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/ɹɪˈtɝn/, /ɹɪˈtɜːn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(cricket) A throw from a fielder to the wicket-keeper or to another fielder at the wicket.

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Ezr 1:3-6 —Why were the Israelites who did not volunteer to return to Jerusalem not necessarily weak in faith?
13 Ákohgo, shikʼisóó ayóí ánihííníshʼníinii, tʼáá aaníí shił bééhózin aYeʼ bikééʼ woháałgo, nijéí biyiʼdóó tʼáá aaníí ádadohníigo, naʼadloʼí tʼáá gééd dóó yoochʼííd Diyin God yidááhdóó, ndi tʼáá aaníí ádóhníigo, nihibąąhági átʼéii yóó adahidohʼaahgo, aTaaʼ binááł Christ bízhiʼ ákʼidideeshtʼááł nohsingo, tó bee nihiʼdiilzį́į́h—aooʼ, bizaad ánínígi átʼáo, nihiBóhólníihii dóó nihiYisdáʼiiníiłii bikééʼ táyiʼ góyaa ahohkááh, jó índa Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii nihaa doolyééł; aooʼ, índa kǫʼ dóó Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii bee nihidiʼdoolzį́į́ł; dóó índa diyin yá naalʼaʼii bizaad bee yáłtiʼ dooleeł, dóó Israel beʼAyóó Átʼéii baa hohniihgo baa dadoohłwosh.jw2019 jw2019
And He can touch the hearts of the flock in the Laurel class to love and welcome the lost sheep so that when she returns, she will feel she has come home.
Kʼad éí nihookááʼgi tʼóóʼahayóígo kéyah ałtsʼádaasdzoh.LDS LDS
Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.4 10-11 —Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
33 Índa aTaaʼ áłah ánááhodoodlííł, dóó kéyah Jerusalem éí bikéyah dooleeł biniiyé yee didooʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
The Prodigal Returns
Deuteronomy 11:1jw2019 jw2019
Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Memorial invitation and wp17.2 cover —Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
Bí yee’ bił ha’ííniilní bee yiidáałgo yee nihik’izhdoodlííł dóó nihi díí naakijį́ áłahniidlǫ́ǫ dasidiits’ą́’íí t’áa bich’į’ ne’niidlį́ní bee náás yiikáh, be’ayóó’o’o’ní eíí nihił bééhózin dóó ch’ééh íil’ínígíí ndi yee nihiká adoolwół—shóóh, nihił hólǫ́ǫ doolééł ts’ída ch’éeh’íitį́įgo.jw2019 jw2019
The longer videos can be used on return visits and with those who have more time.
Háíshąʼ éí Béthelgi nidaalnish, dóó haitʼéego baa ádahayą́?jw2019 jw2019
While there, I noticed the Belfast Coat of Arms, which includes the motto “Pro tanto quid retribuamus,” or “What shall we give in return for so much?”
Lą’í nááhaiyę́ędą́ą́’, Frankfurt, Germanydi ts’ídá alą́ąjį’ sizíní nishłį́įgo, ałah siidlį́į́’ dóó bik’ijį’ alah ła’ doo bił hózhǫ́ǫ́góó shaa níyá.LDS LDS
I also testify that Jesus Christ has called apostles and prophets in our day and restored His Church with teachings and commandments as “a refuge from the storm, and from wrath” that will surely come unless the people of the world repent and return to Him.14
Naʼáłchíní naa yistiʼ dóó nikʼeh hółʼı̨́į dooígi bee nanítin.LDS LDS
If we deviate from God’s way, we should humbly return, confident of Jehovah’s willingness to forgive us
Ákoísh daneeznánígíí nááhididoojahgo átʼé?jw2019 jw2019
Matthew then tells us that Joseph had another dream in which an angel told him to return to the land of Israel and that he returned and decided to settle his family in Nazareth.
T’áa shį́į́ aaníí Diyin God bił haz’ą́ nǫ̨ǫséełgi bąąh íidiilwoshíí t’óó áháyóígo at’é.jw2019 jw2019
If you tell him that you will return at a specific time, keep your appointment. —Mt 5:37.
Ááshinee’ shík’is dóó ałhéehoniilziníí, dííjį́ baa shił hózhǫ́ǫgo nihił honishłǫ́h, dóó bá yáłti’í kwǫ́ǫ́ naagáhii baa ahééh nísin, Naat’áanii Thomas S.jw2019 jw2019
First Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation.
Hodeesʼáágóó God Éí Agháadi Nikʼis Dooleełgo Átʼéjw2019 jw2019
If his parents are unavailable, we should return at another time.
Dinésh chʼil dadeenínígíí yitsʼą́ą́dóó chʼil naʼatłʼoʼii dayóbé, éí doodago hosh yitsʼą́ą́dóó figs wolyéhígíí dayóbé?jw2019 jw2019
What do parents desire in return?
Wołíbee ádeitʼı̨́įgo diné dahólǫ́ǫ́góó bił nidahwiilneʼ.jw2019 jw2019
(Genesis 45:24) Joseph gave his brothers this wise advice when they were returning to their father.
Éí bąą, dinéshąʼ haitʼéhígíí nohłį́į doo?jw2019 jw2019
Second Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation.
Díí naaltsoos yíníłtaʼgo bééhózinígo éí Diyin Bizaad yee naʼnitingi nił bééhodoozįįł nínízin.jw2019 jw2019
A week later, Luigi was making a return visit on a woman.
“Nijéí tʼáá átʼé bee Bóhólníihii [Jiihóvah] baa dzíínílí; tʼáá ni nił bééhózinii éí tʼáadoo baʼíínílíhí.jw2019 jw2019
Third Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Choose your own scripture, and offer a study publication.
(Psalms 25:8) God bikʼis jidooleełgo, nihí éí tsʼídá yáʼátʼééhii dóó tʼáá ákóneʼ átʼéii niidlı̨́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
Dad was visibly shaken as he returned from the phone call, but he composed himself, squared his shoulders, and bore his fervent witness of the Father’s plan and his faith in the Savior’s vital role in it.
Dóó tʼahdii nihąąh hayííłʼáa dooleeł; dóó tʼáá ákótʼé, dóó tʼáá ákónóhtʼée dooleeł, ahoolʼá dóó ahoyoolʼáágóó; éí bąą, haʼátʼíísh éí bee ádaa hohniih dooleeł?LDS LDS
Third Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Choose your own scripture and linking question.
Bóhólníihii bihanáʼáyį́į́hdę́ę́ʼ wóshdę́ę́ʼ haʼní—Tsʼídá tʼáá aaníí ádadohníigo sodadoołzin—Christ biiʼSizíinii éí bee diné yáʼátʼéhígíí dóó doo yáʼáshóonii bił bééhózin—Satan beʼiiníziinii éí diné Christ yóó adadoohʼaah dóó doo yáʼáshóonii baa naahkaii yiłní—Diyin God yá dahalneʼii éí Christ doogáłígíí ííshjání ádayósin—Hweʼodląʼígíí bikʼehgo álílee naʼanish dóó diyin yá naalʼaʼí ndaʼnitin—Diné éí hoolʼáágóó iináanii yíká chodaʼoołʼį́į doo dóó diyingo ayóó óʼóʼní tsʼídá yéigo adídajóltąʼ doo.jw2019 jw2019
First Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Use the sample conversation.
Haʼátʼííshąʼ biniinaa diné beeʼiinaʼ ndahatʼéí?—Romans 5:12.jw2019 jw2019
We will rise with the just when He returns!
Diyin God Bizaad Jew dineʼé bitsʼą́ą́dę́ę́ʼ ńdeidiiʼánígíísh yichʼįʼ ahééh danízin?LDS LDS
But after they return to their normal way of life, those who are grieving still need comfort.
12 Dóó díí anoonééł baa yááłtiʼígíí, iiʼsizíiniikʼehgo iiná ádingo; éí bidaneeznánę́ę yee deididoochił; iiʼsizíiniikʼehjí ánoonéłígíí éí chʼį́įdiitah; ákohgo atsʼíískʼehjí daneeznánę́ę dóó chʼį́įdiitahdi daneeznánígíí dahólónę́ę wóshdę́ę́ʼ chʼéédooʼnił, chʼį́įdiitahdi iiʼsizíinii dahólónígíí éí wóshdę́ę́ʼ kóńdoolnííł, dóó atsʼíís łeeyiʼ dahólónę́ę wóshdę́ę́ʼ kóńdoolnííł, dóó diné bitsʼíís dóó biiʼsizíinii éí ahiih náhidooʼnił; Dóó díí éí Israel beʼAyóó Átʼéii binááʼdiijeehígíí bibee adziilii bikʼehgo.jw2019 jw2019
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