race oor Navajo


/reɪs/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A progressive movement toward a goal.

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(@7 : es:raíz tr:kök ro:rădăcină )
(@7 : es:raíz tr:kök ro:rădăcină )
(@6 : es:familia el:σόι nb:slekt )
(@6 : ms:jalan el:δρόμος bg:път )
(@5 : fr:famille es:familia th:ญาติ )
tó nilį́į́h
(@5 : es:corriente ro:curent nl:stroom )
(@4 : fr:clan de:Sippe ru:род )
(@4 : de:laufen ms:jalan id:jalan )
(@4 : de:fliegen hr:letjeti bg:летя )
(@4 : fr:se dépêcher ja:急ぐ fi:kiirehtiä )
(@3 : ja:急ぐ eu:lasterka id:cepat )
(@3 : de:jagen sv:jaga nl:jagen )
(@3 : el:τρέχω sl:teči fi:juosta )
(@3 : de:fahren de:fliegen pt:ir )
(@3 : sw:mbegu he:זרע ja: )
bił yitʼah
(@3 : de:fliegen bg:летя ru:лететь )
(@3 : fr:bague de:Ring ru:кольцо )
(@3 : nl:stroom pl:prąd tr:cereyan )
(@2 : id:hidup ms:hidup )
bił kééhashtʼíinii
(@2 : fr:famille es:familia )


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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race car
chidí dilwoʼí
race track


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However, on Sunday, December 18, 2011, more than 78,000 Witnesses of different races from South Africa and nearby countries gathered for a special program at the largest stadium in Johannesburg.
Jesus yee nihá nihoníʼą́: Doo diné bá nahwijiiʼaah da; Diyin God ndabídółkid; doo tʼáá aaníí Diyin God yá dahalneʼii tʼáá baa ákonohsin—ATaaʼ yinízinígíí yidaʼiłʼínígíí éí tʼáá aaníí yisdáhidookah ní—Matthew 7 bił ahąąh naaʼnil.jw2019 jw2019
And in Jesus’ day, people were very proud of their race.
1 Áádóó diné áłah nilínę́ę dóó ałdóʼ bikééʼ naazíinii kʼadí tʼáadoo sodadołziní yidííniid.jw2019 jw2019
4:9 —He did not prejudge the Samaritan woman on the basis of her race
Ił hózhǫ́ índa God bił hózhǫ́ǫgo ííníilzin dooígi ałdóʼ baa íhwiidiilʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
Some feel that their nation or race is better than others.
1 Jó, áádóó shí, Nephi, shínaaí á háchįʼígíí biniinaa, tʼáá áłahjįʼ Bóhólníihii shiDiyin God bichʼįʼ sodiszin.jw2019 jw2019
Later, in various countries across the world, I have had small glimpses into the ugliness of prejudice and discrimination suffered by those who are targeted because of their race or ethnicity.
Ch’į́įdii éí kót’éego doo yá’át’éehii bee diné najilo’ doo áádóó bił hahozhniłcháad doo nihó’ni.LDS LDS
For example, in the past in South Africa, the government set aside places for people of different races to live.
Shik’iské, nihí t’óó hónishghánjį’ bee’ádziil bináanish eíí biyi’ baa hóone’ “Sodízin Bighanjí áłtsé yiká i’doolwółígíí” diné t’áała’í nízį́noo dóó dahooghngóó.2 Nidishchíí’ yee’ dahéeshch’-íizgo náaltsoos ályáo saad bik’iníí’nil dóó alkéé’ nináána’nil.jw2019 jw2019
4 When we clothe ourselves with the new personality, we treat all people with respect and honor, no matter what their race or background is.
Nahasdzáán tʼáá siʼą́ą́ ńtʼééʼ Diyin God Bizaad bóhooʼaa biniyé chǫʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
Pr 24:16 —How does this proverb encourage us to endure in the race for life?
Hodookʼą́ą́ł góyaa jidookʼą́ąłgo, haʼátʼíí biniinaa tʼóó baaʼihgo Jiihóvah bee baa nitsáhákees?jw2019 jw2019
Those who wish to please Christ owe love and appreciation to all, regardless of nationality, race, or religion
Saad hadaasdzooígíí éí Diyin God Bizaad (Navajo Revised) biiʼdóó hadasdzoh.jw2019 jw2019
It was racing, going over the events surrounding Timo’s death.
3 Diyin yá naalʼaʼii éí Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii yinahjįʼ yádaałtiʼ; ákohgo, Christ bizaad éí yee yádaałtiʼ.jw2019 jw2019
In Jesus’ time, people were divided by politics, by their position in society, by their culture, and by their race.
Deuteronomy 11:1jw2019 jw2019
A society of people from all nationalities, languages, and races who gladly submit to the rulership of the new heavenly government
T’ánit’éíI Yisda’íiníiłii bíkee yííkágo saad bee iináígíí, saad bee joobá’ígíi nihizaad doo háálá ákot’áo nihi tágoonąąyá.jw2019 jw2019
Do not judge by the outward appearance: Jesus never evaluated others based on things such as their race, wealth, or age.
Anoonééł.jw2019 jw2019
We do not treat anyone differently because of his race or background
ʼ Díí ndaʼádéékidígíí dóó náásgóó nináá ídídóokiłígíí tʼááʼałtsojiʼ baa íhwiidiilʼáłígíí Diyin Bizaad biiʼdóó nihił ííshjání ííłʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
Satan also misleads people through extreme pride of race and the worship of political organizations.
Diyin God bizaad dashijaa’, “T’áá aníinii éí bitś’á’adi’nídíín,”5dóó Diyin God Bighan Nitsaa t’áá’aníinii biyi’ dóó hool’áágóó bídéét’i’; nidó ákónít’é.jw2019 jw2019
He waved enthusiastically with both hands as he raced past his friend.
Ałtse, íłhasóhgoLDS LDS
Another expert said that propaganda has caused people to behave in extremely dangerous and unreasonable ways and has led to genocide (where an entire race of people is wiped out), war, and persecution because of race or religion. —Easily Led— A History of Propaganda.
Akó Eva ’éé’ tsits’aa’ biih jíínil dóó hazhe’é bił nléí bimá yazhí sąní Rose bighangóó chidí beezhni’áázh.jw2019 jw2019
(John 13:34, 35) They are not taught to think that they are better than people of other races or skin color.
18 Jesus éí bílaʼashdlaʼii ayóóʼájóʼní dóó baa aʼááh jinízin ńtʼééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
People from all backgrounds, races, and languages worship Jehovah together, serving him “shoulder to shoulder.”
Chʼiyáán bídin hóyééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
5 The brothers made arrangements so that on some weekends, Witnesses from two congregations of a different language or race could spend time together.
Dił iih yiltʼood bee lą́ʼ izhdoołeełgooísh doo ákótʼée da?jw2019 jw2019
20 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.