that many oor Navajo

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I know that many of you who are here face sorrows and disappointments.
Áádóó łaʼ éí “Yahweh” daaníigo dayózhí.—Psalm 68:4 yííníłtaʼ.LDS LDS
She says that many of them are very unhappy with their jobs.
20 Ákohgo, oodląʼ éí hólǫ́ǫ doo; dóó oodląʼ hólǫ́ǫgo chohooʼį́į́dóʼ hólǫ́ǫ doo; dóó chohooʼį́ hólǫ́ǫgo éí diyingo ayóó óʼóʼníinii ałdóʼ hólǫ́ǫ doo.jw2019 jw2019
2 It is not surprising that many people make big changes when they learn the truth.
Díí doodá daaninígíí t’óó ą́ą́h ńdayiiłhaał dóó náás da’di’éesh da dóó aach’idíldloh dóo díí bee ha’íínilní daaníi da.jw2019 jw2019
The husband was from an ethnic group that many people viewed as inferior.
Díí t’ahdoo nihi’dichíhę́ędą́ą́’ áádóó nihits’íís k’ad hinánígíí áádóó yá’ąąshgóó nídadeekaaígíí dishníigo na’ashch’ąąh łeh.jw2019 jw2019
He can see that many have thought carefully about how they want to serve Jehovah in the future.
6 Dóó bikʼisóó yaa bił dahózhǫ́, kódaaníigo: Jó kʼad éí Samuel bizaad kóhodoonííł níigo yee haadzíʼę́ę, bilááhgóó ahoolzhiizh, dóó tʼáadoo beʼelyaa da, éí bąą, nihił dahózhónígíí dóó díí deinohdlánígíí tʼáadoo biniiyéhé da silį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
(Acts 8:1) Jesus knew that many of his followers would be forced to leave their homes.
10 nihee’ áhee’áłkid nół’į́įgo, díí ałkéé’ hadaheesdzi’íí binii’ danół’į́įgo, ndi t’áa’éí 10 ákee’ílkid, nihi díí bii’ á’ati’í bina’dę́ę́’ dah nahéetąh, danihí niilnį́įgo.jw2019 jw2019
This event was so convincing that many in that city “became believers in the Lord.”
Dabighan goneʼé doodaiiʼ łeeyiʼ, tʼáadoo leʼé álílee achʼąąh naalyéii bibeeʼadziil dahólǫ́ danízingo nideidíniłʼįįh.jw2019 jw2019
(1 John 5:19) Peter encouraged Jesus to have the selfish attitude that many people in the world have.
“Háálá ałʼąą dineʼé ałchʼįʼ nídahidiibáah doo, áádóó łahgo nihokááʼ bee bóhólníihgo bił hazʼáanii índa náánáłaʼ nihokááʼ bee bínááhólníihgo bił nááhástʼáanii yił ałchʼįʼ nídahidiibáah dooleeł . . .jw2019 jw2019
A missionary named Kim says that many people in her territory survived a war and lost everything they had.
“Eíí bąą, ha’át’áosh dóo bik’idóohtį́į da dóó dóo nihił bééhózin da, diné eíí Íi’sizį́į yinahjį’ saad néidiiláii eíí Íi’sizį́į t’áa’aaníí yee na’nítinígíí yinahjį’ néidiilá?jw2019 jw2019
Researchers have found that many youths who have had premarital sex usually experience one or more of the following consequences.
Shizhe’é bił nilį́ be’átse’, behool’nín, dóó bee chin hąąh ádin biláahgo nel’į́į.jw2019 jw2019
(1 Thessalonians 5:2) Jesus prophesied that many would choose to ignore the evidence that we’re living in the last days.
(b) Haʼátʼíí baa íhwiidiilʼááł?jw2019 jw2019
Consider a source of comfort that many have turned to in their darkest hours, and see what help it may bring to you.
T’áała’óó yinzhíh.jw2019 jw2019
And we know that many of you are dealing with, not just one of these problems, but several of them all at once!
(1 Timothy 2:3, 4) 1950 dóó wóshdę́ę́ʼ saad doo nantłʼago bee yátiʼígíí Diyin God Bizaad nínilgo ahíłkééʼ ályaa. Éí New World Translation wolyé.jw2019 jw2019
One of the unique and troubling aspects of our day is that many people engage in sinful conduct but refuse to consider it sinful.
Áko díísh haitʼéego baa nitsíníkees?—1 John 3:10-12 yííníłtaʼ.LDS LDS
It is not the attention that many people try to get by means of higher education, success in business, or fame in the entertainment world.
Jesus Christ biʼdizhchį́į́dóó 1823 yihahą́ądą́ą́ʼ, Moroni tʼáá bí, bitsʼíís dóó biyiʼsizíinii yił ahiih náátʼáazhgo, Diyin God Yá halneʼii Joseph Smith yaa níyá dóó bikʼijįʼ béésh óola tʼą́hí bikʼeʼeshchínígíí yeiníʼą́.jw2019 jw2019
We know that many of you who have not had the opportunity to bear children of your own have spent your lives loving, teaching, and blessing children.
Áko tʼáá ní sínízı̨́įgi éí łahgóó hashtʼeʼ nináʼdoodáałgi bee ádaa ákodíníizįįł.LDS LDS
Every day, there are many things that we must do and many more that we would like to do.
17 Kʼad, haash yitʼáo diné beʼiinaʼ łahgo ánéidoodlííł tʼáá hazhóʼó asiihgo tʼéiyá?jw2019 jw2019
4 After Paul said that many would be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, he added that people would be boastful, haughty, and puffed up with pride.
14 Jó, shí éí shidineʼé baa níyá, tsʼídá ałtso hodeeyáádą́ą́ʼ diné bił ííshją́ą́ ádaashłaa yę́ę tʼáá ałtso biʼdeeshłííł biniiyé, dóó aTaaʼ dóó aYeʼ nilíinii tʼáá áła, bíniʼ biʼdeeshłííł—shí shiniinaa aTaaʼ binaanishígíí biʼdeeshłííł dóó shitsʼíís hólónígíí biniinaa aYeʼ binaanishígíí ałdóʼ biʼdeeshłííł.jw2019 jw2019
In the hundreds of years that followed, people in Europe and other parts of the world began to translate and print the Bible in languages that many could understand.
Łah yoołkáałgo atsóí léi’ bicheii binááhaigo yich’į’ hoolne’.jw2019 jw2019
12 And I pray the Father in the name of Christ that many of us, if not all, may be saved in his akingdom at that great and last day.
Akóndi, t’áa akwíijį́ eíí nichxǫ’ii dóó bidahóniidlį́ yída’óółkąąhgo yaa náákah, dííjį́ Christ-k’ehjí hinii’náo t’áa’aaníí ił hózhǫ bíínighah dóó bik’ídiidááł.LDS LDS
11 And Jesus said unto them: How be it that ye have not awritten this thing, that many bsaints did arise and appear unto many and did minister unto them?
Jesus akʼeh hóółʼįįdígi, haʼátʼíí nihá bohónéedzą́ągo áyiilaa?LDS LDS
2 Some circuit overseers have noticed that many young ones in their late teens and early 20’s are not yet baptized, even though they have grown up in the truth.
Ákohgo, beehazʼáanii bikʼehgo ánihwiitʼaahii Ayóó Átʼéii niinílá, háiida beehazʼáanii kʼíinítiʼgo éí yikʼee tiʼhwiidoonih, éí tiʼhooʼníhígíí ił hózhóonii bitsʼą́ą́jígo ályaa, bąąhági átʼéii bikʼé naʼílyá éí díí beehazʼáanii yikʼehgo naalnish.jw2019 jw2019
(2 Timothy 3:1-5) Do you not agree that there are many people like that today?
“Dóó akéedi, hait’éego bee bąąhági azhdoonílígíí doo ałtso shił bééhózin da; háálá t’óó’aháyóí ał’ąą át’é, azhą́ ánéelą́’ígíí doo bééhózin da.jw2019 jw2019
In Jesus’ day, paying taxes was an issue that caused many people to take sides in politics.
Ááshinee’ shilahkéí, Christ bikéé’ wókáhígíi, t’ah nit’ę́ę́’ díí hane’ nihijéí dóó nihits’íís dóó nihíi’siz į́į yidodóólchił binahjį’ nihideesnáá’.jw2019 jw2019
How wonderful it is that so many are using their freedom to serve Jehovah in this way! —Psalm 110:3.
4 Dóó azhą́ tʼóó ahayóí binahjįʼ éédahózinii bidaʼalyaa ndi tʼóó ahayóí diné éí doo daʼoodlą́ą da dóó saad hólǫ́ dahazlį́į́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
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