sisters oor Navajo

U kan ook belangstel om hierdie woorde na te gaan: sister.


/ˈsɪs.tɚz/ naamwoord
Plural form of sister.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
bił hajííjééʼ
(@12 : fr:fratrie de:Bruder de:Schwester )
(@12 : fr:fratrie de:Bruder de:Schwester )
(@12 : fr:fratrie de:Bruder de:Schwester )
(@9 : de:Schwester ja: id:saudari )
(@9 : de:Schwester ja: id:saudari )
(@5 : fr:frère de:Bruder hi:भाई )
(@5 : fr:frère de:Bruder hi:भाई )
azeeʼ neiikáhí
(@2 : de:Schwester pl:siostra )
(@1 : hu:rokon )
(@1 : pt:gémeo )


Plural form of Sister.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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Soortgelyke frases

our friend, our brother, our sister
My maternal grandmother has an older sister.
Shimasaní ádí bee hólǫ́.
my younger sister
younger sister
Older sister
his/her younger sister
your younger sister
my maternal grandmother has an older sister.
shimasaní ádí bee hólǫ́.
your older sister


Advanced filtering
How did Sister Pötzinger* wisely use her time while in solitary confinement?
Nihisister Pötzinger* awáalya tʼáá sahdii sidáá, haʼátʼíí yee akʼeh hałtaʼ ńtʼééʼ?jw2019 jw2019
“I had 16 brothers and sisters.
“Shí éí 16 bił haijééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Brothers and sisters, like the clay on the potter’s wheel, our lives must be centered with exactness in Christ if we are to find true joy and peace in this life.
Shik’is doo shilah, naabalgi hashtl’ish yinaalnishi gi’at’ao, nihe’iina’ ts’ida Christ bee bik’ehji yiidaalgo dii t’aa’aanii il hozho doo hoozyeel bik’idiniitaal.LDS LDS
After praying to Jehovah about the matter, I bought the sister a small gift and wrote her a card to apologize for my bad attitude.
Jiihóvah bee bichʼįʼ sodeeszindóó bikʼijįʼ, shikʼis tʼáadoo leʼé łaʼ bichʼįʼ íishłaa dóó naaltsoos bikáaʼgi doo álʼínígi ániishłaa bidishníigo kʼé nábideeshniid.jw2019 jw2019
Clearly, good results came from the generosity of those sisters. —Ecclesiastes 11:1, 6.
Bééhózinígo, nihisisters bił hadleeʼgo éí bitsʼą́ą́dóó yáʼátʼéehgo áʼjiilaa. —Ecclesiastes 11:1, 6.jw2019 jw2019
We were sitting where the sisters of the auxiliary presidencies are now seated.
Nihí iidą́ą́’ sáanii binaat’áanii dah naheeztą́ndę́ę́’ dah naheetą́.LDS LDS
16 Many of our brothers and sisters were once as fierce as wolves but are now peaceable.
16 Ląʼígo nihibrothers dóó nihisisters łah mąʼiitsoh nahalingo báádahadzid ńtʼééʼ, ndi kʼad éí doo ádaatʼée da.jw2019 jw2019
So when brothers and sisters from the English-language congregation came to preach with the Xhosa-language congregation, Noma invited some of them to her house for a meal.
Áádóó bilagáana bizaad bee áłah náʼádleehígíí éí Xhosajįʼ saad bee áłah náʼádleehígíí bił Diyin Bizaad baa nináádahojisneʼgo Noma éí bił dazhdooyı̨́ı̨́ł biniyé haghandi łaʼ bił nijikai.jw2019 jw2019
So the best help I could give was to take her daughter Chloe home with me so her mom and new baby sister could have some quiet time.
Akó ts’ída bee biká edeeshwoł niizį́’ígíí éí bich’e’é Chloe shighangóó bił nideesht’ashgo bimá dóó bík’is anii yizhchį́nii doo’ííts’ígoo sikée dooleeł.LDS LDS
14 Reylene, a sister in the Philippines, had a different problem.
14 Reylene, éí Philippinesdę́ę́ʼ nihisister nilı̨́įgo łah átʼéego bichʼįʼ anáhóótʼiʼ.jw2019 jw2019
An elderly brother or sister might need help traveling to and from the congregation meetings.
Łaʼ nihibrother doodaiiʼ nihisister hadaastihígíí áłah náʼádleehgóó bił dooʼash dóó nátʼą́ą́ʼ bił nizhdootʼash bee áká anéiijahgo átʼé.jw2019 jw2019
Love makes us do all we can to help our brothers and sisters who are older or have disabilities
Ayóóʼóʼóʼní bee náás daazlı̨́įʼii índa atsʼíís doodaiiʼ yínííł bee bichʼįʼ anídahaztʼiʼii bíká anéiijahjw2019 jw2019
Brothers and sisters, how good it is to be with you once again.
Shik’is dóó shilakee, nizhóniyeeh naaneeh nihił honishlǫ́.LDS LDS
Her smile and warm greeting came from seeing that a sister and daughter of God was still on the covenant path home.
K’e nizhin dóó yaa bił hózhǫ́ jó Diyin God bitsi’ yił aha’diit’ánígíí, nilį́įgo t’ahndi diyin bighanjigo é’e’tiingó náád́ááł.LDS LDS
Christians who have accepted Jehovah’s viewpoint have happier families, are healthier, and have peaceful relationships with their brothers and sisters around the world.
Éí Oodlání daazlíʼígíí Jiihóvah bikʼehgo nitsáhákees nídeidiiláhígíí bighan nahazʼą́ą́góó bił dahózhǫ́, bitah yáʼádahootʼééh, áádóó nahasdzáán bikááʼgóó bibrothers dóó bisisters nizhónígo yił kʼé daʼahidiʼní.jw2019 jw2019
We must never neglect any of our brothers and sisters.
Nik’is dóó nihilah baa dayoohnééh lágo.LDS LDS
My dear brothers and sisters who are spread across the world in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am grateful that President Thomas S.
Shik’is dóó shiláh éí nihokáá’góó oołáhígíí Jesus Christ biSodizin bighan Iił-káahjį’ dayóodlą’nii. Shí baa ahéeh nísin Naat’áanii Thomas S.LDS LDS
Brothers and sisters in the congregation helped us a lot.
Nihibrothers dóó nihisisters bił áłah néiidleehígíí ayóó átʼéego nihíká ííjééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
20 When the sister from Australia studied the Bible, all her strong prejudice and hatred slowly disappeared.
20 Australiadę́ę́ʼ nihisister baa chʼíhootʼánę́ę Diyin Bizaad yíhoołʼaahgo diné jijoołáagi kóódígo doo ájítʼée da jooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
My dear sisters, we have been blessed by the Spirit of God tonight.
Shilákéi , díí tł’éé’ Diyin God bi’Ii’sizį́į binahjį’ nihik’ihojisdli’.LDS LDS
an inactive brother or sister
nihibrother dóó nihisister nahaneʼ yitsʼádínóodzáhígííjw2019 jw2019
Mariko already had a religion, but she began to study the Bible with the sister.
Mariko tʼáá íídą́ą́ʼ hweʼoodląʼ hólǫ́, ndi Diyin Bizaad bóhwiijiiłʼaahgo baa nízhdiidzá.jw2019 jw2019
How can older sisters show courage?
Sisters náás daazlı̨́ʼígíí haitʼéego doo ninádahinilyéésgóó ííshjání ádeiłʼı̨́į doo?jw2019 jw2019
The first of these articles discusses the difficult situation of our brothers and sisters who have become refugees.
Áłtsé góneʼ baa íhwiidooʼáłígíí éí nihibrothers dóó nihisisters refugees daaleehgo bee bichʼįʼ nidahwiiʼnánígíí yaa nátʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
I hope I can be an influence for good—as the sisters of Alaska were for me.
Shí ałdo shits’ą́ą́dóó yá’át’ééh’ígíí bee íhodoo’ááł ---jó sáanii dóó at’ééké Alaskadi shinááł ádayiilaa.LDS LDS
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