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When was the last time I was kind to someone who is not a family member or a close friend?’
Doo shikʼéí da doodaiiʼ doo shikʼisgóó, hádą́ą́ʼ lá ákéeʼdi łaʼ bíká eeshwod?’jw2019 jw2019
No member of the Governing Body has a personal Web page or an account on any social media site.
Governing Body doo łaʼ tʼáá ádíighahígo website índa social media bee hólǫ́ǫ da.jw2019 jw2019
(2 Corinthians 1:24) Just as a shepherd diligently cares for each one of his sheep, the elders try to get to know every member of the congregation individually. —Proverbs 27:23.
(2 Corinthians 1:24) Dibé yaa áhályáanii bidibéhéh tʼáá łáʼí nítínígo hazhóʼó yaa áhályą́ nahalinígi átʼéego, díí hastóí yił áłah nádleehígíí tʼáá łáʼí nítínígo yéédahósin. —Proverbs 27:23.jw2019 jw2019
Some governments have restricted the work of missionaries, leading our noble members to show even greater courage in being “witnesses of God at all times and in all ... places.”
Łáhgóó dine’é biwáashindóón na’nítiní bináanish ni’kódayiilaa, binahjį’ t’áa’ áádi ídahikáii yich’į’ hada’ólníigo “Diyin God yáá dahalne’ t’áá’ ałtsogóó ... dóó hádahwiisdzogóó.”LDS LDS
All members of the worldwide Christian congregation benefit from the support and protection of the “big trees of righteousness,” the anointed remnant
Áko, yáʼąąshgóó bá chodahooʼínígíí éí “tsin naazkaadii tʼáá ákogi átʼéii” áhyiłní.jw2019 jw2019
8 When Jesus was young, he likely had close friends and family members who died.
8 Jesus tʼah ashkii jílı̨́įgo bééhózinígo ayóó dabikʼis dóó dabikʼéí ńtʼéeʼgo ádaadin.jw2019 jw2019
Little did these early members know they would be faced with a United States financial crisis—the panic of 1837—that would test their very souls.9
Waashiidoondę́ę́’----na’́adzid 1837----béeso ádaasdiid éí t’áá ániidígo sodizin haalwod’ atahdajilíį́yąą’ éí yéígo bee náhodínees’t’ąąh.9LDS LDS
Brethren, if in my ward or branch I faced these kinds of difficult circumstances, my Aaronic Priesthood companion and I would apply the First Presidency’s counsel (which is now handbook policy) in this way: First, however many months it took to achieve it, we would pursue the scriptural mandate to “visit the house of each member,”5 establishing a schedule that would get us to those homes on a calendar that was both possible and practical.
Shik’iské, shí Damǫǫgo yáh anáshdáahgi díigi át’áo bił haz’ą́ǫ, ashkii Aaronic bee’ádziil bee hólǫ́nii dóó shí Áłtsé Naat’áanii daanínée be’deeshłííł (k’ad yee’ náaltsoos biyi’) ákot’áo: Áłtsé, t’áá náhidizííd haashį́į́ níłtsogo baa diit’ásh, nihí diyingo saad be’iiníiłgo “íhidiikaíí bighan bitáh hadidiit’ásh,”5 nahat’á íílyaayę́ę bik’éhgo eíí dahooghangóó bitah háádiit’ásh doolééł nihá bóhonee’ą́ągo.LDS LDS
Jesus is a good example for each member of the family
Hooghan nahazʼą́ągi tʼáá ájíłtso Jesus nizhónígo binááł áʼjiilaa?jw2019 jw2019
It is a time to draw closer to family members.
Ákweʼé hooghan hazʼą́ągi hazhóʼó ahéédahojilzįįh.jw2019 jw2019
What can help you if a family member leaves Jehovah?
Nikʼéí łaʼ Jiihóvah yitsʼágháahgo, haʼátʼíísh níká adoolwoł?jw2019 jw2019
I have in turn been counselor to two district presidents and to a Presiding Bishop of the Church, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and a counselor to two Presidents of the Church.
Nááná éí naakidi District yilą́ąjí nilínígíí bikéé’ dahnída’, Presiding Bishop of the Church ałdo bikéé dahsidáh nt’ę́ę́’, dóó Naakits’ááhda Jesus Christ yikéé’ naazínígíí ałdó nishłį́įgoo bee shik’ihodiinii’, áádoo naakidi Diyin God Yá Yałti’í bikéé’ dah nída’.LDS LDS
The young women, the ward and stake Young Women and Relief Society presidencies, and family members gathered together to celebrate her accomplishment.
Ch’ikę́ę́h dinlį́į, yił yah anajah dóó tsikjí Ch’ikę́ę́h dóó Sáanii biNaat’áani danlį́į, dóó bighandóó ałhííkaigo ééhaniih yá nideiz’ą́.LDS LDS
While on the ship, he witnessed to crew members and fellow passengers.
Tsinaaʼeeł bikáaʼgi, nidaʼałʼeełígíí dóó yił yikahígíí yił nahasneʼ.jw2019 jw2019
That responsibility can come from a Church calling, an assignment, or a friendship or as part of our divine duty as parents, spouses, or family members—or simply from being part of God’s family.
Nihąąh niheesyá’ígíí eíí Nahagha’jí neilnish, baa’ áhwiilyą́, índa nihik’is hazlį́į́ índa yá’ąąshdę́ę́’ niháádeet’ą́ǫ aniilzééł, ach’ooní niidlį́, índa hooghagi ła’ bił haijéé’—índa Diyin God ba’áłchiní niidlį́.LDS LDS
Too many people think Church leaders and members should be perfect or nearly perfect.
Diné t’óó ahayóí Nahagha’ yilą́ąjį’ naazį́nii dóó yihidiikaií k’asdą́ą́’ hadaałt’é danízin.LDS LDS
It seems to accelerate among members of the Church in times and places where there are trials of their faith, where they have to plead to God for help to even carry on.
Áko Sodízin Bíghan nihokáá’góó yihidiikaíí be’óodlą’ bóhonitáhígíí bitáhóó ts’ída ąą kót’įįh, áádi ts’ída Diyin God nihiká anilkééd deiiłní.LDS LDS
Although many skilled tradesmen from the region volunteer their labor at every building site, members of the local congregation make up the bulk of the volunteer labor force.
Tʼáá ákwii nahazʼą́ą́dóó kin binaʼanish dayiichįįhígíí tʼáá ałtso daʼíníishgi yee ánídaalwoʼ. Tʼáá ałtso daʼíníishgi tʼáá ákweʼé áłah nídaadleehígíí alááh ánéelą́ąʼgo ánídaalwoʼ.jw2019 jw2019
As a teenager living in Europe in the 1960s, I felt that I was repeatedly picked on and bullied because I was an American and because I was a member of the Church.
Nooséłí nishłį́įgo, Europe hoolyéedi kééhasht’į́įgo, ayóo shída’jits’ih ńt’ę́ę́’, nishłínígíí dóó shi’oodlą’ biniinaa.LDS LDS
14. (a) What makes true Christians different from members of false religions?
14. (a) Jiihóvah yá ndaalʼaʼí éí oodlání tʼóó adaʼdílínígíí, haitʼéego doo yił aheełtʼée da?jw2019 jw2019
So I started training, and I became a member of a boxing organization, the Golden Gloves.
Áko bíhooshʼaahgo baa nídiisdzáago Golden Gloves wolyéego bidiiyá.jw2019 jw2019
Many people are comforted when a family member holds their hand and speaks softly to them.
Bílaʼ jótąʼgo índa hazhóʼógo bichʼįʼ yájíłtiʼgo yee haʼólníi łeh.jw2019 jw2019
“[Now] I have been some fifty-four years a member of the Twelve Apostles.
“[K’ad] éí 54 shi nááhai Naakits’áadah Bá Naazį́įjí anishtáhgo.LDS LDS
17 When a family member is disfellowshipped or disassociates himself from the congregation, it can be extremely difficult.
17 Hakʼéí łaʼ Jiihóvah yitsʼágháahgo, éí yéigo nanitłʼah łeh.jw2019 jw2019
They maintain that the earth was designed to be a temporary home, a testing ground to see which members of the human family deserve to go to heaven and live eternally with God.
Éí bílaʼashdlaʼii ná bóhontáahgo bitah hadlaahígíí éí yáʼąąshdi hoolʼáágóó God yił dahiináa doo danízin.jw2019 jw2019
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