pioneer oor Navajo


/ˌpаɪəˈnɪər/ werkwoord, naamwoord
One who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow

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alą́ąjį’ nahalne’ii

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He graduated from high school and today is a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant.
2 Dóó tʼáá íiyisíí Bóhólníihii nihikʼijídlíigo, doo kééhatʼínígi yiiʼnééł atsįʼ tʼáá łichíiʼgo bee dahiniiʼná ndi, nihichʼooní baʼáłchíní ląʼída abeʼ bá dahólǫ́ǫ́ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ, dóó dabidzill ńtʼę́ę́ʼ, aooʼ, tʼáá dinégi átʼáo nahalingo, dóó doo saad dahółǫ́ǫ́góó yinééł daazlį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Because of circumstances, others can pioneer for only a little while.
Ayóó bi’diil’áo, at’éé yázhi bilá’ yee bimásąní yiniijį’ yisíł, yináá’ yéego yinéł’į́, dóó kóní, “shimásąní, yédígo íisiiníłts’ą́ą́’!”jw2019 jw2019
For example, one father felt that he was losing his zeal, so he set the goal of becoming a regular pioneer.
Níłchʼi bidaʼiiníziinii binaʼnitin łaʼ éʼoolʼįįł bídawóltąʼígíí aniitahgo Jiihóvahísh bił tʼáá áko doo?jw2019 jw2019
His fellow elders are happy that he and his wife, Jennifer, are part of the congregation and say: “They lead a very simple life as pioneers and set a fine example of seeking the Kingdom first.” —Luke 12:31.
6 Háíshąʼ éí Tʼááʼaanínígíí God Nilı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
What Schooling Is Provided for Pioneers?
Baah áheenizin díí oodlą́ ts’ídá bitłąądí bee há’asdlin ko’doo nitsaago Álahsiidlííhdí.jw2019 jw2019
For three years, we pioneered on Staten Island.
T’aa aniit’e daneegai doo nihich’į’nidáhwii’ná dóó nihąąh danahaz’ą́ haa’ishii oolkil inda yool-kaal.jw2019 jw2019
This is also true for elders, missionaries, pioneers, and Bethelites, who all serve Jehovah faithfully.
10 Íídendi Séítan éí Ádam dóó Íiv yóóʼazhnííʼaaʼ, éí God yeeʼ doo yáʼátʼéehgo nahaʼáii jílı̨́, hałní.jw2019 jw2019
A pioneer sister often joins the couple.
Bí éí akétł’óól dóó tsin bá’íí’ái bits’ą́ą́dę́ę́’ tó hináanii nihich’į’ nílínígíí nilį́, tsin bitoo’ aneest’ą’ bee lą’í dínóot’įįłii.jw2019 jw2019
One pioneer served in a territory where many people were shy, so he avoided questions that would make them feel embarrassed if they did not know the right answer.
Daʼ Godʼísh tʼááʼíiyisíí nihaa aʼááh nízin?jw2019 jw2019
After I graduated, I was temporarily assigned as a special pioneer in the Bronx in New York City.
8 Dóó Zarahemla wolyéego kin dashijaaʼą́ą diiltłah.jw2019 jw2019
This past summer my wife and I had two of our young grandsons staying with us while their parents participated in a pioneer trek activity in their stake.
Diné ayóó jooł yee’nąąné’go doodayeeh diné ayóó dilní yee’nąąnégo, ádíi’nį́į́’ łeh, éí dine’ ayóó yéinilį́, ééshį́į́h t’áá’aníí.LDS LDS
Or why not make it your goal to pioneer or serve at Bethel?
Diyin God Bizaad kʼehgo oodááł bíhooʼaahgi áká análwoʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Two pioneers in Amsterdam share the Kingdom message
“Haaʼíshąʼ nihitsʼíís índa nihinílchʼi niyiiłchxǫǫhii nahjįʼ kódadiilnííł, áádóó Diyin God dadíníilzingo diyingo iiná hadaałtʼéego ádadiilnííł.”—2 Corinithians 7:1.jw2019 jw2019
Because I would not have a pioneer partner, the branch sent me back to Hemsworth as a special pioneer.
(John 8:41, 44) Dííshjı̨́įdi tʼóóʼahayói God bichʼįʼ nahashłá danízin, ndi Séítan dóó biníłchʼi bidaʼiiníziinii éí tsʼídá íiyisíí yá ndaalʼaʼ!—1 Corinthians 10:20.jw2019 jw2019
After he was released from prison, he became a colporteur, as pioneers were then called.
25 Haʼátʼíí, daʼ ákoósh ajoobaʼ tʼáá ákogo nihwiiʼaahii binaanish nahjįʼ kwíidoolííł nínízin?jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 9:37, 38) Can you serve as a pioneer in a place where more publishers are needed?
Díí éí Jesus Christ bídahoołʼaahii dííleełgo nidiyoołnááł.jw2019 jw2019
Pioneering in 1952
Ałk’ídą́ą́’ nahasdzáán bikáá’góó Yisdá’iinííł yił tádookai yę́ę dóó yił ahił ndahasne’ yę́ę baa ntsídaahkees.jw2019 jw2019
We enjoyed pioneering together.
Jesus éí iiná doo ninítʼiʼígíí nihá ąąʼáyiilaa.—Romans 5:21.jw2019 jw2019
Finally, I started pioneering when I was 19.
Diyin k’ehjí hinínáago éí díí tsé nitł’izgo bikáá’ sínízį́į doo nahalin.jw2019 jw2019
He read articles in our magazines about pioneering and prayed about it.
Kwįį nahísóotą́, áádi nahísóotą́, nihee’ áhee’íilkeed, éé’ damǫ́ǫgóó bee ałnánahkáhíí bee, áhodinółzée’go.jw2019 jw2019
Often, those who pioneered before marriage continue pioneering together as a married couple. —Romans 16:3, 4.
God tʼéiyá bichʼįʼ ndahwiidláa doo.—Matthew4:10.jw2019 jw2019
With some adjustments, perhaps someone in the family can begin pioneering in September.
3 Kʼad Zeezrom, niyoochʼííd dóó ninaʼadloʼígíí bee haʼndoolʼį́łígíí yiiltsą́ągo, háálá doo diné tʼéiyá bichʼįʼ niyoochʼíid da ńtʼę́ę́ʼ ákondi Diyin God bichʼįʼ niyoochʼííd ńtʼę́ę́ʼ; áko, nintsékees tʼáá ałtso bił bééhózin, dóó nintsékees biiʼSizíinii bee nihił béédahoozingo yiniłtsą́;jw2019 jw2019
Miriam says: “We were invited to serve as special pioneers.
“Bóhólníihii éí áłchíní aa yiinííł.”—Psalm 127:3jw2019 jw2019
A pioneer sister in Colorado, U.S.A., found a part-time job at a bank.
Áłahjį’ ná sodadiilzin.jw2019 jw2019
“Yes, it is a pioneer girl skipping along happily,” Aunt Rose said.
Diyin kʼehgo niheʼiinaʼ íilʼínígíí ííshjání áyósin.LDS LDS
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