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The person you spoke with before is not at home, but a relative answers the door.
9 Dóó náánáá, nihookááʼ dineʼé bił ííshją́ą́ ályaa díí kʼéházdon atiinígíí, dóó áłtsʼóózígo yah ahóótʼiʼígíí, éí yee yah ahidookahígíí, tʼáá bí áłtsé hanááł ákóʼiilaago.jw2019 jw2019
5 How to Keep Peace With Your Relatives
Áko kʼad, diné iisxį́įgo, jó daʼ nihibeehazʼáanii, éí éí tʼáá ákogi átʼéésh, bikʼis beʼiinaʼ yaa néididoodlééł?jw2019 jw2019
Or they could be relatives, neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates who do not worship Jehovah.
6 Dóó éí azhéʼé baʼáłchíní yił łáʼí ńdadoodleeł, dóó áłchíní bizhéʼé yił łáʼí ńdadoodleeł, háálá deeshááł dóó nahasdzáán ayóó yéigo bá hadeesdzih.jw2019 jw2019
However, our relatives may believe that we have been tricked or have become part of a strange religious group.
1 Dóó kʼad, shiyeʼ, díí náádidoojahígíí bídéétʼiʼgo baa hóóneʼę́ę łaʼ baa hanáádeesdzih; jó háálá, diné łaʼ Diyin God bizaad ánínígíí ndeizgiz, dóó díí biniinaa yóó aheeskai.jw2019 jw2019
What is relative freedom?
Yisdá’iiníiłii nihíká’análwo’, azhą́shį́į́ ni’iyiilzííh ndi, éí bee Bí biniit’ée doo.jw2019 jw2019
How can we plan ahead so that we can avoid arguments with our relatives?
Díí bíhwiidooʼáłígíí nihił chʼíhootʼaah, Noah tʼááʼaaníí baa haneʼígíí nabikʼítsínkees.jw2019 jw2019
How to Keep Peace With Your Relatives
15 Ndi tʼáá aaníinii dóó hojoobaʼ áhwiinidzinjígo oodááł bee ndanohtin dooleeł; ayóó ádaʼahóʼníigo, dóó ahíłká ańdaajahgo bee ndanohtin dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
What may cause a problem with our relatives who do not serve Jehovah?
Áko Jáshowa ooʼishgo, Ízrel dineʼé kéyah hó dadooleełgo baa hoolzhiizh.jw2019 jw2019
However, he had to stop serving in the traveling work to take care of a sick relative.
Nihí eíí Diyin God yee haadzíí’ łahdá bąą dóo nahash’náa da, t’áashí shohólnííh, dóó dóo diniilzée da.jw2019 jw2019
6 Even if our relatives oppose us because we worship Jehovah, we still love them.
1, 2. (a) Haʼátʼíí aa yílyáhígíí baa ahééh hwiindzin łeh?jw2019 jw2019
16 Of course, you cannot avoid all disagreements with your unbelieving relatives.
Díí hoł áhátʼínígíí dóó naʼiigeeł shı̨́ı̨́ tʼááʼaaníí danízingo deeyoodlą́.jw2019 jw2019
How should we speak with our unbelieving relatives?
Bee ndahwiidoołkáałdi, Zion dóó biyiʼ stake sodizin bá dahooghan ndeidoonił, dóó Israel ajoobaʼgo doo ayóó ábiʼdooʼníigo áłah ádoolnííł—Éí akʼehdadidoodleeł—Isaiah 54 bił ahąąh naaʼnil.jw2019 jw2019
How can true friends comfort us if our relatives disappoint us?
(Psalms 25:8) God bikʼis jidooleełgo, nihí éí tsʼídá yáʼátʼééhii dóó tʼáá ákóneʼ átʼéii niidlı̨́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
These two articles will explain what true freedom is, how we can have it, and how we can use our relative freedom now to benefit ourselves and others.
Diíshjį́įdi kot’éego niłtóloo ahééhasinígíí shį́į́ díí hane’ biyi’ gi’at’áo dóó ałahgi’ yiit’į́į da.jw2019 jw2019
Others, who are already older, are having to care for elderly relatives.
10 Dóó háálá nihookááʼ dineʼé tʼáá ałtso yá náʼookąąhígíí biniinaa, nihookááʼ dineʼé tʼáá ałtso Diyin God yidááhdóó nínáhidookah; ákohgo, yidááhdóó naazį́įgo, tʼáá aaníinii dóó diyingo hałtʼéí biiʼ hólónígíí binahjįʼ yá nahodiyooʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
Be Loyal When a Relative Is Disfellowshipped
Shighan hazʼą́ągi haʼátʼíí lá bee ndínéeshtı̨́įłgo Jiihóvah deiniidlą́ągi bidziilgo íidoolííł?jw2019 jw2019
How can you maintain your loyalty to Jehovah if your relatives oppose true worship?
Ndi azhą́ diyin nilį́į ndi, nihookááʼ dineʼé binááł, atsʼíískʼehjí aTaaʼ yidááhdóó hojoobaʼ ádílnééh, dóó aTaaʼ bibeehazʼáanii yikʼeh hółʼį́į dooleeł biniiyé kótʼáo yichʼįʼ ííshją́ą́ iʼiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
All humans have relative freedom, or freedom with limits.
“Azhniʼįįhii tsʼídá doo náázhdíʼnóoʼı̨́įł da, ndi hanaanish ílı̨́įgo joołtʼihgo éí bee badahojoobáʼíígíí baa jijoobaʼ doo.”—Ephesians 4:28.jw2019 jw2019
The number of members of the Church in the latter days would be relatively few, as Nephi prophesied, but they would be upon all the face of the earth, and the power and ordinances of the priesthood would be available to all who desired them, filling the earth as Daniel foretold.5
21 Háálá ééʼ dóó bééshhał shinííʼ gónaa shąąh dah sitánígíí yiyiiłtsą́ągo, shinaatʼáanii, Laban átʼį́ niizį́į́ʼ.LDS LDS
We also witness to our neighbors, workmates, classmates, and relatives when we have an appropriate opportunity.
Diyin Bizaad yaa chʼíhwiizʼánę́ę shił bééhodoozįįł nínízingo God Bizaad Biiʼdę́ę́ʼ Baa Íhwiidooʼáłígíí naʼídíkid 6 dóó 7 níníłʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
The person tells you that he just lost a relative in death.
Hastóí naanish yídaneelʼą́ągo báʼadahwiiztʼiʼígíí tʼááʼałtso áłah nídaadleehígi akʼidadéezʼı̨́įʼgo nidaalʼaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
My wife, Kathy, and I also raised our family in Southern California, relatively close to the coast.
Íídą́ą́’ nihinaat’áanii dóó Jerusalem bínaat’áanii yił áłah silį́į́’ éí keyah wókeed biniyé áko áádí kin Jerusalem Center wolyéhígíí ádoolnį́į́ł.LDS LDS
Then he preached to all his relatives.
Shí díí azhe’é yókeedíí łą́ądi baa nitsínasekééz: “Doo yiníshdlą́ biká anilyééd.”jw2019 jw2019
My relatives, my people, diverse people... some time in the future... our language, our prayers, our clans, and our culture... do not misplace that, my children... until death... wherever you travel to.
3 Ákohgo, nitsʼíís dóó niyiʼsizíinii bikʼihojidoodliił, dóó nikʼis, Nephi, tʼáadoo átʼéhígóó bił naghan dooleeł; dóó niDiyin God bá nanilnishgo ándoołkááł.OliverDeBriz OliverDeBriz
Read what Mary said when she visited her relatives Zechariah and Elizabeth.
Alma díí Yisda’iinííł nihá Nina’ídláhígíí kot’éego yaa halne’: “Dóó shį́į́ doogáał, neezgáigo ti’hoonííh dóó bitáh nahwii’náo dóó ał’ąą’ at’áo bi’ookąąh; dóó díí saad dah be’doolnííł jó bi éiyá bidine’é biti’hoo’nííh dóó bidádees’a’ ak’íididoot’ááł” (Alma 7:11; ałdó’ nól’į́ 2 Nephi 9:21).jw2019 jw2019
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