pray oor Navajo


/preɪ/ werkwoord, bywoord
To petition or solicit help from a supernatural or higher being.

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to petition a higher being


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(Psalm 147:10) Instead, we need to continue to pray to Jehovah for help and beg him to save us from our weaknesses.
13 Áádóó Laman bidineʼé kintah Hóóchxǫʼgi shónáádayoostʼeʼ, háálá Nephi bidineʼé yiláahdi éí bidineʼé ánéelą́ąʼgo biniinaa.jw2019 jw2019
You may pray whenever your heart moves you to thank or praise God.
1 Dóó kʼad shí, Nephi, tsʼídá ałtso shidineʼé bee nabidiʼneestą́ą́ʼígíí, nááhídéesohígíí doo bíighah da; háálá doo ayóó naʼaso da, yáshtiʼgo éí íiyisíí sidziil; háálá diné Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii yinahjįʼ yáłtiʼgo éí Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii nihookááʼ dineʼé bijéí biyiʼdi tʼáá aaníinii yił ííshją́ą́ ádeileʼ.jw2019 jw2019
2 After they had prayed unto the Father in the name of Christ, they alaid their hands upon them, and said:
Ne’íina’ bił halbáo ni naaná-hiitáł,LDS LDS
I pray that this may be so.
Dííshjı̨́įdi éí hazhóʼó ahéʼéskéegi deididoołkʼąąłii dahólǫ́.LDS LDS
8 And when they had ministered those same words which Jesus had spoken—nothing varying from the words which Jesus had spoken—behold, they knelt again and prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus.
23 Dóó kʼad shí, Mormon, díí Laman bidineʼé kʼadę́ę kéyah ałtso shódayoołtʼeehgo éí yiiłtsą́ éí bąą Shim wolyéego dah yiskʼidgóó níyá dóó Ammaron tʼáá ałtso haneʼ Bóhólníihii yichʼįʼ néideesʼį́ʼę́ę éí háánil.LDS LDS
After praying to Jehovah about the matter, I bought the sister a small gift and wrote her a card to apologize for my bad attitude.
Hinii’náo, nihíhontá dóó nihíhoneedlį́.jw2019 jw2019
(Ephesians 6:4) Pray with them.
Leets’áá’ al’į́įjí bináánish ííł’į́.jw2019 jw2019
When I did muster up the courage to pray, an elder from the local congregation visited me.
Alma nanitʼingo naʼnitin—Mormon bitoʼdi tó bee alzį́į́h bee ahaʼdeetʼaah yaa hoolneʼ dóó áadi tó yee iisį́į́ʼ—Christ bisodizin bá hooghan hashtʼeyiilaah dóó Diyin God bipriest danilíinii łaʼ yikʼi dadiilniiʼ—Tʼáá akʼindaaldzil dóó bidineʼé ndeinitin—Alma dóó bidineʼé doo diné kééhatʼíní góneʼ Aláahdi Naatʼáanii Noah yitsʼą́ąjigo dah diijééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
When we pray to Jehovah, we can trust that he will hear us even when nobody else does. —Nehemiah 2:1-6.
25 Diné hodooleeł biniiyé Adam asiihgo adáátłizh; dóó diné bił dahózhǫ́ǫ dooleeł biniiyé, hazlį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Corinthians 10:24) Joshua and Esther’s father, Samuel, says: “My wife and I observed our children to see in which language they thrived spiritually, and we prayed for wisdom.
Kingdom Hallgi God ayóíʼádeeyóʼnínígíí dóó haitʼéego God bił hózhǫ́ǫgo ádeeshłííł danízinígíí bił ahéédahodíilzįįłjw2019 jw2019
He wants us to pray from our heart. —Read Matthew 6:7; Philippians 4:6, 7.
13 Ákohgo, áłchíní yázhí doo tó bee dabiʼdilzį́į́hgóó éí doo yisdánáhidookahgóó áko, éí hoolʼáágóó chʼį́įdiitahgóó éí dóó nińtʼiʼjįʼ aheeskai doo ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Praying for Others Pleases Jehovah”: (10 min.)
Daneeznánę́ęshąʼ haʼátʼíí bá chodahooʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
Enlist the missionaries as soon as you can, and pray for heavenly help.
Díné ayóóʼííníʼníigo éí doo diyiilyééł da.LDS LDS
19 David prayed to Jehovah: “You find pleasure in truth in the inner person.”
God tʼáá bí díí yee haadzííʼ, tsʼídá tʼóó ahayóí diné ádaadin yę́ę náábidideeshjah.jw2019 jw2019
Hannah trusted in Jehovah, so she continued to worship at the tabernacle and to pray
Éí haʼátʼíí nihoolzhíishdi bee bééhózin dooígíí yee yił halneʼgo nahodííłkid: “Ákoshąʼ háí baʼahódlíigo índa hóyą́ągo naalʼaʼí nilı̨́, éí binantʼaʼí bighan hazʼą́ągi nidaakaígíí tʼáá ałtso tʼáá áajįʼ anáhwiilzhíishgo yanáʼáłtsoʼ doo biniyé nibiníłtı̨́?”jw2019 jw2019
Amy explained: “I remembered reading that and just praying that I would feel love from God if He really was there for me.”
18 Jesus Beʼiinaʼ Ninéidiníʼánígíí Haash Yit’éego Nihíká Adoolwoł?LDS LDS
That is why Jesus taught us to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, let . . . your kingdom come.
Ákótʼéego łaʼ, naaldlooshii náádahaniih yę́ęgi, Jesus nááʼádiisʼniiʼígíí bił ahenáłtʼé. Áko éí Jesus nááʼádiisʼniiʼígíí binahjįʼ niʼiidzíihii ałtso nihá yóóʼádahididootʼááł. (Hebrews 10:1-4).jw2019 jw2019
False religion teaches people to pray to idols.
Psalm biiʼ 150go sin ádaalyaajw2019 jw2019
He prays that his words will come to the recipient as the words of God, not his.
JESUS yáʼąąshgóó anáádzáádóó bikʼijįʼ, Jerúsalemdi hooghan léiʼgi 120go daatsʼí yiltʼéego bídahoołʼaahii áłah silı̨́ı̨́ʼ. Éí 33 C.E yihah yę́ędą́ą́ʼ Péntekast beiníłką́ągo hodílzin biniyé áłah jizlı̨́ı̨́ʼ.LDS LDS
Remember to Pray for Persecuted Christians
(James 2:19; Revelation 12:9) Jiihóvah éí bikʼis bá, beeʼadziil ííshją́ą́ íidoolííł yaa tsı̨́łi ląʼ nízin—éí tʼááʼałtsojįʼ doo bikʼidanicheehígíí.—2 Chronicles 16:9.jw2019 jw2019
Pray that God’s will be done in heaven and on earth.
NihiZhé’é bijį́sodiiłzingo ałdó yéego bóholnį́į́h.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus prayed earnestly in their behalf.
Saturday Morning Sessionjw2019 jw2019
35 And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of praying he came again to the disciples, and said unto them: aSo great bfaith have I never seen among all the Jews; wherefore I could not show unto them so great cmiracles, because of their dunbelief.
4 Tʼáadoo náníldzidí, háálá doo ádaa yádiníizįįł da; doo ndóʼ niʼ kónihidiʼdoolníił da, háálá baa yáhásinii doo biiʼ ndooháał da; háálá ániid nanináhą́ądą́ą́ʼ baa yáhasinii biiʼ tádííníyáhą́ą éí bee yidiyíínah, dóó baa yáhasinii biiʼ nisíníyáhą́ą doo béénílniiʼ da dooleeł, dóó naa áhásdįįd yę́ędą́ą́ʼ bá yá nínízinę́ę doo béénílniiʼ da dooleeł.LDS LDS
“The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
T’áá’aaníí akwíínisiníí eíí bá yáłti’í, Naat’áanii Thomas S.LDS LDS
21 And it came to pass that I did frankly aforgive them all that they had done, and I did exhort them that they would pray unto the Lord their God for bforgiveness.
13 Demons éí doo naʼadloʼ tʼéiyá yee daʼnóʼáah da, éí ayandahałhiz.LDS LDS
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