universe oor Navajo


/ˈjuːnɪˌvɜːs/, /ˈjunəˌvɝs/ naamwoord
The sum of everything that exists in the cosmos, including time and space itself; same as the Universe.

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the Universe

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/ˈjunəˌvɝs/, /ˈjuːnɪˌvɜːs/ eienaam
The sum of everything that exists in the cosmos, including time and space itself.

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Bee Hazʼą́ą Ił Chʼétʼaah


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This principle will help us to answer questions such as: ‘Should I go on to university after I have completed my basic education?
Hodádi dadiltłi’ę́ę ni’jį’ adahinidééh.jw2019 jw2019
6 Another reason why Jehovah has the right to rule is that he has the knowledge and wisdom to take care of the universe.
Díí ałdó’Diyin Ii’sizį́į eíí bee haa yilééh.jw2019 jw2019
Both the physical universe and the Bible reveal the personality and the attributes of our heavenly Father.
Nanihinitáah dóó nihe’anáhóóti’ bił ha’íiniilní, dóó bee nihik’íjideesh-dlíił nínee nídidiilyééł.jw2019 jw2019
Once we reach the age of accountability, trials and temptations are universal.
8 Ákohgo, tó bee biʼdoolzį́įʼgo Iiʼsizį́ Diyinii hasbídí nahalingo bikʼi hooleʼ.LDS LDS
He is the most powerful and righteous Person in the whole universe.
Jó, Tʼáá ánółtso Bóhólníihii binaanish bikʼijįʼ yádaałtiʼígíí dóó ndaahłnishígíí, háálá nihí éí dooládóʼ doodada danohsin dóó dadínóonééł.jw2019 jw2019
Our Savior’s Atonement does more than assure us of immortality by a universal resurrection and give us the opportunity to be cleansed from sin by repentance and baptism.
T’áá haaléiit’áo ałtso áhiihdookáh hwiinídziní gi’át’áo, nléiidę́ę́’ Da’óodląní hane’ yá’at’éehii ninályáii nihokáá’góó bee nidadinóohtį́į́ł bee bich’į’ ha’óodzíi’go doo bóhonee’ą́ą da daniizį́į́’.LDS LDS
The size of the universe tells us of his power. —Read Romans 1:20.
Daneeznánígíísh nídeidiiltsééł?jw2019 jw2019
Question: Who is the greatest gift-giver in the universe?
21 Dóó tʼáá haʼátʼíida bee adinídíín ádoolníłígíí éí ádin, díí chahałheeł ditánígíí biniinaa, doo ndi akʼah kǫʼ, doo ndóʼ kǫʼ ndaaltʼáʼígíí da; dóó ałdóʼ azhą́ tsin tsʼídá danizhónígíí dóó tsʼídá deíłtseiígíí ndi doo bíighah da, áko tʼáá haʼátʼííshį́į́ bee adinídíín dooleełígíí éí ádin.jw2019 jw2019
With a university degree in law, I could have earned a lot of money, but I would have had little chance of finding part-time work.”
2 Ndi łaʼ hastiin léiʼ Alma wolyéego, Nephi yitsʼą́ą́dóó hazlį́įʼgo bitah naaghá.jw2019 jw2019
We know the King of the universe.
Tʼáadoo tsʼįįł níníziní tʼóóʼahayóí tʼáadoo leʼé ídíílíłígíí bá hazʼą́ą doo.jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps that helps us to grasp more fully Jeremiah’s statement that Jehovah God made the heavens and the earth, that is, the universe, by his great power.
Bóhólníihii Jesus Christ bee ayóó’ííníí’níi yíwohgo nihii’ ąą kó-dzaa dóójw2019 jw2019
If we really love Jehovah and are convinced that he is good and that he has the right to rule the universe, then a lie like that will be disgusting to us.
Ahidiníłnáago ałhaa ahééh hwiindzinígíí bídahwiilʼaah, áádóó éí binahjįʼ ayóíʼóʼóʼní bitsxeʼgo bee daʼahííníítąʼ.jw2019 jw2019
At one time Jehovah was alone in the universe.
Nihichʼįʼ nidahwiiʼnánígíí éí tʼááʼaaníigo doo God bitsʼą́ą́dę́ę́ʼ da.—James 1:13.jw2019 jw2019
It is based on the promise of the Creator of the universe, who says: “The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah.”
10 Éí bąą, atsʼíís, dóó atsʼíís yinízinii, dóó chʼį́įdii beʼiiníziiniikʼeh, naaldeeh silį́į́ʼ, díí nabíʼnítaah bee hooʼaʼą́ą éí biiʼ hashtʼeʼádaʼdílnéehgo biniiyé hazʼą́ silį́į́ʼ; éí hashtʼehodiʼnééh biniiyé hooʼaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
(Revelation 4:11) Rune, who has been pioneering for 16 years, says: “Knowing that I have been given the opportunity to be a witness for the Creator of the universe makes me grateful.
Áko Jiihóvah Yádahalneʼí choidííłʼįįł, Diyin God Bizaad biiʼ tʼááʼaaníinii ayóó ánóolinígíí yee nidandínóotı̨́ı̨́ł.jw2019 jw2019
Scientists generally agree that the material universe had a beginning.
Óodlą’ ayóó bidzííl, dóó éí álílee aghą́ą́h bee hoolééł.jw2019 jw2019
But nothing could make us happier than knowing that the Sovereign of the universe is pleased with us!
Íiv éí Séítan biyoochʼííd yoosdląąd.jw2019 jw2019
A teenager named Abigail, who got baptized when she was 12 years old, says: “I feel that Jehovah deserves our thanks more than anyone else in the universe.
4 Béeso Baa Áháyą́ągijw2019 jw2019
The Bible teaches that Jehovah is the loving Creator of the universe
Alma Zeezrom yił saad ahíítʼááh—Diyin God bitsʼą́ą́dę́ę́ʼ tʼáá aaníinii tʼah doo ííshją́ą́ álnéehii daʼoodláanii tʼéiyá bichʼįʼ kódoolnííł—Diné bintsékees, bedaʼoodląʼ, dabizaad, dóó yindaashnish yę́ę bikʼehgo bá ndahwiidootʼááł—Diné bąąhági ádaatʼéii iiʼsizį́kʼehgo bichʼįʼ ndahwiiʼnáago dínóonééł—Díí atsʼíís anoonééł bidééłníigo iinánígíí éí nabidiʼnitaahgo bił hazʼą́—Nináʼídláago hootʼáłígíí Nááʼdiijeeh hólǫ́ǫgo yee hoołʼaʼ dóó, oodląʼ bee, beehazʼáanii kʼídeiztiʼii baa ńdadidootʼááł—Beʼiinaʼ łahgo áyiilaaí ajoobaʼ aYeʼ Tʼáá éí Tʼéiyá Yizhchíinii binahjįʼ baa doolyéełgo bá hólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
It might be put this way: If the universe and everything in it had to have a cause or a creator, where did God come from?
(2) Da’ Naaltsoos Mormon Wolyéhígíí t’áá aníí?jw2019 jw2019
Three days after returning, I attended a Hello Day dance at the University of Utah with a friend of mine.
Bee nihik’ihojísdlį́į’ éí ahiłha’diit’aahíí ádíílíiłgo díí iiná biyi’ niłbeehóozį́įd dóó níká adoojahígíí ninaagó da hólǫ́ǫdo---éí nigi’át’áo Nizhé’é Yá’ąąshdi Hólóonii yił ahadadeest’ánígíí danilį́.LDS LDS
In our ministry, we can help others to get to know the Creator of this amazing universe. —Revelation 4:11.
Chloe yii’ dah sidáajį’ be’sétłǫ́h, shídó’ áde’sistłǫ́h, dóó t’ąą’ nihił ch’e’élwod chidí niyił dah diilwód.jw2019 jw2019
19 A modest person knows that Jehovah alone deserves all glory, because he is the Creator and the Most High in the universe.
14 God nihá niiníláhígíí tʼáá íídą́ą́ʼ nihíká eelwod.jw2019 jw2019
8 Damaris had very good grades when she finished high school, and she could have gone to university to study law without having to pay for her education.
Nihits’ą́ą́jí nilínígíí dóó azahont’aah hólǫ́ǫ doo.jw2019 jw2019
THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe.
Nihi éí áádí baa díídał dóó biká’adiilwol.jw2019 jw2019
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