my house oor Navajo

my house

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I felt a flash of frustration, and I moved quickly to set my house in order.
Nihijéí łahgo ádeishłííłnízin.LDS LDS
And he said to them: ‘It is written, “My house will be called a house of prayer,” but you are making it a cave of robbers.’” —Matthew 21:12, 13.
46 Tʼáá aaníí, tʼáá aaníigo, ánihidishní, díí tʼáá ałtso baa dahodoolzhish, tsʼídá aTaaʼ bee hadiidzih shidííniidę́ę ndi.jw2019 jw2019
I took the puppy to my grandmother's house.
Ayóó’at’é yit’į́alyáa bik’íjį’, Jesus ha’íish dziłdę́ę́’ adáayáo yik’í niyá?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
21 And it shall come to pass that I will establish my apeople, O house of Israel.
12 Dóó Amulek anoonééł doo nanitłʼahgóó yaa hoolneʼ, dóó díí atsʼíís anoonééł bidééłníinii atsʼíís doo anoonééł bidééłníijįʼ hiná ńdadoodleeł, dóó Diyin God dah sidáajįʼ ndahidoodlóós, dóó ndaashnishę́ę bikʼehgo bá ndahidiyootʼááł.LDS LDS
20 For it shall come to pass, saith the Father, that at that aday whosoever will not repent and come unto my Beloved Son, them will I bcut off from among my people, O house of Israel;
T’áá náhidiidziih bik’eh bee Diyin bá nihidziilgo bikéé’ yiidááł.LDS LDS
1 And verily I say unto you, I give unto you a asign, that ye may know the btime when these things shall be about to take place—that I shall gather in, from their long dispersion, my people, O house of Israel, and shall establish again among them my Zion;
Háiishį́į́ bi’íłhózhó dóo yaa bił hózhǫ́ silį́į’go yee’ bik’idajójidlį́.LDS LDS
And after I and my brethren and all the house of Ishmael had come down unto the tent of my father, they did give athanks unto the Lord their God; and they did offer bsacrifice and burnt offerings unto him.
Tʼáá ákótʼéego Jiihóvah bichʼįʼ dídíitʼįįł, jó éí hooghan hazʼą́ągi Átséedi Haidiilaaígíí nílı̨́, éí hózhǫ́ǫgo hooghan hazʼą́ągi bił ályaaígíí nihił ííshjání íidoolííł.LDS LDS
2 For surely he spake as touching all things concerning my people which are of the house of Israel; atherefore it must needs be that he must speak also to the Gentiles.
25 Ákohgo, beehazʼáanii éí niinílá; dóó háadida beehazʼáanii ádingo éí ndaʼiisdzííʼ bą́ą́h daʼílínígíí ałdóʼ ádin doo; dóó ndaʼiisdzííʼ bą́ą́hdaʼílínígíí ádingo éí bee akʼihodidootʼáłígíí ałdóʼ ádin doo; dóó bee akʼihodidootʼáłígíí ádingo éí Israel beʼAyóó Átʼéii bibee adajoobaʼ bá nináʼdoodlééł, háálá diné bąąhági átʼéii bikʼé nináʼílyáhígíí biniinaa; índa bibee adziilii binahjįʼ yisdánáhidookah.LDS LDS
27 And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: aIn thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which bblessing upon the cGentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the dscattering of my people, O house of Israel.
Díí shík’is yisínists’ą́ą’go, k’adę́ę’ hadishgáash, “Ní éí biyílnish!LDS LDS
6 For thus it behooveth the Father that it should come forth from the aGentiles, that he may show forth his power unto the Gentiles, for this cause that the Gentiles, if they will not harden their hearts, that they may repent and come unto me and be baptized in my name and know of the true points of my doctrine, that they may be bnumbered among my people, O house of Israel;
(John 17:3; Mark 12:29) Jesus éí Biyeʼ áłtsé yizhchíinii nilı̨́, dóó bí éí God yiyaadóó dah sidá.LDS LDS
He then made his case: “When I look at that pole, I realize that, unlike when I grew up here, I will not have to carry water in containers from the spring up to the house to cook, wash my hands, or bathe.
Yá’ąąsh bighaango ánąąkai.LDS LDS
1 But behold, there shall be many—at that day when I shall proceed to do a amarvelous work among them, that I may remember my bcovenants which I have made unto the children of men, that I may set my hand again the csecond time to recover my people, which are of the house of Israel;
(Romans 8:22) God dabikʼis éí “anoonééł ił hołyéeʼii” bitsʼą́ą́dę́ę́ʼ ndi béédadeeschchid.—Hebrews 2:14, 15.LDS LDS
12 Ye are my adisciples; and ye are a blight unto this people, who are a remnant of the house of cJoseph.
Ałtsé, Diyin God ba’íinilí.LDS LDS
13 And now, my beloved brethren, all those who are of the house of Israel, and all ye ends of the earth, I speak unto you as the voice of one acrying from the dust: Farewell until that great day shall come.
Łahda éí nááná łahdę́ę́’ oodlání bił ahidaniit’éhígíí bee bił hashne’ łeh.LDS LDS
2 And also, that I may remember the promises which I have made unto thee, Nephi, and also unto thy father, that I would remember your seed; and that the awords of your seed should proceed forth out of my mouth unto your seed; and my words shall bhiss forth unto the cends of the earth, for a dstandard unto my people, which are of the house of Israel;
T’áah nihi’dooltǫ́ǫ, nihí “Christ bizhi’ ak’idadiit’ą́” dóó “Diyin God bił aha’da’ deet’ą́ǫ éí ni’niildiidįį’ bik’ehoniil’į́į doolééł.”LDS LDS
23 And they shall assist my apeople, the remnant of Jacob, and also as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the bNew Jerusalem.
T’áah nihi’dooltǫ́ǫ, nihí “Christ bizhi’ ak’idadiit’ą́” dóó “Diyin God bił aha’da’ deet’ą́ǫ éí ni’niildiidįį’ bik’ehoniil’į́į doolééł.”LDS LDS
2 Turn, all ye aGentiles, from your wicked ways; and brepent of your evil doings, of your clyings and deceivings, and of your whoredoms, and of your secret abominations, and your idolatries, and of your dmurders, and your epriestcrafts, and your fenvyings, and your strifes, and from all your wickedness and abominations, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, that ye may receive a remission of your sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost, that ye may be gnumbered with my people who are of the house of Israel.
Hónaasii’ doole’é ła’ shich’į’ nááhodiisnaa’, dóó shi díí anii bee shíhonitáahii ch’ééh bik’i’diishtį́įhgo t’óó shi’diił’á selį́į́’.LDS LDS
Instead, he encouraged Solomon, saying: “Now, my son, may Jehovah be with you, and may you be successful and build the house of Jehovah your God, just as he has spoken concerning you.” —1 Chronicles 22:11, 14-16.
“Nihighan góneʼ bił nidahísóotą́ągo éí saad baa yádaałtiʼ, áádóó bił tádadohkááhgóó áádóó danohjeehgo índanídahidoohjeehgo bee bichʼįʼ yádaałtiʼ.”jw2019 jw2019
2 And behold, this is the thing which I will give unto you for a sign—for verily I say unto you that awhen these things which I declare unto you, and which I shall declare unto you hereafter of myself, and by the power of the Holy Ghost which shall be given unto you of the Father, shall be made known unto the Gentiles that they may know concerning this people who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, and concerning this my people who shall be scattered by them;
Ndi nááná łaʼda níká adoolwołígíí ałdóʼ hólǫ́ǫgo átʼé.LDS LDS
I started with the intention of going to the house; but, in attempting to cross the fence out of the field where we were, my strength entirely failed me, and I fell helpless on the ground, and for a time was quite unconscious of anything.
Diyingo ndaalʼaʼí łaʼ, haitʼéego God biʼanaʼí ázhʼdiilyaa?LDS LDS
1 And now, my beloved brethren, I have read these things that ye might know concerning the acovenants of the Lord that he has covenanted with all the house of Israel—
Tʼáá ałtso hoolʼáágóó Jesus Christ Binaʼnitin ałdóʼ biyiʼ dííniid, Yisdáʼiiníiłii ałkʼidą́ą́ʼ kéédahatʼínę́ę yichʼįʼ kóyiilaa yę́ęgi átʼéego.LDS LDS
1 And now, behold, I would speak somewhat unto the aremnant of this people who are spared, if it so be that God may give unto them my words, that they may know of the things of their fathers; yea, I speak unto you, ye remnant of the house of Israel; and these are the words which I speak:
“Índa łahgo...niʼ ńdahidiʼńaah doo.”LDS LDS
Brethren, if in my ward or branch I faced these kinds of difficult circumstances, my Aaronic Priesthood companion and I would apply the First Presidency’s counsel (which is now handbook policy) in this way: First, however many months it took to achieve it, we would pursue the scriptural mandate to “visit the house of each member,”5 establishing a schedule that would get us to those homes on a calendar that was both possible and practical.
“Nits’íís biyi’dę́ę́ t’áá’ałtsǫ diné baajííníba’ doo, inda da’oodlánígíí ałdó’, dóó t’ááłahjį’ yáá’ádaat’éhígíí baa nitsíníkees doo; áko Diyin God bidáa’gii yii nizį’goo nitah hółdzil doo; áádóó God bi bee adziilii, bina’nitin, ni ii’sizíinii łahó át’éi doo, yá’ąąshdę́ę́ shoh hazlį́į́’ nahalin goo.LDS LDS
23 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.