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/ˈlæt.ɚ.əl/, /ˈlæt.rəl/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
To the side; of or pertaining to the side.

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(Exodus 19:8) Sadly, the people later chose to break their promise to Jehovah.
Diyin kʼehgo niheʼiinaʼ íilʼínígíí ííshjání áyósin.jw2019 jw2019
What might it have been like to experience those three days of indescribable darkness and then, a short time later, gather with the multitude of 2,500 people at the temple in the land of Bountiful?
Nánihóóshką́ą́h áłchiní ałtso bikáá’dah’asdahí bine’dę́ę́’ nidanóht’íníí, nídi t’áa’aaníí dasidiitsą́’íí yiskáo, éí doodáo biiską́nį eíí, baa nihił dahózhǫ́nii dóo nihits’ą́ą́’ k’ee’doolchǫ́ǫł da.LDS LDS
Take the example of Graham, who was disfellowshipped and was later reinstated.
10 Jesus Tʼáá Áłahájįʼ Akʼeh Hółʼı̨́ı̨́ Ńtʼééʼjw2019 jw2019
The bishop is sympathetic and later in the novel demonstrates a similar compassion for another man, the main protagonist in the novel, a degraded ex-convict, Jean Valjean.
Samuel ádahodoonííł ninée nihił béédahózin yę́ęni’ diíshjį́įgoo akǫ́ǫ́ haadahoot’é.LDS LDS
(Acts 9:1) Later, Paul described how he used to feel about Christians: “I was extremely furious with them.” —Acts 26:11.
“Doo nát’ą́ą́’ bił ahinídiishtłada,” níílą́, “ndi bikáá ak’e’chíłchínę́ę áadoo k’éé’ííłchxǫ da.”jw2019 jw2019
Some 32 years later, Peter still recalled the experience and how it made “the prophetic word” more sure for him. —2Pe 1:16-19.
Baa nitsíníkees, diné doo binaʼadloʼii, haitʼéego aniʼįįhii dooleeł?jw2019 jw2019
One young brother says: “Using freedom wisely as a young person really helps when later you are faced with bigger decisions, such as finding a suitable job or choosing whether to marry or to remain single for a time.”
Díí yee nanihinitingo éí awééʼ atsą́ haalʼeełgi doo álʼı̨́į da.—Endnote 28 níníłʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
(Judges 6:11, 27) Later, when the people wanted him to rule over them, he refused.
Ánihiilaii éí áłahjįʼ baa ahódlíigo adóólzin.jw2019 jw2019
A week later, Luigi was making a return visit on a woman.
“Shíí nóhkeedíí bąą niháá doolyééł,” níTaa’ yee haadzíí’.jw2019 jw2019
(Colossians 1:16) Later, he was sent to earth.
Aaron yee’ anánt’a’í yee néiineeztą́’ígíí bidiisnáá’.jw2019 jw2019
“I didn’t want to go,” Troy told me later, “because I had always taken Austen with me on those mornings and I knew the memories would be too painful.
Ałahjį’ nihighan dóó áłchíní baa yádeilti’, ndi Christ hináanii yisdá’iiníłígíí bibee adziilígíí baa íídííłtah.LDS LDS
He applied what he learned, and two years later he began traveling with Paul.
Haash yitʼéego éí nighan hazʼánígi bił dahózhǫ́ǫ doo?jw2019 jw2019
(Proverbs 29:5) We would be hypocrites if we commended others and then later criticized them behind their back.
Jesus bídahoołʼaahgo bikééʼ tádíkááh yę́ę tʼááłáʼí oodląʼ yee neineeztą́ą́ʼ, éí tʼááʼaanííjí oodląʼígíí átʼé.jw2019 jw2019
The concluding portion, from Mormon chapter 8 to the end of the volume, was engraved by Mormon’s son Moroni, who, after finishing the record of his father’s life, made an abridgment of the Jaredite record (as the book of Ether) and later added the parts known as the book of Moroni.
Áádóó bee haʼoodzííʼ yę́ęgi átʼéego Júdah dineʼé nátʼą́ą́ʼ hakéyahgóó hwééʼílniiʼ.LDS LDS
My wonderful wife, Harriet, overheard this casual exchange and later mentioned that it was one of the nicest answers I had ever given.
Ayóóʼííníʼníi doo, dóó bí éí ayóóʼádanoʼníi doo.LDS LDS
Jesus later appeared to his apostles.
Circuit Overseer Daolyéhígíí Haitʼéego Nihíká Anídaalwoʼ?jw2019 jw2019
Now, 25 years later, the blessings of that decision are all around her, and her son is a missionary in Madagascar.
“Ééʼ tsʼídá nizhónígo łigai léiʼ yiiʼ sitį́.LDS LDS
Later, she gave some to Adam, and he ate too.—Genesis 3:1-6.
16 Níléídę́ę́ʼ náábiʼdiiyiljééʼ yę́ę, tʼáá kǫ́ǫ́ nahasdzáán bikáaʼgi dabikʼéí dóó dabikʼis nidabiiłtsą́.jw2019 jw2019
Two days later, on viewing Jerusalem’s temple, one of them exclaimed: “Teacher, see! what wonderful stones and buildings!”
Diyin Bizaad—Haʼátʼíísh Biiʼ Baa Haneʼ?jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 20:1-3) Later, the Devil and his demons will be destroyed forever.—Revelation 20:10.
Lehi dóó beʼesdzáán, Sariah, dóó beʼashiiké dį́įʼgo, (alą́ąjįʼígíí bee hodeesʼáago) éí Laman, dóó Lemuel, dóó Sam, dóó Nephi, daolyéego baa haneʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Later, faithful King Hezekiah also became proud, though only for a while. —2 Chronicles 26:16; 32:25, 26.
2 Ándishní, shiyeʼ, nááʼdiijeehgo hootʼáłígíí éí Diyin God bitʼáá ákogi átʼéego hootʼáłígíí éí tsʼídá yee hazʼą́; háálá éí tsʼídá bee hazʼą́ díí tʼáá ałtsoní tʼáá ádaatʼéhę́ęgi átʼéego háádadidoolníłígíí.jw2019 jw2019
It was fulfilled more than a thousand years later.
1 Áádóó Jesus hastóí bikééʼ naazínę́ę áyidííniid éí bááh dóó chʼil naʼatłʼoʼii bitooʼ łaʼ wóshdę́ę́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Later on, your children will probably thank you for doing so!
Diyin yá’yałtí Mormon Yisdá’íiníiłii át’éhígí át’áo éí akée’naazį́įnii ałdo ákódahjít’áo dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
They were especially glad that they made such a sacrifice when later their mate became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. —Read 1 Corinthians 7:16; 1 Peter 3:1, 2.
Eíí binahjį’ nihí t’aa’aaníí adii’ní.jw2019 jw2019
Later, though, he realized that his focus on entertainment had caused him many problems.
Jesus éí God biNahatʼaʼ biNaatʼáanii jizlı̨́įʼgo, diné ázhdoolíłígíí tʼáá bítséedi ííshjání áyiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
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