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(Biblical) A book of the New Testament of the Bible, .

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Logical explanations for the world’s problems. —Revelation 12:12.
Nihił hoogáłígi anídahaztʼiʼígíí baa chʼíhwiitʼaah. —Revelation 12:12.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah God wants you to do that before it’s too late. —Revelation 18:4.
Jiihóvah díí tʼah doo ííłdįįhdą́ą́ʼ tsı̨́įłgo bitsʼádíínááł nóʼní. —Revelation 18:4.jw2019 jw2019
But the example of continuing revelation that was passed through a stake president could bless all of us in the days ahead.
Ndi, bits’ą́ą́doo íhoo’aah éí Diyin God naat’áanii stake dahyo’iishígíí yił ííshją́ą́ áyiilaa binajį náasgóó nihik’ijoosdliid.LDS LDS
(Revelation 14:4) The Governing Body appreciates our prayers in its behalf.
(Revelation 14:4) Hastóí Alą́ąjįʼ Daʼéeʼéshígíí éí bá sodadiilzingo yaa ahééh danízin.jw2019 jw2019
Yes, human governments will fight against God’s Kingdom. —Revelation 16:14, 16; see Endnote 10.
Bílaʼashdlaʼii binahatʼaʼ éí God biNahatʼaʼ yił ałkʼiidoojah.—Revelation 16:14, 16; Endnote 10 níníłʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
My mother must have understood that principle of revelation.
Shimá éí Diyin God yił ííshją́ą́ áyiilaa’ígíí bił beehózin nt’ę́ę́’sha’shin.LDS LDS
(1 Timothy 6:14-16) Maybe you feel as do the creatures in heaven who sing: “The Lamb who was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.” —Revelation 5:12.
(1 Timothy 6: 14-16) Yáʼąąshdi dahináanii tʼáadoo bee néelą́ʼígóó dabiinééʼ dadiitsʼaʼgo “Dibé Yázhí seesyı̨́ nilíinii éí óhólnííh, atʼı̨́, hódzą́, adziil, ił ídlı̨́, ayóó éʼétʼé índa aa haʼniih bee hodooleełgo yą́ą́h nilı̨́.” daaníigo dahotááłígíí shı̨́ı̨́ ałdóʼ ákótʼéego baa nitsíníkees.—Revelation 5:12.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 20:1-3) Eventually, nobody will get sick or die.
(Revelation 20:1-3) Achʼįʼ nahwiiʼná ádin doo, índa doo łaʼ dadootsaał da.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 12:9) The identity of God’s promised Seed, or Deliverer, was a secret that over the centuries was revealed progressively in the Bible.
(Revelation 12:9) Bílaʼashdlaʼii Yisdéidooniłii dóó Séítan yidoołjishígíí, éí doo bééhózingóó ląʼí nááhai, ákótʼée ndi éí Diyin Bizaad biiʼdę́ę́ʼ ííshjání áalniiłgo hoolzhiizh.jw2019 jw2019
And we will need not just one revelation in a time of stress, but we need a constantly renewed stream.
Doo t’ááłáhídi hach’į nahwiináago t’eiyá nihich’į áł’į́įda, éí yee’ t’áá łahjį tó nihił yah’íílį́ nahalingo nidzin.LDS LDS
(b) According to Revelation 12:12, what would happen on earth after Satan was thrown down?
(b) Séítan bidah ahoolghango, Revelation 12:12 haa hodoonííł ní?jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 12:9) In the near future, God will again act against Satan and his demons.
(Revelation 12:9) God éí hodíínááʼígo, Séítan dóó biníłchʼi ndaalʼaʼí yikʼijįʼ nináá doolnish.jw2019 jw2019
“To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever.” —REVELATION 5:13.
“Bikááʼdóó nahatʼáii bikááʼdóó dah sidáii índa Dibé Yázhí nilíinii éí aa haʼniih, ił ídlı̨́, ayóó éʼétʼé índa adziil hoolʼáágóó ahóyéelʼáágóó bííʼ dooleeł!”—REVELATION 5:13.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 7:9, 10) It is wonderful that each year at the Memorial, so many people honor Jehovah and Jesus for the great things they have done!
(Revelation 7: 9, 10) Baa hózhǫ́ Jesus Bééhániih ánálʼįįhgo diné tsʼídá tʼóó ahayóí Jiihóvah dóó Jesus ayóó átʼéego áátʼįįdgi yee yaa dahaniih!jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 7:9) No matter what language we speak or where we live, we can shine “as illuminators in the world.” —Philippians 2:15.
(Revelation 7:9) Azhą́ nihizaad ałʼąą ádaatʼé doodaiiʼ ałʼąą kéédahwiitʼı̨́į ndi “nahasdzáán bikáaʼjįʼ adiníłdíinii nahalingo daʼdíínółdíín.” —Philippians 2:15.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 14:6) How do we accomplish this challenging task?
(Revelation 14:6) Díí naanish nanitłʼa ndi, haash yitʼéego łaʼ deilʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 18:2) But we are like foreigners in this world.
(Revelation 18:2) Nihí éí déʼéyóní nahalingo bił kéédahwiitʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 21:4) The earth becomes a paradise!
(Revelation 21:4) Nahasdzáán bikááʼ ayóó áhonóolin náhásdlı̨́įʼ doo!jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 20:1-3) Later, the Devil and his demons will be destroyed forever.—Revelation 20:10.
(Revelation 20: 1-3) Hodíínááʼígo Séítan dóó biníłchʼi ndaalʼaʼí hoolʼáágóó ádadooldįįł.—Revelation 20:10.jw2019 jw2019
This prophecy is found at Genesis 3:15 and promises that Satan the Devil and all his evil works will be destroyed. —1 John 3:8; Revelation 12:9.
Éí Séítan, Devil níłchʼi bidaʼiiníziinii binanitʼaʼí nilíinii binaanish íidoołdįįł. —1 John 3:8; Revelation 12:9.jw2019 jw2019
(Judges 13:18; Daniel 8:16; Luke 1:19; Revelation 12:7) It also says that Jehovah gave a name to each star.
(Judges 13:18; Daniel 8:16; Luke 1:19; Revelation 12:7) Ałdóʼ áníigo Jiihóvah éí sǫʼ tʼáá ałtso bízhiʼ dahólǫ́ǫgo áyiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
“You created all things.” —Revelation 4:11
“Tʼáá ałtsoní íinilaa.”—Revelation 4:11jw2019 jw2019
(Romans 6:23) Jesus is now the King of God’s Kingdom, a heavenly government that will bring Paradise to this earth. —Revelation 19:16.
(Romans 6:23) Jesus éí kʼad God Binahatʼaʼ bił Hazʼáanii biNaatʼáanii nilı̨́, díí yáʼąąshdę́ę́ʼ nahatʼáago nihookááʼ tʼáá siʼą́ą́ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ Kéyah Tʼáadoo Bee Honóoshóní íidoolííł.—Revelation 19:16.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 15:4) All religions based on Satan’s lies will be gone.
(Revelation 15:4) Tʼááʼałtso nahaghaʼ Séítan biyoochʼííd bee kʼeeʼąą hodeesʼáahígíí éí ádin dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
Reuben Clark Jr. explained, “The President of the Church ... alone has the right to receive revelations for the Church.” 2
Reuben Clark kot’oa yahalné, “T’áá bi Diyin ya yałtí eiya Diyin Bisodizin Bahoghan ’at’ééh dooleeł bił iizhą́ą́ al’į́́, ei doodago Diyin bibehaz’ą́ą́nii ałnéego doodago Diyin bibeehaza’ą́ą́nii łá ’ałnéego.2LDS LDS
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