emma Smith yee yich’į’ haadzí’ę́ę t’áa’aaníí behódoolnííł: “shi ga’ ajéí biyi’dę́ę́’ sinígíí baa shił hóneení, aoo’, diyin k’ehgo yigálii bisin bisódizin at’é, dóó bitsiits’íín bikáá’jį’ ak’ihójidlį́ kódeeshłííł” (D&C 25:12).LDS LDS
(Philippians 3:14) In heaven, they will rule with Jesus Christ in his Kingdom and work with him to help humans become perfect.
13 Diyin Bizaad bikʼidiʼdootı̨́ı̨́ł.jw2019 jw2019
We have come to this earth to help build His kingdom and to prepare for the Second Coming of His Son, Jesus Christ.
ÍłhasóhgoLDS LDS
I could feel it, but I could not see the extent and the timing of the Lord’s intentions to build and glorify His kingdom.
Daneeznánée Dabiníłchʼi Níká Adoojahísh Doodaiiʼ Atíndoolííłgósh Átʼé?LDS LDS
He kindly asks us to trust in him and to wait patiently for the time that he has already set for his Kingdom to rule the earth.
23 Dóó tʼáá hazhóʼó tsʼídá yéigo bikʼeʼeschʼíiʼgo bichʼįʼ yátiʼ, daʼahijigą́ baa haneʼ dóó áhodoonííł haʼnínígíí, dóó ałkʼijįʼ ídlį́, dóó dahodoochxǫǫł, dóó ndaʼdootsił haʼníigo áłahjįʼ bee béédabijíłníihgo, dóó hoolʼáágóó iiná haa nízahígíí, dóó Diyin God bibee ánihwiitʼaah dóó bibee adziilii, díí tʼáá ałtso bił hóóneʼ—áłahjįʼ Bóhólníihii béédaałdzid biʼdiʼníigo bił naʼanish.jw2019 jw2019
And all those who want to obey God and accept his Kingdom will see every promise of God come true. —Revelation 20:1-3; 21:3-5.
Internet biiʼdę́ę́ʼ nihaa íhodííłʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
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