move oor Navajo


/muːv/ Verb, werkwoord, naamwoord
The act of moving; a movement.

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moving around
move around
touching/moving emotionally
moving on water


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The Bible answers: “Men spoke from God as they were moved [or, guided] by holy spirit.”
Éí Dine’é ayóó’ adanó’nii naadeiiz’ą́.”jw2019 jw2019
14 We should all want to move “beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ” and “press on to maturity.”
Rebékah éí Áízak jidooyehígíí, haash yitʼéego Eliyíízer bił bééhoozįįd?jw2019 jw2019
You may pray whenever your heart moves you to thank or praise God.
Jiihóvah éí kin haalʼáhígíí binaa ditą́ągo ahééʼítłʼinígíí ahiih náyííłdááz.jw2019 jw2019
(Romans 8:35, 38, 39) Are we not moved to respond in like manner, not allowing anything or anyone to come between us and Jehovah?
Dóo íínizin da!jw2019 jw2019
When newcomers see and experience Christian love in action, they may be moved to praise God and join us in pure worship. —Joh 13:35.
23 Tʼáá aaníigo ánihidishní, háíshį́į́ nihizaad binahjįʼ bibąąhági átʼéii yoo íídiiʼánígíí, dóó shízhiʼ binahjįʼ tó bee shidiʼdoolzį́į́ł nízinígíí, éí kótʼéego tó bee dadoohsį́į́ł—jó, taah hokáahgo dóó táyiʼ nisoozį́įgo, dóó shízhiʼ binahjįʼ tó bee daʼohsį́įh doo.jw2019 jw2019
12 And it came to pass that after they had bound me insomuch that I could not move, the acompass, which had been prepared of the Lord, did cease to work.
16 Áádóó shí, Nephi, tʼahdii tsíłkéí nishłį́į ndi, ákótʼée ndi tʼáá nistsxaaz dóó, nisneez dóó ayóó sidziil, dóó ałdóʼ Diyin God biyáʼátʼéehii íiyisíí shił bééhodoozįįł nisingo, ákohgo, tʼáá íiyisíí Bóhólníihii bichʼįʼ sodeeszin; jó áádóó shaa níyá, dóó shijéí yilzhólígo áyiilaa áko tʼáá ałtso shizhéʼé saad yee yááłtiʼę́ę éí yisisdląąd; ákohgo tʼáadoo shínaaí akʼijįʼ yáłtiʼígi átʼáo akʼijįʼ yááłtiʼ da.LDS LDS
God moved courageous Ahikam to protect Jeremiah
Jiihóvah éí Ádam dóó Íiv díí tʼááłáʼí tsin bineestʼąʼ sikaadígíí yichʼįʼ ííshjání áyiilaa, áádóó áháłní díí bąąhdóó ooyą́ąʼgo éí tʼááʼaaníí dadootsaał.jw2019 jw2019
And if we do make a mistake, it can move us to repent and correct our course.
“Dóo akót’é adoodįįł, t’áa akót’é ak’éhdidoodlééł” (“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day,” Hymns, no.jw2019 jw2019
Gillis says: “I often told Mattias that our deep love for him moved his mother and me to pray even more intensely that Jehovah would help him to understand.”
Ániid ánáádaalyaago biih náádahasʼnilígííjw2019 jw2019
ABOUT the year 1910, my parents moved from Tbilisi, Georgia, to Canada.
God Haʼátʼíí Biniyé Nahasdzáán Áyiilaa?jw2019 jw2019
Some people risk their lives to move to rich countries.
Daniel neeznádiindi mííltsoh ádanéelą́ąʼgo níłchʼi diyinii nidaalʼaʼí bidahdę́ę́ʼ naazı̨́įgo nahalingo yiyiiłtsą́.—Daniel 7:10; Hebrews 1:7.jw2019 jw2019
13, 14. (a) Why did one immigrant couple move their family to a congregation that spoke the local language?
Ts’ídá aláahdi éí, Diyin Jesus Christ bizaad t’áá’aaníinii bee nihik’i dahojisdli’, éí bee nahasdzáán bikáá’góó báádahadzidii baa ákoniidzin dóó bee bik’ee ąą hahiikááh.jw2019 jw2019
Some plan to serve Jehovah full-time or to move to a place where more publishers are needed.
10 Séítan Áníníí Bikʼeh Hojííłʼįįdgo—Biniinaa Haa Hóótʼįįd?jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 2:11, 41) When she turned 18, Kristina discussed the matter with her parents and decided to move to a congregation that spoke the local language.
Jiihóvah éí shá nanilʼaʼ nihóʼní, háálá ayóóʼádeiyíníiʼní.jw2019 jw2019
We are moved to imitate his humble attitude and to do Jehovah’s will, even when it is difficult for us. —Luke 22:41, 42.
(Hebrews 10:12, 13) Áadi índa God nahatʼaʼ hwee diníʼą́.—Daniel 7:13, 14 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
This girl has a spring in her step, and she is moving forward and upward.”
Áłtsé éí nihiZhe’é Diyiníí be’ ayóó’o’o’ní dóó be’ ii’sizį́į beeha’jólní, Diyin Ii’sizį́į eíí Troy hólǫ́nii yee yił hóolne’ yee chanáh silį́į́’, ayóó’abó’nóo nibinítin dóó Diyin God eíí ałtso bił bééhózin akǫ́ǫ́ aYe’ nizhǫ́nii dóó ayóó’ át’áo baa náádiilyá.LDS LDS
Focusing on how the Lord inspires His chosen leaders and how He moves the Saints to do remarkable and extraordinary things despite their humanity is one way that we hold on to the gospel of Jesus Christ and stay safely aboard the Old Ship Zion.
Haashąʼ nitʼı̨́įgo tʼéiyá Ayóí Áhonóolingi hoolʼáágóó hiinínáa doo?LDS LDS
Move Forward as a Spiritual Person!
“Atsʼíís ádaatʼéii tʼáá ałtso dił yee dahiná; diłígíí tʼéiyá beʼiinaʼ ádaatʼéego yee dahiná.”—Leviticus 17:14jw2019 jw2019
Above all, Jesus was moved from the heart to give his life in our behalf.
Háísh éí God Átʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
This will move you to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
God Bizaad éí haitʼéego níká adoolwoł?jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah told Abraham to leave the country of his birth and move to a foreign land, which turned out to be Canaan.
Díí bąą, t’áa’aniit’é bik’í didiitáał, díí Yéshmish bił hóozhishgo, náhoo’a’gi nihí yi’sizį́į bii’dí baa tsídidóóhkos dóó nihíjéí bitł’áahdę́ę́’ “T’áa ła’í Jooba’íí” ahéhee’ bididóohniił.jw2019 jw2019
Would you be willing to move where more publishers are needed?
Diné noonééł, áłchíní ałdóʼ, éí yáʼąąshdi God bił dahojílǫ́ǫ doo, ałdóʼ dajiní.jw2019 jw2019
When an original copy of God’s Law given through Moses was found, Josiah was deeply moved and therefore intensified his campaign of reform.
(Proverbs 22:6) Naʼáłchíní yáʼátʼéehgo nidínóohtı̨́įłgi, éí binahatʼáago tʼéiyá ádoonííł.jw2019 jw2019
14 First, Paul said that he was moved to preach to the Jews because of ‘the goodwill of his heart.’
Hoolʼáágóó iiná doo ninítʼiʼí nínízin ládą́ą́ʼ, God íiniziníí ilʼı̨́įgi ni tsʼídá bikʼididíílnih.jw2019 jw2019
The Samaritan felt compassion and pity for the man who was suffering, and this moved him to help the man.
Christ ayóóʼóʼóoʼniʼ yee hooʼáał doo.jw2019 jw2019
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