tears oor Navajo


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Plural form of tear.

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(@3 : de:weinen id:menangis ms:menangis )
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(@1 : fa:ارس )
(@1 : de:weinen )

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their tears


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19 And Jacob and Joseph also, being young, having need of much nourishment, were grieved because of the afflictions of their mother; and also amy wife with her tears and prayers, and also my children, did not soften the hearts of my brethren that they would loose me.
19 Dóó Jacob dóó Joseph ałdóʼ, tʼahdii awééʼ nilį́įgo biniinaa, dichin nízingo, bimá tiʼhooníihgo yaa yínííł niizį́į́ʼ; dóó sheʼesdzáán, dóó shaʼáłchíní ałdóʼ, sodazdilzin dóó dajichago, kʼenáʼóʼaad chʼééh dajiníigo shaa bee ńdaʼjookąąh ákondi doo éí shikʼisóó bidééłníi da.LDS LDS
“Do collect my tears in your skin bottle.
“Shinákʼeeshtoʼ nitózis biiʼ hashtʼeʼnihízííd.jw2019 jw2019
Daniel says: “With tears in our eyes, we began thinking about our return to Spain.
Daniel ání: “Nihinákʼeeshtoʼ háálı̨́įgo, Spain nídiitʼáazhgo baa nitsíikees.jw2019 jw2019
God will wipe away their tears and death will be no more, neither will weeping be any more
God . . . Dabinákʼeeshtoʼ tʼáá ałtso yá yidootʼoł, aniné ádin doo, áádóó atínáhodinidleeh ádin dooDinelearner Dinelearner
Mt 27:51 —What did the tearing in two of the curtain signify?
Mt 27:51—Achʼą́ą́h naníbaal atsʼáádláád haʼátʼíish áhyiłní?jw2019 jw2019
Tears flowed down his cheeks.
Bi nák’eeshto’ binii’góyaa náálį́.LDS LDS
The information was presented in such an empathetic and concerned way that I was moved to tears.
Nizhónígo haʼólníigo nihichʼįʼ haadzííʼ, shijéí yidiisnááʼ biniinaa háácha.jw2019 jw2019
These ever-present naysayers prefer to tear down rather than elevate and to ridicule rather than uplift.
Díí doodá daaninígíí t’óó ą́ą́h ńdayiiłhaał dóó náás da’di’éesh da dóó aach’idíldloh dóo díí bee ha’íínilní daaníi da.LDS LDS
5 And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were ain tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them.
5 Áádóó Jesus ákótʼéego haadzíiʼgo, áłah jílínę́ę hatah nináánáázghal, dóó dajichago hoołtsą́, dóó tʼóó dadéezʼį́į́ʼ áłtsé tʼáá kǫ́ǫ́ nihitah honílǫ́ daaní nahalingo.LDS LDS
There will be no pain, sorrow, or tears.
Adiniih, yínííł, dóó cha ádin doo.jw2019 jw2019
Ps 56:8 —What does the expression “collect my tears in your skin bottle” mean?
Ps 56:8—“Shinákʼeeshtoʼ nitózis biiʼ hashtʼeʼnihízííd” nínígi haʼátʼíísh áhyiłní?jw2019 jw2019
Describing what conditions on earth will then be like, the Bible states that God “will wipe out every tear from [our] eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.” —Revelation 21:3, 4.
Nahasdzáán bikáaʼgi ákóhootʼée dooígíí Diyin Bizaad ání God éí “dabinákʼeeshtoʼ tʼáá ałtso yá yidootʼoł, aniné ádin doo, áádóó atínáhodinidleeh ádin doo, áádóó cha ádin doo índa adiniih ádin doo.”—Revelation 21: 3, 4.jw2019 jw2019
Great courage will be required as we remain faithful and true amid the ever-increasing pressures and insidious influences with which we are surrounded and which distort the truth, tear down the good and the decent, and attempt to substitute the man-made philosophies of the world.
Nihe’oodlą’ dóó t’áa’aaníí ayóó bee ha’ííniilníigo t’éiyá doole’é nihídéi adaanííł dóó tsi’da’ídi-yiiłdééh éiyá nihí ndáázti’ dóó t’áa’aaníí éiyá ch’ééh ndéich’ąąh, yá’at’éhii dóó bee jíts’idę́ę hąąh nidayiihááł, dóó ni’gi dine’é ayóó bi’ééhoziníí-ch’ééh yiták’iz adáyiinííł.LDS LDS
She looked back at me, with tears running down her smoke-smudged cheeks, and said something that pierced my heart and still rings in my ears: “I was just trying to save our son.”
Binii ch’in bągo dóó binák’éeshto’ náálį́igo shiníł’į́’. Áádóó ’ashiłní, “Nihee’awéé’ yisdádeshtééł niizį́į́.” Dii saad éí shijéí yidiyeesnáá’dóó t’ahnidi bénááshniih.LDS LDS
Craig and I looked at each other in disbelief, both of us fighting tears, wondering what the future would bring.
Craig dóó shí dóo yiniidlą́ągoo ahíniilį́, t’aa’ániidlah nihi nák’eeshto’ t’ąą’ kwiiníílzin, náasjį’ shą́ nihił haahódoo-nííł.LDS LDS
He tried to hold back the tears, but it was in vain.
Ch’ééh binák’eeshtó’ t’ąą’ koyósin, ndí ch’ééh aat’įįd.LDS LDS
That Day of Judgment will be a day of mercy and love—a day when broken hearts are healed, when tears of grief are replaced with tears of gratitude, when all will be made right.3
Ánihwiit’aah bijį́ eíí ááh hójooba’ dóó ayóó’ó’ó’ní hólǫ́ǫ doo—ajéí heestǫ’ę́ę nídadoodzih, yínííł hasinę́ęgi bił hózhǫ́ dadoodléełgo dacha doo, t’áá’ ałtsoní t’áá’ ákot’é ándadoolnííł.3LDS LDS
When we showed them scriptures from their Portuguese Bible, such as Revelation 21:3, 4 or Psalm 37:10, 11, 29, they paid attention and sometimes even shed tears.”
Portuguesejí Diyin Bizaad biiʼdę́ę́ʼ Revelation 21: 3, 4 doodaiiʼ Psalm 37: 10, 11, 29 bił ííshjání ádeilʼı̨́įgo hazhóʼó dah yíístsʼą́ąʼ łeh, dóó binákʼeeshtoʼ deiłdéeh łeh.”jw2019 jw2019
(John 5:28, 29) God promises that “he will do away with death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces.”
( John 5:28, 29) God éí “hoolʼáágóó anoonééł iidoołnah [ádin doo], áádóó . . . daʼaniiʼ tʼáá ałtso nákʼeetoʼ yąąh yidoołdah.”jw2019 jw2019
“He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more.” —Revelation 21:4
“Dabinákʼeeshtoʼ tʼáá ałtso yá yidootʼoł, aniné ádin doo.” —Revelation 21:4jw2019 jw2019
The Bible says: “[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more.” —Revelation 21:4.
Diyin Bizaad ání: “[Bóhólníihii éí] dabinákʼeeshtoʼ tʼáá ałtso yá yidootʼoł, aniné ádin doo.”—Revelation 21:4.jw2019 jw2019
Joh 11:33-35 —Jesus felt intense emotions when he saw Mary and others weeping (“weeping,” “groaned . . . and became troubled,” “within himself” study notes on Joh 11:33, nwtsty; “gave way to tears” study note on Joh 11:35, nwtsty)
Joh 11:33-35 —Mary dóó náánáłaʼ daachago jiiłtsą́ éí Jesus tʼáá íiyisíí bidiisnááʼ (“weeping,” “groaned . . . and became troubled,” “within himself” study notes—Joh 11:33, nwtsty; “gave way to tears” study note—Joh 11:35, nwtsty)jw2019 jw2019
After the death of his friend Lazarus, Jesus “gave way to tears.”—John 11:35.
Hakʼis Lázaras ádin silı̨́ı̨́ʼgo Jesus éí “atídineesdlı̨́ı̨́ʼ.”—John 11:35.jw2019 jw2019
“He will wipe out every tear” from people’s eyes.
Diné “dabinákʼeeshtoʼ tʼáá ałtso yá yidootʼoł.”jw2019 jw2019
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