weekend oor Navajo


/wiːk.ˈɛnd/, /wiːkˈend/, /ˈwik.ɛnd/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
The break in the working week, usually two days including the traditional holy or sabbath day. Thus in western countries, Saturday and Sunday. Occasionally abbreviated to w/e.

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Damóo yázhí dóó Damóo

break in the working week

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Invite the person to the weekend meeting.
Áádóó weekend meetingdi nihaa díínááł bididííniił.jw2019 jw2019
And another meeting is held on the weekend when other people are resting.
Laʼ áłah nináánéiidleehígíí éí Damóo Yázhí dóó Damóo góneʼé łeh.jw2019 jw2019
Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.5 cover —Invite the person to the weekend meeting.
Ił Haneʼ Áłtséhígíí: (2 min. or less) T-32 —Nidooʼniidgoshąʼ: “Haa dóoneʼé lá nílı̨́?”jw2019 jw2019
What an inspirational weekend it has been in every way.
Dooládó’ diyin k’éhjí naaki yiską́ąjį’ bee nihił hóone’.LDS LDS
(Matthew 7:12) For example, do people in your territory like to sleep longer on weekends?
(Matthew 7:12) Łaʼísh éí nidaʼiinííshdóó bikʼijįʼ tʼáá dah ałhoshgo de ádiʼááh?jw2019 jw2019
For example, an elder named Patrick says: “At first, some found it discouraging to meet in small groups for field service on weekends.”
Elder léiʼ Patrick wolyéego halneʼ: “Weekends góneʼ nahaneʼ biniyé tʼáá díkwíhígo ahínáohkah dooleeł hoʼdooʼniidgo tʼóó áłtsé łaʼ doo bił yáʼádaatʼéeh da.”jw2019 jw2019
This is especially helpful to those who work full-time secularly and participate in the ministry mostly on the weekends.
Diné full-time nideiilnishígíí dóó doo ndaʼanish góneʼ nidahalneʼ éí díí bíká adoolwoł.jw2019 jw2019
On weekends I worked with others, but on most weekdays I worked alone.
Łahda tʼáá háida bił nináháshnih, áádóó łahda tʼáá sáhí łeh.jw2019 jw2019
On weekends, you may offer the magazine along with the invitation.
Damóogo, éí naaltsoos Jesus Christ—Łaʼísh Baa Ínááhodííłʼááł Nínízín? dóó invitation bił baa díínił.jw2019 jw2019
My apologies to all the children who are now hiding under the sofa, but the fact of the matter is none of us want tomorrow, or the day after that, to destroy the wonderful feelings we have had this weekend.
Nánihóóshką́ą́h áłchiní ałtso bikáá’dah’asdahí bine’dę́ę́’ nidanóht’íníí, nídi t’áa’aaníí dasidiitsą́’íí yiskáo, éí doodáo biiską́nį eíí, baa nihił dahózhǫ́nii dóo nihits’ą́ą́’ k’ee’doolchǫ́ǫł da.LDS LDS
First of all, if in the days ahead you not only see limitations in those around you but also find elements in your own life that don’t yet measure up to the messages you have heard this weekend, please don’t be cast down in spirit and don’t give up.
Átsé éiyá, náás yoołkááłgóó nihí diné nihináo doole’é yi’óhneel’ą́nii wóh’į́ nídi t’áa nihí ałdó’ díí naakijį́ bee nihich’į’ ha’íísdzi’ígíí eíí nihe’íina’ bee ch’ééh ádeiil’į́, t’óó naah nihónółkaad dóó bits’ą́ąjoo dah dooínááh.LDS LDS
May He bless us to strive with patience and persistence toward the ideals we have heard proclaimed this conference weekend, knowing that His divine love and unfailing help will be with us even when we struggle—no, will be with us especially when we struggle.
Bí yee’ bił ha’ííniilní bee yiidáałgo yee nihik’izhdoodlííł dóó nihi díí naakijį́ áłahniidlǫ́ǫ dasidiits’ą́’íí t’áa bich’į’ ne’niidlį́ní bee náás yiikáh, be’ayóó’o’o’ní eíí nihił bééhózin dóó ch’ééh íil’ínígíí ndi yee nihiká adoolwół—shóóh, nihił hólǫ́ǫ doolééł ts’ída ch’éeh’íitį́įgo.LDS LDS
5 The brothers made arrangements so that on some weekends, Witnesses from two congregations of a different language or race could spend time together.
5 Nihibrothers éí Damóo Yázhígo dóó Damóogo, Jiihóvah bidineʼé naakigo áłah nádleehdę́ę́ʼ bizaad áłʼąą ádaatʼéhígíí dóó áłʼąą dineʼé ahínéikahgo ádaʼiilaa.jw2019 jw2019
On the weekends, Tony would go to the movies or spend time with his friends.
Doo ndaʼanish góneʼ, Tony éí ndaalkidgóó ałnáájídááh doodaiiʼ bikʼis yił ahínéekah.jw2019 jw2019
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