lost oor Navajo


/lɔst/, /lɒst/, /lɑst/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Simple past tense and past participle of lose.

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And He can touch the hearts of the flock in the Laurel class to love and welcome the lost sheep so that when she returns, she will feel she has come home.
Éí ił hózhǫ́, aa hojiniih, ahééh hwiindzindóó yíníiłjįʼ, cha, áádóó bee hashtʼeʼ nináʼdoodáałii biiʼ baa haneʼ.LDS LDS
Job lost everything.
8 Dóó baa níyá ńtʼę́ę́ʼ Laban átʼį́įgo shił bééhoozin.jw2019 jw2019
* Satan and his demons lost the war and were thrown down to the earth.
Revelation biiʼ 144,000go díí nídabiʼdiisdlááʼ nínę́ę éí Genesis 3:15gi asdzání baʼáłchíní baa chʼíhootʼánę́ę, bí ádaatʼı̨́.—Revelation 14:1; 20:6.jw2019 jw2019
Second was his wife, Deedra, who held Troy in her arms and loved him and reminded him that she too had lost that son and was determined not to lose a husband also.
“Dóó diyin yánaal’a’í kobiłní, T’áa ndáałdzi dí: nihá, jókon, Shí hane’ ayóó a’t’éii nihaani’ą́, jó dine’é éí t’áa’at’é bá.LDS LDS
The wicked people lost their lives, but Noah and his family were saved.
Bóhólníihii éí łah’o ’át’ao nidzilgo sínízį́į dooleełgo neinílá, diyin k’éhji neiníláhígíí éí t’áá’íyisíí alááhó bitse’ íínda Ch’į́įdii bi naats’ó’oołdísii biláágó bitse’!jw2019 jw2019
For a while, I lost my confidence and felt depressed.”
Shik’is dóó shiláh, aláadi Yisdá’íiníiłii be’íina’doo bidahwiil’aa’, t’áa bee hózin dóó bidzíilgo íídą́ą́’ ak’ehol’į́ yee na’neeztą́ą́’.jw2019 jw2019
Why might we be surprised that Moses lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land?
Ísrel ałha’áłneeh lá álilee át’é.jw2019 jw2019
How was true freedom lost?
Eíí bi’íi’sizį́ biha’ólní, nihí łáda nihík’is dóó bił haijéé’ bich’į’ adiilníłígíí haniitáago lą’í nihee ałhéé’alki’.jw2019 jw2019
None of us could ever pay the ransom for the perfect life that Adam lost.
Haash díínííł?jw2019 jw2019
In fact, he would be happy if you lost your hope of living forever because you took his side and rejected Jehovah.
Anoonééł tʼáá aaníigo bee naʼnitinígi, éí iiná dóó ił chohooʼı̨́ Jiihóvah nihainíláhígíí binahjįʼ bikʼiʼdadiʼdiitı̨́ı̨́ł.jw2019 jw2019
In this article, we will see why the faithful man Moses sinned and lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land.
Nihaʼáłchíní Nidanohtinjw2019 jw2019
(John 3:16) By offering himself willingly as a ransom sacrifice, Jesus redeemed all that was lost through Adam.
Oodlání yá sizíní éí jooba’ áádóó náásgóó hane’go diné ła’ ákót’éego yaa náájoozba’, Jean Valjean, awáalyahí nilį́į́ ńt’éełgo.jw2019 jw2019
Or have I lost some of my enthusiasm for these activities?’
Dóó díí kótʼéego éí, díí atsʼíís, ałtso didoołdził dóó bimá nahasdzáán bikáaʼjįʼ didoozééł, dóó doo nááhiidooʼnaał da.jw2019 jw2019
When Reuben committed immorality, he lost his rights as firstborn, and these rights were passed to Joseph.
Nitsihodindiłgo haash yitʼéego Jiihóvah Yá Dahalneʼé tsı̨́įłgo áká iijah?jw2019 jw2019
I share with you a portion of this sister’s testimony of the healing power of repentance: “How does someone go from being one of the lost sheep and gripped by [sin], to this peace and happiness we now feel?
Yá’ąąshdę́ę́ náhodiwósh dííjį’, yiską́ǫ, dóó nee’nígóó.LDS LDS
Some are close to feeling that, at least for them, all is lost.
Hoolʼáágóó iináa nihá bee ił chohooʼı̨́į doo.LDS LDS
Jesus, though, focuses on the steward’s reaction, not on the reasons he lost his job.
Tʼáadoo leʼé yáʼátʼééhii ahidiníłnáago ałháʼádeiłʼı̨́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
(Deuteronomy 34:10) But even though Moses was a close friend of Jehovah, he lost the privilege of entering the Promised Land.
Elder danilíinii éí priest dóó teacher danilínígíí yitsiitʼáá dah dadéesniiʼgo dayíísį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
For example, some may be in shock because they lost their job or got divorced.
Áko t’áá éí tłéé’ yéígo sodeeszin, Niłchį́ Diyinii shił iijaango áyiilaah, t’áá táágo t’áá aníí ádaat’é’.jw2019 jw2019
Eventually, she lost her sanity.
Neezná-diin biláahgo tsi’ééł da’ílį́į danizhǫ́nii, bik’í ał’ąą’ át’áo ńda’diiltł’i’go, tó binaagóó bił akééda’iibąs.jw2019 jw2019
One report states: “Hearing is said to be the last of the five senses to be lost.
“Doo yáʼáshǫ́ǫ́góó naagháii nihokáaʼgi tʼáá átʼéé nítʼééʼ bee” bóhólnííh.—1 John 5:19jw2019 jw2019
Have you lost a loved one in death?
Dóodáo éish éí bá nidaal’a’í bee o’ool’į́į́ł dóó bee aha’diist’ą́ yik’é dahół’į́nígíí daats’í t’éiyá bá?jw2019 jw2019
Yet, he gave his life so that mankind could have the opportunity to live forever and enjoy the kind of life that disobedient Adam lost for his descendants.
9 Dóó díí saad éí yee yááłtiʼ dóó nááháasdzo, kóníigo: Shikʼisóó danohłíinii, tʼáá ánółtso áłah dasoolį́ʼígíí, díí jį́ shizaad bee nihichʼįʼ hadeesdzihgo daʼdidoohtsʼį́łígíí; háálá saad bee hadeesdzihígíí doo tʼáá ádzaagóó baa ntsídoohkos biniiyé doo wóshdę́ę́ʼ nihidííniid da, ndi hazhóʼó dashíídóołtsʼįįł, dóó nihijaaʼ ąą ádaahłééh áko daʼdidoohtsʼį́į́ł, dóó nihijéí ałdóʼ áko akʼidadiʼdoohtį́į́ł, dóó nihíniʼ ałdóʼ áko Diyin God binaʼnitin tʼah doo bééhoozįįhígíí nihił ííshją́ą́ ádadoolnííł.jw2019 jw2019
Adam and Eve lost the privilege of living forever in Paradise, but the earth will be a paradise again.
5 Dóó tłʼééʼ hazlį́įʼgo; tłʼóóʼdę́ę́ʼ ńdadidoohtʼį́į́ł bidííniid.jw2019 jw2019
The person tells you that he just lost a relative in death.
Jesus índa naaki tsʼáadah binááhaigo, bił dabighanígíí Jerúsalemgóó Atisʼadeesdzáwolyéhígíí biniyé ahínáʼiildahgóó jíkai.jw2019 jw2019
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