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The young women, the ward and stake Young Women and Relief Society presidencies, and family members gathered together to celebrate her accomplishment.
Ch’ikę́ę́h dinlį́į, yił yah anajah dóó tsikjí Ch’ikę́ę́h dóó Sáanii biNaat’áani danlį́į, dóó bighandóó ałhííkaigo ééhaniih yá nideiz’ą́.LDS LDS
As parents, we are to be the prime gospel teachers and examples for our children—not the bishop, the Sunday School, the Young Women or Young Men, but the parents.
Nihí ’amá dóó ázhé’é niidlíinii, niha ałchíní Diyin bizaad bee nanitin doo, dóó binaal bee híniiná.LDS LDS
This summer I had the privilege of attending an encampment of 900 young women in Alaska.
Shįįdą́ą́’ Alaskadi at’ééké áłah silįį. 900 ánéelt’e’go áłah silį́į́’.LDS LDS
Young women expressed gratitude for Sister Hoskins, for her teaching, and for her righteous example.
Ch’ikę́ę́h yił naal-nishíí shik’is Hoskins ahéhee’, nanihinitin, dóó hodiyin k’eh yinálii dabiłní.LDS LDS
You may know her better than does the bishop or the Young Women leader.
Ni dah nibísheb éí doodáii’ ch’ikęęh binaat’áanii bitsísgo bééhonízin.LDS LDS
McConkie of the Young Women general presidency was a teenager, her parents divorced.
McConkie At’ééké Bi Nat’áanii nilį́, éí tséłkéí nilínéedą́ą́’ bimá dóó bizhe’é ałts’áán’áázh.LDS LDS
For example, young women are teaching their mothers how to use FamilySearch to find and save ancestors.
Jó at’ééké éí bimá Family Search wolye’hígíí, azází yee hadaintáago yichi’ yóhooł’aah.LDS LDS
She shared with me her feeling that our young women need a cause, something to help them feel valued.
Amá nabíiłnaníí shił ch’íini’ą́ǫ eíí nihich’ikę́ę́h íidoolílii bídenhohéé’, da’ilíigi yee biká adoolwół.LDS LDS
On the third night of camp, all 900 young women stood together and recited the entire document word for word.
Táá bi tł’éé’ góne’ at’ééké t’áá áát’éé 900 ánéelt’é’ goo, nidaazį́į goo t’áá át’é yee ádadííniid.LDS LDS
A group of young women once asked me, “What do you wish you had known when you were our age?”
Łá ch’ikéí danilį́į́go nidashdeełkidgo adaaní “K’ad nidaniilzé’ígí ninaahai yę́ę́dą́ą́’, Há’át’íísh shił bééhózin dooleeł ninízin ńt’éé?LDS LDS
A Young Women leader recently learned about the strength we receive as we strive to thoughtfully partake of the sacrament.
Łá ch’ikei yiląąji sizí́nígíí éí hazhǫ́’ó nitsekessgo bááh dóó tó dildzingo neidįį’ígíí binahji bee nihidzilgo bee nihik’ihojídli.LDS LDS
One day, while I was driving my fancy red car through town, two young women waved at me to come over to them.
Kintah góyaa shichidí łichííʼ ayóó ánoolin léiʼ shił yilwoł, ńtʼééʼ sáanii ániid naaʼaash léiʼ hágo níigo shichʼįʼ dah nidilnííh.jw2019 jw2019
The theme of the program, “Live True to the Faith”—think about that: “Live True to the Faith”—was portrayed magnificently by smiling and enthusiastic young men and young women.
Tséłkéii nihinááł ádayiilaa’ígíí éí “Oodla’ T’áá’aníinii Bee Hinii’ná” wolyé-baa ntsínkees: “Oodlą’ T’áá’aníinii Bee Hinii’ná”-éí t’áá’íyisíí nizhónígo tséłkéii bił dahózhǫ́ǫgo dóó yídaneedlį́įgo nihinááł ádayiilaa.LDS LDS
With that view, young women should look forward to their entry into Relief Society as an opportunity to enlarge their circle of sisters whom they will come to know, admire, and love.
Akó ákót’ao danół’į́įgo, at’eek’é Sáanii Diyin K’ehjí yił ya’ahnájahgo shádi t’á hoozhch’į lą’í shee haslį́į́’ ákoh sáanii yéédahodosįįł dóó yidaneedlį́įdo dóó ayói’ádayóníido.LDS LDS
I saw the girls in a Young Women class link arms together and make a commitment to minister to one another and then plan an appropriate way to help a young woman who was struggling with an addiction.
Sodizin bá hooghandí Ch’ikéí yah anájah góne’ bigaan yee da’áhotą’ dóó ts’ída ahidiníłnao nida’ ahidíniitįįł dóó at’ééd ła’ ha’íshį́į́ tsi’na’iilaií ga’ bii’ hadadiitłóós daaníigo nahat’á ádayiilaa.LDS LDS
Have we all, including you dear younger sisters in Primary and Young Women, had the opportunity to hold a newborn baby in our arms and have him or her look up into our eyes?
T’áa’anííltso, nihí ndi at’éeké yazhí danóhłį́į Ałhóokahgi dóó Ch’ikę́ęh, bee nihá hoo’á’go awée chi’í léí’ nihíghaan bee nídiiltééh dóó askii índa at’ééd déigo bináá’ yee nihínel’į́įho?LDS LDS
For example, if you are a young woman, you might be asked by your bishop or your Young Women leader to reach out to a Laurel who has become what we sometimes call “less active.”
Kótéego, ch’ikęęh nohlįnii dah, nibísheb éí doodáii’ ch’ikęęh binaat’áanii dah at’ééd Laureljí “doo nadááda yilééłíí” biká adíilwół nididoo-nííł.LDS LDS
Recently, you may have read about Sister Ella Hoskins, who at 100 years old was called to help the young women in her ward with Personal Progress.20 About two years later, at 102, Sister Hoskins earned her Young Womanhood Recognition award.
T’áá’anii, nihíshįį shik’is Ella Hoskins baa da’óołta’, éí 100 bináahaigo sodizin bá hooghangi Ch’ikéí T’ááhwoh Náás Joogááł bee biká adiilwoł.20Naaki daats’í náahaigo, 102go, shik’is Hoskins Ch’ikéí biká idlį́ binaaltsoos beiyiyį́.LDS LDS
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