one oor Navajo


/wʌn/, /wʌns/, /wʊn/, /wɐn/, /wɒn/ adjektief, voornaamwoord, werkwoord, naamwoord, Syfer
(mathematics) The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo


Kenna G. Brah


Cardinal number
cardinal number 1

tʼááłáʼí béeso

dollar bill


Cardinal number
cardinal number 1

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


In the philosophy of Plotinus, the supreme, totally transcendent "One", containing no division, multiplicity or distinction; beyond all categories of being and non-being.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo



Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

cousin daughter of one's paternal aunt or of one's maternal uncle
to be one's only desire
hatsiits'iin bii' si'á
blow one's nose
hįįh diní · nichį́į́h niłdééh · ninéʼéshtįł hantłeeh · ninéʼéshtįł hanyeeh · shxįįh diní
one hundred six
tʼááłáhádí neeznádiin hastą́ą́
one hundred one
tʼááłáhádí neeznádiin tʼááłáʼí
no one
doo nagháí da
tádiin dóó baʼąą tʼááłáʼí
on the right
on account of it, due to it


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
So they wanted him to repeat the miracle on another rock.
God Binahatʼaʼ bił Hazʼáanii éí yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ nahatʼáʼ átʼéego, díí nihookááʼ tʼáá siʼą́ą́ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ kéyah tʼáadoo bee hónóoshónígo íidoolííł.jw2019 jw2019
6 One way that you can prepare for the Memorial is by reading and thinking about articles that explain why this event is so important.
Ákondi nihits’íís hodooleeł éí íiyisíí biniiyé.jw2019 jw2019
They started at our home, walked for about one and a half kilometers (1 mile) through the town, and then came back to us.
18 Haitʼéego éí God áhánígo bił honílǫ́ǫ doo?jw2019 jw2019
He adds: “Thankfully, the brothers have safeguarded their Christian unity by concentrating on preaching the good news of the Kingdom.
T’áá’áłahjį’ éí na’ídídílkid dooleeł da’ Jesus Christ bizaad daats’í bi’iil’į́h.jw2019 jw2019
14 We should all want to move “beyond the primary doctrine about the Christ” and “press on to maturity.”
Goláíyath éí Jiihóvah tʼóó yá nahałtʼiʼgo, Davidshąʼ haʼátʼíí Goláíyath yidííniid?jw2019 jw2019
(Ephesians 4:23, 24) We are imperfect, so we need to keep working hard to put on and keep on the new personality.
Nidaʼayiilzííh, doo ádidiiʼniił yę́ęgi ádiiʼniih, doodaiiʼ doo yáʼátʼéhígi íitʼįįh.jw2019 jw2019
“Holy Spirit Is Poured Out on the Christian Congregation”: (10 min.)
Jó, Séítan ání, diné yéigo bichʼįʼ hodiiʼnáahgo God yitsʼą́ąjįʼ dah didoogááł.jw2019 jw2019
However, we make a serious mistake by noticing only the human nature of one another and then failing to see God’s hand working through those He has called.
15 Dóó kʼad, O tʼáá ánółtso łaʼ Diyin God doo álíleekʼeh naalnishgóó baa ntsídaahkeesígíí, éí nanihídíshkid dooleeł, díí baa hweeshneʼígíísh tʼáá íídą́ą́ʼ ádahóótʼįįd?LDS LDS
What blessings will come to young ones who have faith in Jehovah and obey him?
Haʼátʼíí biniyé achʼįʼ nidahwiiʼná?jw2019 jw2019
For salvation cometh to none such except it be through repentance and faith on the bLord Jesus Christ.
Díí éí tʼáá átʼé baa chʼídahwiistʼánę́ę Jesus yihoolaa, áko shił bééhodoozįįł danízinígíí Mesáíyah átʼı̨́įgi bił béédahozin.LDS LDS
The answer is, the one you get information from.
“Shiyazhí, k’ad éí hool’áo hooghááł.jw2019 jw2019
How can we protect ourselves from being deceived, and how can we speak the truth with one another?
Shizhé’é ałdó’ shá ákó iilaa.jw2019 jw2019
As we meditate on how we benefit from applying Bible truth in our own lives, we will love it more and more.
2 Tʼáá áníiltso éí anoonééł danihidiniiltsóód.jw2019 jw2019
10 Jesus was careful to remain neutral on this issue.
Amá nabíiłnaníí shił ch’íini’ą́ǫ eíí nihich’ikę́ę́h íidoolílii bídenhohéé’, da’ilíigi yee biká adoolwół.jw2019 jw2019
This principle will help us to answer questions such as: ‘Should I go on to university after I have completed my basic education?
37 Éí bąą Christ tʼáá aaníí dayoodlánígíí, dóó tʼáá aaníí Christ yichʼįʼ sońdadílzįįhígíí, (éí éí łaʼ táltʼéego Jesus náyiizláʼą́ą ákǫ́ǫ́ hólǫ́ǫ doo hodooʼniidę́ę éí daʼatah ńtʼę́ę́ʼ) éí Nephi bidineʼé, dóó Jacob bidineʼé, dóó Joseph bidineʼé, dóó Zoram bidineʼé daolyéé ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
12 For some parents, one of the most difficult tests of obedience comes when a child is disfellowshipped.
Áko Jesus doo bílaʼashdlaʼii bizheʼi da.jw2019 jw2019
10. (a) What happened to one brother?
14 Diyin Bizaad éí kótʼéego demons bitsʼąąʼ ánítʼéego bitsʼádíínááł nihiłní.jw2019 jw2019
In ancient times, people usually wrote on only one side of a scroll.
13 Demons éí doo naʼadloʼ tʼéiyá yee daʼnóʼáah da, éí ayandahałhiz.jw2019 jw2019
Therefore, I invite each one of us to find, during this Christmas season, a moment in the quiet of our souls to acknowledge and offer heartfelt gratitude to “the Generous One.”
Naakits’áadah Yilt’áo Bá NaazíidooLDS LDS
In fact, you might find points in God’s Word that you do not often think about but that can strengthen your faith that you will see your loved ones again.
11 Tsʼídá tʼáá ákótʼée doo laanaa, tʼáá ałtsoní bitsʼą́ą́jígíí dahólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
For this reason, Jehovah said that Zedekiah would “die in Babylon, in the place where the king who made him king lives, the one whose oath he despised and whose covenant he broke.” —Ezekiel 17:16.
37 Dóó éí bedaʼoodląʼ binahjįʼ bisodizin Bóhólníihii Jesus Christ yá yidaʼdoolííł nisin; dóó Diyin God aTaaʼ nilíinii éí Israel bighandóó danilíinii yił ałhaʼdeetʼánę́ę éí yénálniih dooleeł nisin; dóó Jesus Christ dayoodlánígíí binahjįʼ, hoolʼáágóó yikʼihojidoodliił nisin.jw2019 jw2019
Placed around the world, temples have their own unique look and design on the outside, but inside they all contain the same eternal light, purpose, and truth.
Bich’į’ naaná nesht’ą́ dóó bee she’estłǫ́nii nahjį’ ninílá.LDS LDS
He said it was more than he could bear and that he simply could not go on.
Łahdaásh ákwíí nínízin łeh?— Diné léiʼ tʼah ániid nijigháago, Jiihóvah ayóíʼájóʼníigo baa nahojilneʼígíí tʼóó kʼasdą́ą́ʼ niʼ kójiilaa níigo Diyin God Bizaad yaa halneʼ.LDS LDS
One of the most difficult changes we have to make is to stop participating in customs and practices that do not please Jehovah.
24 Áádóó kéyah hashtʼeʼadeiilyaa, dóó akʼǫ́ǫ́ʼ yę́ę kʼidadiilyéego baa ńdiikai; aooʼ, Jerusalemdę́ę́ʼ akʼǫ́ǫ́ʼ tʼáá ałtso ndahiijaaʼą́ą kʼidadiilyá.jw2019 jw2019
Brothers and sisters, like the clay on the potter’s wheel, our lives must be centered with exactness in Christ if we are to find true joy and peace in this life.
Saturday Afternoon SessionLDS LDS
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