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(Psalm 147:2) The psalmist praised Jehovah because once again His people could worship in their own land.
(Psalm 147:2) Éí Jiihóvah yaa haniih háálá Jiihóvah bidineʼé tʼáá bí bikédaayahdi bichʼįʼ náádahodísin dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
7 And as they went forth to lay their hands on him, behold, he did cast himself down from the wall, and did flee out of their lands, yea, even unto his own country, and began to preach and to prophesy aamong his own people.
7 Dóó dajiisił biniiyé bichʼįʼ nízhdiijééʼ, jó, tsé yistłʼinę́ę yikááʼdóó adah dadiilwod, dóó hakéyahdóó chʼélwod, aooʼ, tʼáá bí bikéyahgóó anáálwod ndi, dóó bidineʼé neinitin dóó náasdi ádahodooníiłii yee yił halneʼgo yaa ńdiidzá.LDS LDS
15 And it came to pass that in the three hundred and sixty and seventh year, the Nephites being angry because the Lamanites had sacrificed their women and their children, that they did go against the Lamanites with exceedingly great anger, insomuch that they did beat again the Lamanites, and drive them out of their lands.
15 Áádóó táadi neeznádiin dóó baʼaan hastą́diin dóó baʼaan tsostsʼid yihahgo, éí Nephi bidineʼé bá dahóóchįįd háálá Laman bidineʼé badaʼáłchíní dóó bidaʼasdzą́ą́ ndeiłtseed dóó náádayiisniiʼgo biniinaa, áko tsʼídá bá dahóóchįįdgo Laman bidineʼé yikʼijįʼ náádeeskai, dóó akʼehnáádadeesdlį́į́ʼ, dóó bikéyahdóó chʼínádeineeskaad.LDS LDS
God foretold through the prophet Isaiah that when the Israelites returned to their homeland, the land would be peaceful.
God éí halneʼii Aizéíyah choyoosʼįįd éí Ízrel dineʼé nátʼą́ą́ʼ, éí kéyah hodéesyéelgo biishdookah, yiłní.jw2019 jw2019
2 That he has spoken unto the Jews, by the mouth of his holy prophets, even from the beginning down, from generation to generation, until the time comes that they shall be arestored to the true church and fold of God; when they shall be bgathered home to the clands of their inheritance, and shall be established in all their lands of promise.
2 Áko éí hodeeyáádą́ą́ʼ, dóó kojįʼ daʼíchíhígíí biyiʼjįʼ, Diyin God yá dahalneʼii, Jew dineʼé yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼ, dóó tʼáá yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼgo, ńléí sodizin bá hooghan tʼáá aaníinii dóó Diyin God bidineʼé yaa náhidookah; ahodoolzhishjįʼ éí kéyah bił ahadaʼdeestʼánę́ę bikáaʼjįʼ ahą ándoolníiłgo, dóó kéyah bee ahaʼdeetʼánígi bikááʼgóó tʼáá ałtsogo kéédahatʼį́į dooleeł.LDS LDS
(Ac 2:9-11) Although they observed the Mosaic Law, they may have lived in a foreign land their entire life.
(Ac 2:9-11) Mózes bibee hazʼáanii bikʼeh dahojíłʼı̨́įgo azhą́ déʼéyóní dajílı̨́į daʼníłtsʼą́ądi kéédahojitʼı̨́.jw2019 jw2019
17 But I did remain among them, but I was forbidden to apreach unto them, because of the hardness of their hearts; and because of the hardness of their hearts the land was bcursed for their sake.
17 Ndi shí éí bitahgóó naashá, ndi ndinéeshtįįłígíí éí shichʼįʼ baa hóchįʼ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ, háálá bijéí deistłʼisígíí biniinaa; dóó bijéí deistłʼisígíí biniinaa kéyahą́ądóʼ doo yáʼátʼéehii bee bá haʼoodzííʼ.LDS LDS
Jacob explains that the Jews will be gathered in all their lands of promise—The Atonement ransoms man from the Fall—The bodies of the dead will come forth from the grave, and their spirits from hell and from paradise—They will be judged—The Atonement saves from death, hell, the devil, and endless torment—The righteous are to be saved in the kingdom of God—Penalties for sins are set forth—The Holy One of Israel is the keeper of the gate.
Jew dineʼé kéyah baa dahideestʼánę́ędi ahínáhidookah—Bąąhági átʼéii Bikʼé Nináʼílyáhígíí éí diné Asiihgo Adáátłizh yę́ę yá yikʼé nináʼnídlá—Daneeznánígíí bitsʼíís łeeyiʼ naazhjeʼę́ędę́ę́ʼ hahidookah, dóó biyiʼsizíinii chʼį́įdiitahdę́ę́ʼ dóó iiʼsizíinii bikéyah hózhónídę́ę́ʼ nihidookah—Bá ndahodiyootʼááł—Bąąhági átʼéii Bikʼé Nináʼílyáhígíí ánoonééł, chʼį́įdiitah, chʼį́įdii beʼiiníziinii, dóó hoolʼáágóó tiʼhoonííh bitsʼą́ą́dóó diné yisdáyínííł—Yáʼátʼéehgo dahinánígíí Diyin God bił hazʼą́ądi yisdáhidookah—Ndaʼiisdzííʼ bąąh daʼílínígíí ííshją́ą́ ádaalyaa—Israel beʼAyóó Átʼéii dáńdítį́hí yaa áhályą́.LDS LDS
28 Yea, and then shall the work commence, with the Father among all nations in preparing the way whereby his people may be agathered home to the land of their inheritance.
28 Aooʼ, dóó índa aTaaʼ yił hadadoolnish, tʼáá ałtsogo ałʼąą dóoneʼé kéyah bił nahazʼą́ągo bidineʼé bighanjįʼ kéyah baa deetʼánę́ęjįʼ áłah áńdooʼníłígíí yá hashtʼedeidoolííł.LDS LDS
The people dwelling in the land will be pardoned for their error.” —Isaiah 33:24.
“Kééhatʼínígíí doo łaʼ daastsaah didooniił da; diné ákwii kéédahatʼíinii doo ákwii ádáátʼįįdii bá yóóʼadahididootʼááł.”—Isaiah 33:24.jw2019 jw2019
Then shall this covenant which the Father hath covenanted with his people be fulfilled; and then shall aJerusalem be inhabited again with my people, and it shall be the land of their inheritance.
Índa ahaʼdeetʼaahii aTaaʼ bidineʼé yee yił ahaʼdeetʼánę́ę ałtso bidaʼdoolnííł; dóó índa Jerusalem shidineʼé yiih ńdahidooʼnééł, dóó náasdi daabí dooleeł.LDS LDS
16 And I did endeavor to preach unto this people, but my mouth was shut, and I was forbidden that I should preach unto them; for behold they had awilfully rebelled against their God; and the beloved disciples were btaken away out of the land, because of their iniquity.
16 Dóó díí diné naʼnishtin doo chʼééh nisingo, ndi shizééʼ éí dadeilchid, dóó áko ndíʼnéeshtįįłę́ę éí shichʼįʼ baa hóchįʼ ńtʼę́ę́ʼ; jó háálá biDiyin God éí tʼáá bí ádeinízingo doo yikʼeh dahółʼį́į da; dóó táaʼgo Bóhólníihii yikééʼ naazínígíí ayóí áyóʼnínę́ę éí kéyah biyiʼdę́ę́ʼ chʼétʼeezh, háálá bąąhági átʼéii yaa naakaiígíí biniinaa.LDS LDS
22 But if they will repent and hearken unto my words, and aharden not their hearts, I will bestablish my church among them, and they shall come in unto the covenant and be cnumbered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom I have given this land for their dinheritance;
22 Ndi bibąąhági átʼéii yóó adeidiyizʼą́ągo dóó shizaad yikʼeh dahosʼįįdgo, dóó tʼáadoo bijéí deiłtłʼisí, shisodizin bá hooghan bitahgóó ndeeshʼááł, dóó ałhaʼdeetʼánę́ę éí yikʼidookah dóó Jacob bidineʼé danilínígíí yitah daóltaʼ dooleeł, éí éí díí kéyah baa diníʼą́.LDS LDS
11 Now this he spake because of the astiffneckedness of Laman and Lemuel; for behold they did bmurmur in many things against their cfather, because he was a dvisionary man, and had led them out of the land of Jerusalem, to leave the land of their inheritance, and their gold, and their silver, and their precious things, to perish in the wilderness.
11 Kʼad Laman dóó Lemuel bízhą́ ílínígíí biniinaa díidí yee yichʼįʼ yááłtiʼ; háálá ląʼída tʼáadoo leʼé bizhéʼé yee yikʼijįʼ haadzííʼ, háálá diné bił áhátʼį́ nilínígíí biniinaa, dóó Jerusalemdę́ę́ʼ chʼíbiníʼeezh, bikéyah baa deetʼánígíí bitsʼą́ąjįʼ, dóó biʼóola, dóó bibéésh łigai, dóó binaalyeʼé daʼílíinii tʼáá gééd, doo kééhatʼínígi dínóonéeł da biniinaa.LDS LDS
The dream included a command from God for Lehi’s sons to run the terrible risk of returning to Jerusalem for the plates which contained the word of God so that they could take them on their journey to the promised land.
Ákondi Lehi naazyeel biyi’ Diyin God éí saad bik’eh’óol’ínígíí hólǫ́, éí éí báhádzid ndi Lehi bee’ashiike’ Jerusalem gó béésh óola jó Diyin God bizaad biyi’, yiniká nídookaah, ákoh kéyah aadeet’áaníí góó dayoo’ááł dooleeł.LDS LDS
During their journey they encountered Lamoni’s father, who was the Lamanite king over all the land.
Akwǫ́ǫ́ yi’áshgo Lamoni bizhe’é bidááh niyá, éí Laman dine’é bikéyah t’áa’at’é yik’í binánt’a’í nilį́.LDS LDS
On Nisan 14 in the year 1943 before Christ, Abraham and Sarah and all the people in their household crossed the Euphrates River and entered the Promised Land.
Nisan 14—éí 1943 tʼahdoo Jesus biʼdizhchı̨́ yę́ędą́ą́ʼ yihah góneʼ—Éíbraham dóó Sárah dóó bighan hazʼánígíí éí Yufréítiiz tooh nílínígi tséʼnaa yíkai.jw2019 jw2019
Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, and physical upheavals attest the crucifixion of Christ—Many people are destroyed—Darkness covers the land for three days—Those who remain bemoan their fate.
Níłtsą́ bił daníyolgo, nahasdzáán nahaʼnáago, ndaʼdiʼníigo, níyoltso ndaakaigo dóó bigháhígi áhooníłígíí éí Christ tsin ałnáozʼai bikáaʼjįʼ bił oʼoolkaalígíí yaa halneʼ—Tʼóó ahayóí diné ndaastseed—Tágí jį́ chahałheeł kéyah ałtso bikʼéstiʼ—Chʼídadzoodzíʼígíí éí hoł áhóótʼįįdígíí tsʼídá yéigo baa dahaʼní.LDS LDS
29 And I will aremember the covenant which I have made with my people; and I have covenanted with them that I would bgather them together in mine own due time, that I would give unto them again the cland of their fathers for their inheritance, which is the land of Jerusalem, which is the promised land unto them forever, saith the Father.
29 Dóó shidineʼé bił ałhadiʼnishtʼánę́ę béédeeshnih; áko shá bihónéedzą́ą́ góneʼ ahąąh ndeeshʼish, dóó díí bizhéʼé kéyah baa diníʼánę́ę éí baa ńdideeshʼááł dóó nihí dooleeł dishníigo bił ałhadiʼnishtʼą́, éí díí kéyah Jerusalem, éí kéyah ahaʼdeetʼáanii bichʼįʼ hoolʼáágóó, ní aTaaʼ.LDS LDS
18 And these Gadianton robbers, who were among the Lamanites, did infest the land, insomuch that the inhabitants thereof began to ahide up their btreasures in the earth; and they became slippery, because the Lord had cursed the land, that they could not hold them, nor retain them again.
18 Dóó daʼniʼįįhii Gadianton, éí Laman bidineʼé yitahgóó hólónę́ę, éí kéyah ałtso bikááʼgóó tʼóó ahayóí silį́į́ʼ, áko índa éí kéyah yikááʼgóó kéédahojitʼínę́ę éí tʼáadoo leʼé daʼílíinii łeeyiʼgóó ndaazdeesʼį́į́ʼ; dóó honaalyéhé yę́ę bídéeltǫʼ silį́į́ʼ, háálá kéyah doo yáʼátʼééhgóó Bóhólníihii yee yá haadzíʼę́ę biniinaa, chʼééh honaalyéhé yę́ę dajótąʼgo hatsʼą́ą́ʼ yóóʼ ahinidéehgo, dóó doo nibééhóyoodzįįh da.LDS LDS
12 And it came to pass that the Lamanites withdrew their design, and there was peace settled in the land; and peace did remain for the space of about four years, that there was no bloodshed.
12 Áádóó Laman bidineʼé éí nátʼą́ą́ʼ náhideeskai, dóó kéyah biyiʼ kʼé náhásdlį́į́ʼ; dóó tʼáá ádingo dį́į́ʼ nááhai, áko doo ndaʼahiltseedgóó.LDS LDS
The Lord warns Lehi to depart out of the land of Jerusalem, because he prophesieth unto the people concerning their iniquity and they seek to destroy his life.
Háálá Lehi diné bibąąhági átʼéii náasjįʼ ádabidoohłíłígíí yee yichʼįʼ yáłtiʼ dóó diné bizééʼ ndeiʼáago bąą, Bóhólníihii Lehi Jerusalemdóó dah didíínééł yidííniid.LDS LDS
1 And now it came to pass that in the three hundred and sixty and third year the Nephites did go up with their armies to abattle against the Lamanites, out of the land Desolation.
1 Áádóó kʼad táadi neeznádiin dóó baʼaan hastą́diin dóó baʼaan tááʼgóó yihahgo éí Nephi bidineʼé ndaabaahígíí kéyah Hóóchxǫʼídóó, Laman bidineʼé yaatiih yíkai.LDS LDS
The ship is finished—The births of Jacob and Joseph are mentioned—The company embarks for the promised land—The sons of Ishmael and their wives join in revelry and rebellion—Nephi is bound, and the ship is driven back by a terrible tempest—Nephi is freed, and by his prayer the storm ceases—The people arrive in the promised land.
Tsinaaʼeeł ałtso ályaa—Jacob dóó Joseph yizhchį́įgo baa hóóneʼ—Ahiʼeeldeeʼígíí kéyah aa deetʼánę́ę bichʼįʼ hoł dah dadiiʼéél—Ishmael biyeʼ danilínígíí dóó beʼesdzáán akʼijįʼ daʼídlínígíí dóó daʼazhishígíí yee atah daazlį́į́ʼ—Nephi beʼestłʼǫ́, dóó tʼáá íiyisíí yéigo níyol bił nahałtingo biniinaa tsinaaʼeeł nízaadgóó nátʼą́ą́ʼ nináníʼéél—Nephi tłʼóół bee beʼestłʼónę́ę nahjįʼ kódzaago álnééh, dóó sodoolzinígíí biniinaa níyol bił nahałtinę́ę niʼkódzaa—Diné kéyah ahaʼdeetʼánę́ęjįʼ yíkai.LDS LDS
After they arrived in the promised land, great conflicts continued to arise between the people who centered their lives in Christ and the nonbelievers, who followed the examples of Laman and Lemuel.
Kéyah baa deet’ą́ądi yikái bik’íjį’, ayóó’at’áo bit’agi saa náhadleeh dine’é éí ła’ Christ k’éhjí dahiná dóó ła’ígíí éí dóo da’óodlą́ą da, éí Laman dóó Lemuel at’į́nii yikéé’ yikáh.LDS LDS
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