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The United States home front during World War II, supported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of volunteer efforts and submitting to government-managed rationing and price c
Die Heimatfront der Vereinigten Staaten während des Zweiten Weltkriegs unterstützte die Kriegsbemühungen in vielerlei Hinsicht, einschließlich einer breiten Palette von Freiwilligenbemühungen · The United States home front during World War II, supported the war effort in many ways, including a wide range of volunteer efforts and submitting to government-managed rationing and price c · 第二次世界大戦中の米国の家庭は、広範なボランティア活動や政府管理の配給や価格cへの提出など、さまざまな形で戦争の努力を支えてきました
among them, included among


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The trials of this earth—including illness and death—are a part of the plan of salvation and are inevitable experiences.
Yah adeeshááł bee shá hoo’á’, ndi ła’ hastįį badi’ni’ą́, éí ts’ída índa Ataa’ Bíghan góne’ be’asdzą́ą́ yił ahíbi’diiljééh, yah aninááh bidishní.LDS LDS
You need a training plan, which includes disciplining your children.
Ayóó Áhonóolin Yę́ę Haa Náádiilyájw2019 jw2019
The only indigenous mammals are a few species of bats and some large marine mammals, including whales and dolphins.
“Áko ádaʼahidooʼniid, Haaʼíshąʼ, díí doo nidahidiidǫ́ǫs da, nidi háí bííʼ dooleeł biniyé yááʼiiltʼeʼ baa nidiikah.jw2019 jw2019
In it he discussed experiments into the nature of light, including how light splits into its constituent colors, reflects off mirrors, and bends when passing from one medium into another.
4 Jó áko, Nephi éí tó yee iisį́įhgo, dóó náás ádahodooníiłii yaa halneʼ, dóó naʼnitin, diné niheʼiinaʼ łahgo áńdaahdlééh yił níigo, bee éédahózinii dóó ayóó ádaatʼéii yił ííshją́ą́ ííłʼį́įgo, diné bitahgóó álíleekʼeh naalnishgo, áko Christ hodíinaʼgo bidiʼdoochííł bił béédahodoozįįł dooleeł biniiyé—jw2019 jw2019
While there, I noticed the Belfast Coat of Arms, which includes the motto “Pro tanto quid retribuamus,” or “What shall we give in return for so much?”
Ayóó áhonóolingi kééhonítʼı̨́į doogo, haitʼéego baa nitsíníkees?LDS LDS
When possible, include less-familiar facts or current events to illustrate key ideas.
Diné léiʼ Társasdę́ę́ʼ nijigháago Saul joolyéego ákweʼé hwíínááł, háálá hó éí Stephen hoʼdiyoolyééł jiníigo bee lą́ ajisłı̨́ı̨́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Write down some topics you want to include in your prayers.
1 Dóó kʼad éí shidineʼé, Nephi bidineʼé, ałtso naaztseedígíí ałtso baa nahodeeshnih.jw2019 jw2019
So we thought that when Jacob received the “rights as firstborn,” these included the privilege of being an ancestor of the Messiah. —Matthew 1:2, 16; Luke 3:23, 34.
Éí Diyin Bizaad tʼáá ałhąąh hazhóʼó yíníłtaʼgo Jiihóvah ayóóʼáyóʼnínígíí bíhwiidiilʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
The principle is that the God who created the heavens and the earth knows the grand design of this earth, that He has dominion over all things in the heavens and the earth, and that in order to bring to pass the plan of salvation, He provides us with many different experiences—including some trials—while we are on this earth.
Nihee iinaʼígíí íiyisíí bídéétʼiʼ.LDS LDS
Sometimes in the harbor of our homes, we can’t see that by the simple, consistent acts—including family prayer, scripture study, and family home evening—great things are brought to pass.
15 Áádóó kéyah bikááʼgóó doo saad ahídeetʼáah da, háálá Diyin God beʼayóó óʼóʼníinii diné bijéí biiʼ dahólǫ́ǫgo biniinaa.LDS LDS
This included helping people who spoke various languages.
Akʼedaʼashchínígíí éí ląʼí bitaʼ nídááhai.jw2019 jw2019
Aaron was introduced to the king and had the privilege of teaching him the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ, including the great plan of redemption.
Hayeʼ níłchʼi nilı̨́įgo ájiilaadóó bikʼijįʼ, éí Jesus choyoosʼįįdgo “naanish yiyiichįįhii” nílı̨́įgo tʼáá ałtsoní ádayiilaa. Yádiłhił biiʼ daatʼíinii ałdóʼ hwee ádaalyaa.—Proverbs 8:30.LDS LDS
Jesus’ ministry included teaching, performing miracles, and even offering up his life for us
Łahgo átʼéego tsíńdahidohkees áko nihibąąhági ádaatʼéii nihá kʼéédaʼdoolchǫǫł.—Acts 3:19.jw2019 jw2019
God knows that his discipline will benefit everyone involved, including the one who is disfellowshipped.
God tʼáá bí díí yee haadzííʼ, tsʼídá tʼóó ahayóí diné ádaadin yę́ę náábidideeshjah.jw2019 jw2019
He started by saying, “Troy, Austen wants you back on your feet—including on the basketball court—so I will be here every morning at 5:15 a.m.
Diyingo Daa Sin Bee Ił Hózhǫ́ dóó NaʼnitinLDS LDS
The fruitage of that spirit includes self-control, which is very similar to self-discipline.
Shitsáskʼeh bíighahgi tʼáá éí naalʼaʼii náánásdzį́įgo bikʼee náádeesyiz, dóó tʼáadoo leʼé áłtséédą́ą́ʼ yaa hoolneʼę́ę náádisétsʼą́ą́ʼ éí doodago yaa nááhoolneʼ áádóó baa áháshyą́ą dooleełígíí shił chʼíiníʼą́, Satan beʼiiníziinii nínítáahgo ninaalnish dooleeł shidííniid (Shizhéʼé baghan hazʼáanii doo daʼatʼínígíí biniinaa), béésh óola tʼą́hí ńdiitʼą́ągo bee ashtʼį́į dooleeł shóʼníigo.jw2019 jw2019
Queen Jezebel was very mean and wanted to kill all the people who worshipped Jehovah, including Elijah!
Séítan dóó níłchʼi doo yáʼádaashxóonii ndaalʼaʼígíí yił tʼahdii diné yóóʼadeeniiʼaah.jw2019 jw2019
This means that we must avoid anything that could lead us into it, including pornography.
Jesus Christ Nephite diné’é bááh dóó tó nadį́į́h’igii ya hadiláágo ani:jw2019 jw2019
These include a knowledge of the plan of salvation, which is a map of where we came from, our purpose here on earth, and where we are going when we die.
Áko éí David bitsʼą́ą́dóó naatʼáanii doo nááhodoodleeł da.LDS LDS
2 We have good reasons to include the resurrection as one of our main beliefs, even if we hope to survive the great tribulation and live on earth forever.
Diyin God k’ad kwe’é anííłt’e’ éí baa niłhozhǫ́ǫ doo, jó Christ nádzáagoo ayóó áhonoolin doo, éí biniyé atah hast’e’ ádíln̨ę́ę́h.jw2019 jw2019
The Bible teaches that being merciful includes doing something to help others.
Ląʼí diné éí ádaadinę́ę yéédaaldzidgo doo yaa yádaałtiʼ da łeh, azhą́ ákótʼée ndi, Jiihóvah badaʼííníidlíi doo.jw2019 jw2019
God’s command to abstain from blood includes blood used in medical treatment.
Bąąhágiʼátʼéii.jw2019 jw2019
When we take advantage of the unlimited opportunities to love and serve our fellowmen, including our spouse and family, our capacity to love God and to serve others will greatly increase.
23 Dóó éí éí shidineʼé, Jacob bidineʼé danilínígíí yíká adoojah, dóó haashį́į́néelą́ą́ʼ Israel bighandóó danilínígíí náheeskaígíí yił, áko kin haalʼá ndeidoonił, Jerusalem Ániidígíí wolyée dooleeł.LDS LDS
Sources from which this record was compiled include the following:
Da’ k’adísh éí ił hozhǫ́ǫ bíighah?”LDS LDS
Most people in that country, including Witnesses, still live in those areas.
31 Ákótʼée ndi, azhą́ ákótʼéego díí naanish diyinii bitah hólǫ́ǫ ndi, diné bijéí deistłʼis yaa naakai, dóó ndootsił danízingo hadeinitáá ńtʼę́ę́ʼ, Jew dineʼé Jerusalemdi Jesus bizaad biniinaa, hadeinitáhą́ągi átʼáo.jw2019 jw2019
106 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.