they feel oor Navajo

they feel

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Amanda Miller

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How do they feel about serving Jehovah in this way for all these years?
(Revelation 4:11) Jiihóvah éí dahiniiʼnáa doo nízin.jw2019 jw2019
How did they feel when they saw the earth?
Áádóó bééhoozingo Jiihóvah yinahazʼáanę́ęgi átʼéego, nahasdzáán ayóó áhonóolingo íidoolííł.jw2019 jw2019
Could that mean that they feel they do not need to have spiritual goals?
Díí anii dadeeshnishígíí, diné yineest’ą́nii yee nihíha adoolwółgo ataa’ ayiis’ą́’.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 5:37) Some people cancel one invitation so that they can accept one they feel is better.
“Díijį́ David bikin táhgi Yisda’iinííł nihá bi’dishchį́, jó Christ éí Átaa’ nilį́.jw2019 jw2019
They feel that holidays are just a good opportunity to spend time with their family.
Jiihóvah Yá Dahalneʼé háádę́ę́ʼ diné deiyíkááhígíí ádaatʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
According to one article, people say that they feel a lot happier after they do nice things for others.
(John 4:23,24)Tsʼídá tʼááláʼí tʼáá ákótéego God bichʼį nahadlá.jw2019 jw2019
We often hear them say that after watching the monthly programs, they feel close to the members of the Governing Body.
13 Jó shinaʼnitin nihichʼįʼ kwíishłaa, dóó díí éí shinaʼnitin nihichʼįʼ kwíishłaaígíí átʼé—shizhéʼé bíniʼ beʼeshłéehgo biniiyé nahasdzáán bikáaʼgi níyá, shizhéʼé shiníłʼaʼígíí biniinaa.jw2019 jw2019
When your children speak your language, it will be easier for them to talk to you and tell you how they feel.
Hashne’go God bich’į’ ahééh nisinígíí shijéí bií háádíbį́įh, éí ba’áłchíní ayóó’áyó’ní dóó nihiYisdá’iiníiłii aniné nihá yik’eh deesdlį́į’.jw2019 jw2019
But they never feel that they are better than those they preach to.
Áádóósh haa hóótʼįįd nínízin?—jw2019 jw2019
Now they know that their faith is strong enough to bring them comfort when they have problems, and they feel that they have become better people.
Nihí náasjį Bóhólníihii béé hódiilzííł nihí Bí Nina’ídlá yee bídziilíí hániitáalgo Bí gi’ániit’é diidlééł.jw2019 jw2019
But they will feel much better when they know that you care about them and understand their situation.
Dahinii’náo łáhda diyingo bá naal’a’í yaa hané yini’ą́nę́ę dóo déiit’į́į da dóó bich’į’ éí nizáád.jw2019 jw2019
Junia, whose brother committed suicide, says, “Even though you may not be able to grasp their grief completely, what counts is that you want to understand how they feel.”
“Diyin God biYé éí ts’ídá diné yilaadi tíhoosníí’.jw2019 jw2019
When you are doing public witnessing using a literature cart, have you ever noticed that if you smile and greet people in a friendly way, they feel more comfortable coming and taking a publication?
Haʼátʼíí biniyé Diyin Bizaad baa hózhǫ́ǫgo nihaa yílyá?jw2019 jw2019
When problems arise, they will feel comfortable talking with you
Haash yitʼáo éí beehazʼáanii hólǫ́ǫ dooleeł tʼáá hazhóʼó atíʼálʼį́ bee nináʼílyéii bąąh hólǫ́ǫgo tʼéiyá?jw2019 jw2019
But if we are friendly and kind, they may feel more relaxed.
Diyin Bizaad biiʼdę́ę́ʼ haʼátʼíí baa íhwiidííłʼááł?jw2019 jw2019
They often feel helpless and resentful, even angry.
5 Dóó nihiDiyin God bił ałhadadiʼdiitʼááł daniidzin yinízinígíí bidaʼdiilníiłgo, dóó bibeehazʼáanii bikʼeh dahoniilʼį́įgo tʼáá ałtso yichʼįʼ nihidoołʼaałígíí, ńléí anoonééł biih yiidzáajįʼ, ákotiʼhooʼnííh doo ninítʼiʼii doo ádąąh ńdiilyéeł da, Diyin God yá naalʼaʼii yee haadzíʼę́ę bikʼehgo, áko Diyin God beʼáháchįʼ doo biiʼ ńdiidáał da biniiyé.LDS LDS
When children think about all the good things their parents have done for them, they should feel grateful and want to obey them.
(Job 14:14) Ákoósh łaʼda daaztsą́ągo nááhíʼnáa dooleełgo bihónéedzą́?jw2019 jw2019
(2 Corinthians 6:3-6) People liked Paul because he said and did kind things, and they could feel that he cared about them.
28 Áłah wohłeeh nihidishní áko nihibąąhági ádaatʼéii doo shąąh siláa da dooleeł biniiyé, kʼadę́ę shitsʼíís náádiilyéego, áko kʼé hólǫ́ǫgo nááshidiʼdoolyééł, dóó shiiʼsizíinii doo daatsaahii wódahdidahataałii bił Diyin God tʼáá ákogo aʼiiléí bichʼįʼ dahwiitaał dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
For many, a year or two may pass before they notice themselves feeling better.
5 Jó ndi, shiyeʼ dóó shitsiʼ nohłínígíí, tʼah doo nááshiʼdiilyéhídą́ą́ʼ tʼáá hazhóʼó bee akʼihojídlíhígíí bee nihá sodideeszįįł ndi; jó háálá, yáʼátʼéhíjígo bee nihidiʼneesdzą́ągo doo bitsʼádoohkah da.jw2019 jw2019
They made me feel worthless, unwanted, and good-for-nothing.
5 Sámuel Éí Tʼáá Ákogi Ádaatʼéii Yikʼeh Áánííł Ńtʼééʼjw2019 jw2019
What were they thinking and feeling?
Ha’iísh aZhe’é Diyiníí ázhdoolíił sho’ní?jw2019 jw2019
They may even feel abandoned.
12 Dóó índa baa hodoolzhish, yáʼátʼéehgo iiná ádayiilaa yę́ę biiʼsizíinii éí hózhǫ́ hazʼą́ągi doogááł, éí paradise hoolyé, hááʼáyį́įhgo hazʼą́, hodeezyeelgo hazʼą́, ákweʼé bichʼįʼ ndahwiiʼnánę́ę dóó tʼáá ałtso bidaʼdiiłʼáhą́ą dóó yikʼee yínííł ndaakai yę́ę, yitsʼą́ą́dóó háádadoolyįh.jw2019 jw2019
One day they had the feeling to approach the residents of a well-kept four-story apartment building.
Shizhe’é atsiniltł’ish bá íi’áii yee yinéł’į́nii atse’,hool’ín, dóó tó bee da’doobish dóó bee ta’ídigis.LDS LDS
People who are fearful may say and do the right things, but they do not feel the right things.
Ts’ída nihidééti’ii, díí bąą, hinii’náo bikéé’ dah hidiidáhígíí eíí díí aláahdi haz’ą́nii bee baadiidááł.LDS LDS
When our children are taught in the ways of the Lord, they learn to feel and to respond to His Spirit.
Da’ bááhádzidísh doo niłbééhózinda?LDS LDS
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