mountain oor Navajo


/ˈmaʊn.tən/, /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/, /'maUntn/ naamwoord
A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land, usually given by geographers as above 1000 feet in height (or 304.8 metres), though such masses may still be described as hills in comparison with larger mountains.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


large mass of earth and rock

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A village in North Dakota.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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To visit some towns, I had to cross the rocky Sierra Madre Mountains.
“Dóó k’e’diléego, ła’ álastsii’ bitáhiniidee’, dóó tsídii nehéest’a’ dóó dayooldéél:jw2019 jw2019
“The God of heaven,” Daniel said, “[shall] set up a kingdom, [a stone cut out without hands, that will become a great mountain and fill the whole earth,] never [to] be destroyed ... [but to] stand for ever.
Akʼedaʼashchínígíí éí ląʼí bitaʼ nídááhai.LDS LDS
“There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.” —Psalm 72:16.
God yá dahalneʼii éí Mesáíyah nahasdzáán yikʼi hooʼáałgi, haitʼéego yaa dahoolneʼ?jw2019 jw2019
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah”
Anoonééł éí ádooldįįł.—1 Corinthians 15:26.jw2019 jw2019
Psalm 72:16: “There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow.”
Tsʼídá bikʼididíílnih díí háílá bikʼéhgo ááshtʼįįł doo nínízinígíí – Séítan doodaiiʼ Jiihóvah.jw2019 jw2019
They travel along a river that passes through beautiful forests and the snowy Andes Mountains
7. (a) Ádam dóó Íiv haʼátʼíí biniinaa jineezná?jw2019 jw2019
We knew our ride along the magnificent 15-mile (24 km) trail would include trestles stretching over deep canyons and long tunnels penetrating rugged mountains.
Nidahodoolnih biniyé áłah danilı̨́LDS LDS
Elder Taiichi Aoba of the Seventy, who resides in a small mountain village in Shikoku, Japan, was asked to teach a class at a youth conference.
Bóhólníihii éí díí naanish nidzingo ch’ikę́ę́h bijéí yídiyeesnáá’go k’ad lą’í nida’nitingó adahakáá silį́į́.LDS LDS
Zec 6:1 —What do the two copper mountains represent?
5 Jó áádóó, díí bikʼijįʼ, Laman bidineʼé díí diné doo kéédahatʼį́įdi ąąh shijéeʼgo ádayiilaa; aooʼ, ánihidishní, éí dabiʼdisnah, dóó nááná Bóhólníihii bizaad bibee adziilii yee yisdánáhóóʼeezh; dóó nihí díí kéyah bikáaʼjįʼ nihiʼdeetʼeezh, dóó kweʼé éí Diyin God bisodizin bá hooghan díí kéyah bikááʼgóó hadeidiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
40 And then shall they say: aHow beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings unto them, that bpublisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings unto them of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth!
Díí shił beehózin dóó shee oodlą át’é, Diyin God Hooláágo nihiZhé’é hiiná dóó ayóó’ánihó’ní.LDS LDS
The scriptures teach us that through faith the worlds were framed, waters were parted, dead were raised, and rivers and mountains were moved from their course.5
Shił bééhózinii eíí nihiká ahilyéed, bítse’ dóó be’ádziil ałtso yee, aZhe’é bínahat’a’.LDS LDS
This ban was like a big mountain in their way, but soon Jehovah removed it.
2 Áko éí hodeeyáádą́ą́ʼ, dóó kojįʼ daʼíchíhígíí biyiʼjįʼ, Diyin God dahalneʼii, Jew dineʼé yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼ, dóó tʼáá yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼgo, ńléí sodizin bá hooghan tʼáá aaníinii dóó Diyin God bidineʼé yaa náhidookah; ahodoolzhishjįʼ éí kéyah bił ahadaʼdeestʼánę́ę bikáaʼjįʼ ahą ándoolníiłgo, dóó kéyah bee ahaʼdeetʼánígi bikááʼgóó tʼáá ałtsogo kéédahatʼį́į dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
With the warring parties away, the Christians, heeding Jesus’ warning, fled from Jerusalem to the mountains beyond the Jordan River. —Matthew 24:15, 16.
Ániid ch’iiké ła’ Laurel nilį́įgo bich’į hasdzíí’, United States dę́ę́’ naaghá.jw2019 jw2019
25 And upon the wings of his Spirit hath my body been acarried away upon exceedingly high mountains.
God yihodeezʼánę́ę éí Oodlání hazhóʼó yikʼidaʼdiitą́.LDS LDS
7, 8. (a) What do the two mountains represent?
25 Dóó nááná łahgo éí dajicha jiní, kódajiníigo: O dooládóʼ da tʼáá íídą́ą́ʼ niheʼiinaʼ łahgo áńdeiilyaa dooleeł ńtʼę́ę́ʼ tʼah doo tʼóó báhádzidgo nihił áhánéhę́ędą́ą́ʼ, dóó Diyin God yá halneʼii doo ndadiiltsił da ńtʼę́ę́ʼ dóó doo tsé bee bił ndadziʼdiyiilniił da ńtʼę́ę́ʼ lá, doo chʼídadíníilkał da ńtʼę́ę́ʼ lá; índa nihimáhą́ą dóó nihitsiʼ danizhóní yę́ę, dóó nihaʼáłchíní yę́ę yisdáákai dooleeł ńtʼę́ę́ʼ, dóó doo éí kintah ayóó átʼéii Moronihah yił bikʼidahołdaaz da ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Months later, as the waters receded, the ark came to rest on a mountain.
3 Dóó akééʼ naazíinii bááh dóó chʼil naʼatłʼoʼii ndeizhką́ąʼgo, bááhą́ą néidiiʼą́ dóó ałtsʼáyiiztiʼ dóó yikʼi sodoolzin; dóó bikééʼ naazínę́ę yaa yiiznil dóó daohsą́ yidííniid.jw2019 jw2019
The mountains that Zechariah saw are similar to two mountains we read about in Daniel’s prophecy.
Áko díí bee tʼááʼałtso dahidiikááhígóó bee hashtʼeʼ ntsídahidiikees doo.jw2019 jw2019
I don’t need a sea to part or a mountain to move.
Yii’ dasidáii bąą dóo nahash’náa da nizin.LDS LDS
From there, we went to France, crossed the Pyrenees Mountains, and entered Spain, where our work was under ban.
(Romans 12:9) Diné God bikʼehgo ádaʼałʼíníí bee dahólóonii bił naanildeeh.jw2019 jw2019
“Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of Jehovah”
Iiláíjah éí ałkʼidą́ą́ʼ Ízreldi bighan ńtʼééʼ, Jesus tʼahdoo biʼdichííh yę́ędą́ą́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
8 Why are the mountains made of copper?
Azhéʼé hóyą́ągo baʼáłchíní ayóíʼáyóʼníigo neenitinígi átʼéego, God ałdóʼ tʼááʼałtsogóó bílaʼashdlaʼii nizhónígo beeʼiinaʼ siláa doo biniyé neenitin.jw2019 jw2019
“There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.”—Psalm 67:6; 72:16.
48 Jó, dahodíínóhsingo éí dadiyinii beenihichʼįʼ yáshtiʼ dooleeł ńtʼę́ę́ʼ; ndi doo éí dahodinohsingo, dóó nihinaʼnitiní nílį́ dashíínóhʼníigo dashinółʼį́, éí bąą bąąhági átʼéii bitsʼą́ą́dóó nihwiileehígíí bąąhági átʼéii bee nanihidínéeshtįįł nízin.jw2019 jw2019
And it came to pass that I arose and went up into the mountain, and cried unto the Lord.
Ndi Jesus éí díí níłchʼi danilíinii ląʼídi, diné biiʼdę́ę́ʼ hááhizhneeshchą́ą́ʼ.LDS LDS
“The God of heaven [has] set up a kingdom, [a stone cut out without hands, that has become a great mountain and is filling the whole earth,] never [to] be destroyed ... [but to] stand for ever.
Dego shiníł’į́įgo kóshidíiniid, shił hózho’ ndi ałdó doo shił hózhǫ́ǫda.LDS LDS
(b) Why are the mountains made of copper?
10 Aooʼ, tiʼhooshníihgo dadeestsaał, dóó shizaad doo nátʼą́ą́ʼ bee hadeesdzih da dóó tʼáá aaníinii átʼéego bee nihikʼijįʼ haʼoodzíiʼ dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
42 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.