that's all oor Navajo

that's all

That's all I want to say. There's no more to it.

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13 Jesus said thatall those in the memorial tombs” will be resurrected.
14 Ákohgo, asiilzihgo nihainítʼínę́ę, dóó bąąhági ániitʼéhę́ę, dóó baa yá niidzinę́ę tʼáá ałtso nizhónígo nihił béédahózin dooleeł; áádóó tʼáá ákogi ádaatʼéii yę́ę, tʼáá ałtso yaa bił dahózhónígíí, dóó biyáʼádaatʼéehii, índa tsʼídá chin bąąh ádaadinii yee hadadítʼée doo, aooʼ, índa yáʼátʼéehii ééʼ nééz yee hadadítʼéego bił béédahózin dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
But let us remember that all credit belongs to Jehovah. —Psalm 115:1.
7. (a) Ádam dóó Íiv haʼátʼíí biniinaa jineezná?jw2019 jw2019
If you show personal interest in your guests, you can be sure that all will enjoy themselves.
12 Aooʼ, haash yitʼáo díí beisoonah Bóhólníihii nihookááʼ dineʼé, daboodlą́ągo, tʼáá bí bíhólníihgo tʼáá ałtsoní yá ííłʼį́?jw2019 jw2019
Peter’s answer was that all of them, walking together, were pressing against Him.
Jiihóvah iiná nihainílá, áko dadíníilzin doo.LDS LDS
The jailer thought that all the prisoners had escaped, and he wanted to kill himself.
Éíbraham éí Jiihóvah bikʼis jizlı̨́ı̨́ʼ, éí yikʼeh hółʼı̨́ı̨́ dóó yoodlą́ą́ ńtʼééʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Almost immediately, I began to feel reassured that all would be well.
Nihe’awéé’ alą́ą’jį’ígí, Jen, azee’ al’į́įdę́ę́’ bich’e’é táa’ góne’ígíí hooghadí néiniłtį́įgo, biká iishyeed biniiyé bighandí niyá.LDS LDS
How do we know that all humans can be generous?
Ats’íís bee al’į́įnígíí bináhat’a’ t’áa baa nitséhaskézi nihííh yilyáa da; éí nahat’á bik’éhgo.”jw2019 jw2019
Create a peaceful atmosphere that all will enjoy
Shiye’ tsosts’íd éí doodáo tseebííh bináahaigo tsésk’eh yéego yikáá’ dah nahácha’go éí k’í’dool-tǫ́ǫ́ł nísimgo benáshniih.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus also prayed that all his disciples would be united in the same way.
(Romans 7:14) Ákoósh tʼáá nihá ił chohooʼı̨́įgo átʼé?jw2019 jw2019
What has Jehovah done so that all of his creation would work well together?
Jesus Christ bízhi’ baa hasti’ígíí binahjį’ adishní, áámen.jw2019 jw2019
Later, it was confirmed that all the missionaries and Church members were safe.
God Bihódząʼ Bikʼehgo IináLDS LDS
Elijah thought that all the other worshippers of Jehovah had been killed.
13 Áádóó náádiilyáádóó tʼáadoo díkwíida yiłkaahí, Laman dóó Lemuel dóó Ishmael biyeʼ danilíinii Bóhólníihii hachʼįʼ hahaasdzíʼígíí biniinaa shichʼįʼ bá dahóóchįįd.jw2019 jw2019
Patience is a very important part of the new personality that all Christians must have.
Éí ga’ baa’íkid, Niił-kaahjį’ Da’íiniidlą́nii, deidoosį́į́ł dóó t’áa’aaníí bee yáłti’.jw2019 jw2019
Can we really be confident that all of God’s promises will come true?
(Proverbs 23:20) Jiihóvah éí wáin doodlı̨́įłgo yee hasʼą́ ndi baa hojíyą́ągo tʼéii chijoołʼı̨́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
4 Behold, there is a time appointed that all shall acome forth from the dead.
4 Dóó nááná, tʼáá ałtso yínííł ndaakai bikʼidahojídlí, háálá éí hadaʼólníigo ádadoolnííł.LDS LDS
I have a testimony that all the keys which bind sacred covenants have been restored.
37 Jó ánihidishníigo éí, Ndagaʼ; háálá oodlánígíí tʼéí binahjįʼ álílee naʼanish; dóó oodlánígíí binahjįʼ diyin yá ndaalʼaʼii diné yaa ńdaakah dóó yíká anájah; ákohgo, díí ndahaaztʼiʼ silį́įʼgo éí bílaʼashdlaʼii baʼáłchíní doo bá yáʼátʼéeh da dooleeł, háálá éí éí doo daʼoodlánígíí biniinaa, dóó tʼáá ałtso tʼáadoo biniiyéhé da dooleeł.LDS LDS
The Bible says thatall things are naked and openly exposed” to him. —Hebrews 4:13.
Díi gi’áhoot’į́įdgo, 30 nááhaidą́ą́ Lehi nléí Jerusalemdę́ę́’ bighan haz’ą́ądoo dah yidii’éézh, Nephi bee ééhozin-njíizoh dóó saa ła’ yee ayáhodeeshiz, diyin bizaad yikáá’ náyiizoh ti’dahoonííh dóó yikéedadiníihgo yikái.jw2019 jw2019
They asked him about the “head tax,” a tax of one denarius that all Jews had to pay.
(2 Corinthians 4:3, 4; 11:13-15) Łaʼ oodląʼ ałʼąą ádaatʼéhígíí anaaʼ, diné naaltseed, áłchíní atílʼı̨́ dóó yééʼ yee atídaʼałʼı̨́ daʼatahgo baa dahaneʼ.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 31:5) So he requires that all of his worshippers “speak truth” and “not lie.”
Ni éí God bééhosínísįįdgo tʼéiyá iiná doo ninítʼiʼii ná chohooʼı̨́į doo.—John 17:3 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Did they think that all this attention would help more people to hear the good news?
Ádam dóó Íiv éí haitʼéego Ayóó Áhonóolin yę́ę haa náádiilyá?jw2019 jw2019
It must be something that all of us can do.
7 Kǫ́ǫ́ tʼáá naakihígo Mesáíyah baa chʼídahwiistʼánígíí łaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
The service overseer should make sure that all the congregation’s territory is regularly covered.
10 Áádóó kéyah Jerusalemgóó néiikahgo, shí dóó shikʼisóó ndahosiitʼą́.jw2019 jw2019
Hope that all suffering will end. —Psalm 37:9-11.
Ts’ída ákohgo dáádilkáł diists’ą́ą́’.jw2019 jw2019
“Know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.
Áádóó diné naaljı̨́ı̨́d nilíinii bįįh nahalingo dah náníljı̨́įh doo, índa doo yádaałtiʼii dahataał doo.”—Isaiah 35:5, 6.LDS LDS
11 When life changes suddenly, we may become so anxious that all we can think about are our problems.
Bibee’ádziil bi’aha’deet’ą́ dóó adiilnííł dii-nííd binahjį’ ne’ádziil dóó ne’óholnííh, dóó ne’ahóóti’ bii’ dahólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
547 sinne gevind in 18 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.