to each other oor Navajo

to each other

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equal to each other, in a state of balance


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To make love to each other.
(Genesis 2:24) Ahísółkéegi éí łaʼ tsʼídá aláahdi daʼílínígíí átʼé.sonnet monger sonnet monger
2 Be Loyal to Each Other
nihiZhe’é Diyiníí ayóó’ánwó’nǫ́ǫ ánhiłní: Dóo hayoochíi da; Dóo azhni’į́į da; Dóo aazh’dilée da; hanaagóó dabighaníí t’áa hwó gi’at’áo ayóó’ajó’ní; dóó ła’ bii’nil.2 Beehaz’ą́ąnii nihił bééhózin.jw2019 jw2019
Be Loyal to Each Other
Bikéédoo, shik’is Hoskins abidishní, “Haásh yit’áo be’íinilaa?”jw2019 jw2019
It refers to sexual activity between people who are not Scripturally married to each other.
6 Dóó łahjigo ałdóʼ tʼáá ákótʼé.jw2019 jw2019
What mattered was listening to each other and understanding the other’s perspective.
West Africadi shı̨́ı̨́ díí átʼéego dahaneʼ.LDS LDS
When friends regularly talk to each other about their thoughts, concerns, and feelings, their friendship grows stronger.
Amá éí kót’éego dííshjį́ biyáázh yaa’áhályą́.jw2019 jw2019
Marriage mates must be faithful to each other.
13 Ádam dóó Íiv doo akʼeh hojíłʼı̨́ı̨́góó bąą hoolʼáágóó jiináa dooleeł yę́ę ádá názhdiidlá.jw2019 jw2019
Even though you may never be best friends, you will become closer to each other.
Doo ájoodlą́ągoo Diyin God doo álílii dine’ bitahgoo hólǫ́ǫ́’ da.23jw2019 jw2019
They need to be kind and considerate to each other.
Jiihóvah bił bééhózingo Séítan saad yee ííʼááh yę́ę tʼáá daatsʼí aaníí ájíníigi, bééhodoozįįłgo átʼé.jw2019 jw2019
(b) Why is it important for a husband and wife to forgive each other?
Naat’áanii Thomas S.jw2019 jw2019
It will take time for both of you to learn how to make each other happy
Ní t’óó’ ahayóí déi adadiilííł dóó da’oodlá dadooleeł, aTáá’ Bíghandi t’áa’ ákwigi ádaat’áo da’dooyéh, dóó bidininá, déi áda’doolííł dóó hasht’e deidoodlííł.jw2019 jw2019
The willingness to see through each other’s eyes will transform “corrupt communication” into “minister[ing] grace.”
11 Áádóó Laman dóó Lemuel sheʼeztłʼǫ́ dóó tʼáá naʼńleʼdii nashiiłhan ńtʼę́ę́ʼ; ákótʼée ndi, Bóhólníihii bibee adziilii binahjįʼ ííshją́ą́ íidoolíiłgo biniiyé áhóótʼįįd, áko saad doo yáʼátʼéehgo dahináanii yee yá haadzíʼę́ę bidaʼdoolnííł biniiyé.LDS LDS
I just need my illness to go away or my parents to forgive each other or an eternal companion to appear on my doorstep with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and an engagement ring in the other.
Diyin Bizaad éí haitʼéego naaltsoos danéedéhígíí doo benáłtʼéii da?LDS LDS
Josiah and Jeremiah helped each other to do what was right
God hazhóʼó baa íhoołʼaah, áko ádeeshnííł nínę́ę yidíídląął.jw2019 jw2019
We hugged each other and agreed to put the matter behind us.
Bee ałhił dahołné’go, binahjį’ nizhǫ́noo bił naalnish dóó nda’itiníí yee dadinǫ́ǫsééł, t’áá ataa’ anínée bik’éhgo:jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah actually notices each time we show mercy to others.
Be’íina’ nantł’áo ti’dahóoznii’—dóo nihił béédahózin da.jw2019 jw2019
Each of us is a piece of the puzzle, and each of us helps to set in place other essential pieces.
Jishchááʼ góneʼ naazhjéʼígíí, Jiihóvah éí iiná yaa néiidiiyoodlééł.LDS LDS
Agree on an amount that each of you can spend without having to consult the other
Háálá bee yah ahóótʼiʼígíí éí iiná łahgo álnééh dóó tó bee alzį́į́h, dóó índa kǫʼ dóó Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii bee nihibąąhági átʼéii nahjįʼ kóohłaago nihaa ńdidootʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
Because each one of us has a natural desire to be accepted by others.
(Psalm 18:25) God bikʼis jilı̨́įgo éí naalyéhé hwee hólónígíí biláahdi átʼé.jw2019 jw2019
Luke 3:32 lists five other ancestors of the Messiah, and each one of them seems to have been a firstborn.
Baa hózhóonii t’óó’ahayói nihainílá.jw2019 jw2019
Paul then said that there would be others who would be resurrected and go to heaven: “Each one in his own proper order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence.” —1 Corinthians 15:20, 23.
Lą’í nááhaiyę́ędą́ą́’ Arches National Parkgóó she’esdzą́ą́ bił nishá’áázh; shitsi’ Evelin; dóó nááná ła’ nihik’isgo.jw2019 jw2019
When we recognize that each Christian is responsible for his own decisions, we will respect the freedom that others have to use their free will.
Diyingo Daa Sin Bee Ił Hózhǫ́ dóó Naʼnitinjw2019 jw2019
Some crazy boys decided to make some wine to sell, so they each planted grapevines and, working hard on them, they raised them to maturity. Then, having made wine, they each filled a goatskin with it. They agreed that at no time would they give each other a drink of it, and they then set out for town lugging the goatskins on their backs.
Haitʼéego diné yíká anájah ńtʼééʼ?OliverDeBriz OliverDeBriz
The unity we seek in our families and in the Church will come as we allow the Holy Ghost to affect what we see when we look at one another—and even when we think of each other.
Áłah nídeidleehígíí haash yitʼéego ánídaʼiilʼįįh dóó háísh bichʼįʼ aa átʼé?LDS LDS
Others are selected to serve as special pioneers in areas where the need for Kingdom proclaimers is greater, devoting 130 hours or more to the ministry each month.
Hodeeyáádą́ą́ʼshąʼ Iiná Haitʼéé Ńtʼééʼ?jw2019 jw2019
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