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Consider a source of comfort that many have turned to in their darkest hours, and see what help it may bring to you.
38 Háálá ákótʼáo Bóhólníihii éí kóní: Tʼáadoo bą́ą́h ílínígo ndanihiʼdiizniiʼ, dóó béeso tʼáá gééd nihá ninináʼdoolyééł.jw2019 jw2019
They can help you to think about what you believe, why you believe it, and how you can explain your beliefs to others.
Haash yitʼéego tʼáá biláahígíí átʼéego God bééhodiilzįįł?jw2019 jw2019
WHEN you want to know what time it is, what do you do?
Matthew 3:16, 17) Tʼáá níléídę́ę́ʼ Mesáíyah bee haʼoodzííʼ yę́ę níyá!jw2019 jw2019
16 What if you do not find it easy to tell others how you feel about them?
40 Dóó tʼáá háíshį́į́ díí biláahgo índa biʼohgo baa hojilneʼígíí, dóó díí Bóhólníihii binaʼnitin jinínígíí, éí doo yáʼáshóonii bitsʼą́ą́dę́ę́ʼ, dóó doo éí shí shitseʼ bikááʼ jiztłʼin da; ndi éí éí séí yikáaʼgi aztłʼin, dóó tó bił yiląąhgo dóó níyol dah nayiiłhango chʼį́įdiitah bidáńdítį́hí bichʼįʼ ąą átʼée dooleeł.jw2019 jw2019
In some cultures, when getting to know someone, it is common to ask, “What kind of work do you do?”
Dóó díí éí saad yee yił nahasneʼ, kóníigo: ATaaʼ Malachi kóyidííniid—Jó, shinaalʼaʼí deeshʼaał, éí shilą́ąjįʼ hashtʼehodoolííł, dóó Bóhólníihii hádasídóoʼį́ʼę́ę tʼáá hooshchʼįʼ Diyin bighanjįʼ doogááł; éí éí bee ałhaʼdeetʼą́ yaa haneʼii ndi, baa nihił dahózhóonii; jó, éí doogááł, ní Tʼáá ałtsoní biBóhólníihii.jw2019 jw2019
What do you think it means to be puffed up with pride?
WÓLTAʼÍGÍÍ 8jw2019 jw2019
So when you read the Bible, ask Jehovah to help you understand what you read, remember it, and use it to make good decisions in your life. —Ezra 7:10.
Ndi Bí t’ah bik’éh óodááł dóó beehaz’ąąnii nihaayiinííł, Bí ałdó’ nídidiil-yééł doodáii’ dóo nídidiilyéłii yee nihá hooł’a’.jw2019 jw2019
What a blessing it is to know that you are loved by “the entire association of your brothers in the world”!
Haash yitʼéego diné tʼáá bí ádeinízingo béeso yee anídaalwoʼígíí chooʼı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
What can you learn from Jesus’ example?— You need to obey your parents, even when it is hard.
Áádóó éí tʼááʼałtso nahasdzáán bikááʼ dahiinánígíí yee łáʼí danilı̨́į doo.—Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
It can help you to understand what God expects of you.
Éí áłah nídaʼoodleełgóó díníyá nahalingo nizhónígo hadidíínííł.jw2019 jw2019
What circumstances would make it more difficult for you to say no?
23 Iiʼsizíinii atsʼíís bee háádidoolnííł, dóó atsʼíís iiʼsizíinii bee háádidoolnííł; aooʼ, tʼáá ałtso ałtsʼádaazʼaʼí dóó ahadaditʼánígíí atsʼíís bee háádidoolnííł; aooʼ, azhą́ atsiighá ndi doo łaʼ yóó adoodił da; ndi tʼáá ałtso tsʼídá nizhónígoháádadidooʼnííł.jw2019 jw2019
Why is it good for you to do what Proverbs 16:3 says?
Haʼnaa ayóó ánízáád góde ahéédaʼastłʼinígíí dóó tooh nílínígíí binahjįʼ, tʼáadoo nihaatįįh hókáhí da dazhnízin.jw2019 jw2019
It can help you to know what kind of person you are.
Nihí diyiníí ha’íísółts’ą́ą’go, Diyin Ii’sizį́į nihizaad dine’é bijéí yiih yidiyoo-lééł, dóó náás yoołkáałdi Yisda’iinííłii Bí Zhe’é yitsidóó ch’ínhidoo’ááł.jw2019 jw2019
What will you do if you believe that it was a mistake for the elders to show mercy to someone who sinned?
14 Jó háálá, Bóhólníihii biiʼSizíinii doo bił dahólǫ́ǫ da dooleełgo bichʼįʼ hoolzhish; jó háálá, Diyin God yá dahalneʼii yóó adeideezʼą́, dóó Jeremiah éí awáalyaa góneʼ yah adeistʼeʼ.jw2019 jw2019
2 aFor with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Adindíín Noosį́į́hLDS LDS
Read it, study it, and then apply what you learn to help you understand how to bring souls to Christ through invitation and follow-up.
20 Dóó díí ałtso íishłaago índa, Laban bidaʼílíinii yisnilę́ęgo dah diiyá.LDS LDS
Do you think it’s hard to do what is right?— Most people think that it is.
God bikʼis sínílı̨́ı̨́ʼígíí éí tsʼídá nizhónígi íinidzaa doo.—Zephaniah 3:17; 1 Timothy 6:19 yííníłtaʼ.jw2019 jw2019
Question: Do you think it’s possible to know what the future holds?
God biNahatʼaʼshąʼ Haʼátʼíí Átʼé?jw2019 jw2019
If you want to get to know someone well, it is helpful if you learn what he has accomplished and the challenges he has overcome.
Haʼátʼíísh éí ahastiin hooghan hazʼánígi bee bóholnííh?jw2019 jw2019
Even though he may not understand what you are reading, it can help him to enjoy reading when he is older.
Nináʼályé éí diné bitsʼíís biʼdiniilyı̨́įgo bikʼeh nináʼályáago béédoochidgo óolyé.jw2019 jw2019
If you have extra money at the end of the month, decide together what you are going to do with it
T’ánit’éíI Yisda’íiníiłii bíkee yííkágo saad bee iináígíí, saad bee joobá’ígíi nihizaad doo háálá ákot’áo nihi tágoonąąyá.jw2019 jw2019
7 What is the third reason why it is good to set goals when you are young?
Nephi bizaad tʼáá aaníí átʼé—Christ tʼáá aaníigo yaa halneʼ—Christ yoodlánígíí Nephi bizaad yidoodląął, éí éí ánihwiitʼaahdi dasitánígíí ooʼíinii nilį́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
If you know what your goals are, it is easier to make wise decisions
Aláahdi éí, Bí yá’át’ééh yaa halósii lá t’áá háiishį́į́ Diyin God yee biká adóolwółgo bił hóozyéel doo.jw2019 jw2019
14 It is important to use common sense when you decide what to say and do in each situation.
(Micah 5:2) Haaʼígishąʼ Jesus íiyisíí biʼdizhchı̨́?jw2019 jw2019
As loving parents, do you really want this world to teach your child what it thinks will make him happy?
Na’nítingi dóó hooghangi t’áá ła’í danlíigo t’éiyá Ii’sizį́į bił dahólǫ́.jw2019 jw2019
33 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.