tires oor Navajo

U kan ook belangstel om hierdie woorde na te gaan: tire.


werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of tire.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Navajo

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Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@1 : de:Reifen )

Soortgelyke frases

flat tire
Chidi bikee' niiltsooz
chidí bikee'
im tired
im tired
in vain/tired
I'm tired
chʼééh déyá · ádił ninisdzá
I'm tired
chʼééh déyá · ádił ninisdzá


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The Bible says that God “gives power to the tired one.”
Hastįį ła’ bił ałch’į’ yééłti’íí koní: “Eldir, t’áa ni’diiłáhi.jw2019 jw2019
Many congregations hold one meeting at the end of a workday when we are most likely tired.
Amá nabíiłnaníí shił ch’íini’ą́ǫ eíí nihich’ikę́ę́h íidoolílii bídenhohéé’, da’ilíigi yee biká adoolwół.jw2019 jw2019
“Jehovah Gives Power to the Tired One”: (10 min.)
“Diyin God bichʼįʼ sodiszingo, adinídíín hooleełgo wónáásdóó ałnéʼéʼaah biláahgi átʼéego adinídíín silį́į́ʼ, tʼáá hooshchʼįʼ ayóó ájítʼéii léiʼ shitsáskʼeh bíighahgi hojizlį́į́ʼ, doo niʼgi nikídeesʼeezgóó, níłchʼi yiyiʼ dasizį́.jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah will never get tired of hearing these prayers.
Ndi Job éí Jiihóvah tʼáadoo yitsʼą́ąjįʼ dadiiyáa da.jw2019 jw2019
They were all too tired to show much emotion except their love of the people.
Da’ nísh saad “Christ Hiiná” biyi’di dahshijaa’ígíí bee ádééhonílzin?LDS LDS
3 “He Gives Power to the Tired One”
26 Dóó tʼáá ałtso díí ádíshnínígíí yidiiztsʼą́ʼígíí dóó doo yeʼiilaaígíí éí diné doo áhályáanii, bighan séí yikááʼ hooghan niiníʼáanii nahalingo, baa ntséskees dooleeł—jw2019 jw2019
He felt his back tire roll over a bump.
Akó łą́ągo na’ídikid dóó bee chaná diidleełígíí t’áa yoołkááł bízaad neilkááh dóó yiníílta’ dóó sodizin bee t’áa’aaníí dóó na’íí-niiką́ągo, ndi niłch’i neiłkidóó be’aha’deet’ą́ adin.LDS LDS
I'm getting tired.
Jishchááʼ góneʼ naazhjéʼígíí, Jiihóvah éí iiná yaa néiidiiyoodlééł.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Joh 4:6, 7 —Although tired, Jesus took the initiative to speak to a Samaritan woman (“tired out as he was” study note on Joh 4:6, nwtsty)
10 nihee’ áhee’áłkid nół’į́įgo, díí ałkéé’ hadaheesdzi’íí binii’ danół’į́įgo, ndi t’áa’éí 10 ákee’ílkid, nihi díí bii’ á’ati’í bina’dę́ę́’ dah nahéetąh, danihí niilnį́įgo.jw2019 jw2019
I was a little late and very tired because I had not slept all night.
7 Danółʼį́ shiYeʼ Ayóí ííníshʼníinii, éí íiyisíí baa shił hózhǫ́, éí bee shízhiʼ ayóó ánoolningo íishłaa—deísínóołtsʼą́ą́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Does Jehovah notice that we attend our meetings even though we are tired?
4 Dóó shitsʼíís dóó shiyiʼsizíinii Diyin God bitsʼą́ą́dę́ʼígíí tʼáá íiyisíí yídin silį́į́ʼ; dóó Áshiilaaígíí bidááhdóó ntsidinísgoʼ, dóó tʼáá íiyisíí shitsʼíís dóó shiyiʼsizíinii bá náʼooshkąąh dóó sodiszingo haasdzííʼ; dóó bichʼįʼ sodiszingo ałtso yiską́; aooʼ,dóó tłʼééʼ hazlį́į́ʼ ndi tʼahdii yáʼąąsh gódei sodiszin ńtʼę́ę́ʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Sometimes we got tired, but Dad always treated us to some ice cream after we finished.
Nahasdzáán éí biniyéii íishłaa ní.jw2019 jw2019
Why should we try to go to our meetings even when we are tired and feel that we will receive little personal benefit from attending?
(Proverbs 31:16) Tʼáadoo leʼé nahodoonih biniyé béeso hólǫ́ǫ́ ndi, doo éí tʼóó nahizhdoołnih da.jw2019 jw2019
One day, a month later, we were very tired after walking from door to door in the heat and conducting many Bible studies.
6 Dííshjı̨́įdi, diyingo ndaalʼaʼí éí bílaʼashdlaʼii biidoołtséełgo doo ádaʼdilʼı̨́į da.jw2019 jw2019
Although tired, Jesus started his conversation by simply asking for a drink.
Díí “Moses ashdlaʼgo binaaltsoos, ... Dóó Jew dineʼé hazlį́į́ʼ dóó naʼasdzooígíí ałdóʼ, ... dóó Zedekiah, Jew dineʼé aláahdi binaatʼáanii dah neezdáajįʼ naʼasdzooígíí biyiʼ; Dóó Diyin God yá dahalneʼii náásgóó ádahodoonííł yaa dahoolneʼę́ę ałdóʼ biyiʼ ” (1 Nephi 5:11–13).jw2019 jw2019
A person who becomes tired of serving Jehovah or living as a Christian cannot later say that he was never really dedicated to God and that his baptism was not valid.
Tʼáadoo bahatʼaadí díí tʼááʼaanííjí oodląʼígíí tʼóó ádaazhdilʼı̨́, áko díí éí Oodlání daniidlı̨́ daaní.jw2019 jw2019
“He Gives Power to the Tired One”
Bá yáłti’í Jacob koní: “Íi’sizį́į lá t’áa’aanínii yee yáłti’ dóó yooch’ííd bii’ adin.jw2019 jw2019
Mt 9:35-38 —Love for people moved Jesus to preach the good news even when he was tired and to pray for God to send more workers (“felt pity” study note on Mt 9:36, nwtsty)
Yáʼąąshdi nádzáago, doo tʼáá ákǫ́ǫ́ God Binahatʼáʼ bił Hazʼáánii Binaatʼáanii jílı̨́įgo dah biʼdiʼneesdáa da.jw2019 jw2019
For example, have you ever gone to a meeting for field service feeling tired but then returned home after service feeling happy and refreshed?
Ndi yíi ákódaanínígíí, háálá éí doo yáʼáhóshǫ́ǫgi dóó bąąhági átʼéii dabótąʼ dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
He's tired.
Íiv éí Séítan biyoochʼííd yoosdląąd.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
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