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O Jehovah, they walk in the light of your face.
10 Dóó nááná, niheʼiinaʼ łahgo áńdaahdléehgo nihibąąhági átʼéii yóó adahidohʼaah dóó tsʼídá doo baa nínáádoohkahgo deinohdlą́, dóó Diyin God bidááhdóó nihaa hojoobaʼí ídaʼdółnééh; dóó tʼáá íiyisíí shaa ndiníʼaah bidohní; dóó kʼad, díí tʼáá ałtso deinohdlą́ągo bidaʼohłééh.jw2019 jw2019
He declared: “For I will go before your face.
Damǫ́ǫgo, bááh dóó tó ndaikáhii bíla’ dóó bíghaan hach’į’ wonidayiil’į́įgo haasíí łih.LDS LDS
He challenged God by saying: “Strike his bone and flesh, and he will surely curse you to your very face.”
11 Kʼad, éí anoonééł dóó nááʼdiijeeh bitaʼgi diné bitsʼíís dóó biyiʼsizíinii haitʼįįhígíí baa hashneʼ—Jó, diyin yá naalʼaʼii shił ííshją́ą́ áyiilaa, diné tʼáá ałtso biiʼsizíinii, tʼáá atsʼíís yiiʼ haagháhí, aooʼ, diné tʼáá ałtso biiʼsizíinii, łaʼ shį́į́ yáʼádaatʼééh dóó doo yáʼádaatʼéeh da ndi, hooghangóó anáhákááh Diyin God iiná baa yiizláhígíí yichʼįʼ anáhákááh.jw2019 jw2019
But, for a change, stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your very face.” —Job 1:10, 11.
Sámuel tááʼ doodaiiʼ dı̨́ı̨́ʼ binááhaigo níbaal siʼánígi God nijilʼaʼ doo biniyé ákǫ́ǫ́ bił jiníʼáázh.jw2019 jw2019
19 You young ones really deserve to be commended because despite the difficulties you face, you focus your lives on serving Jehovah.
T’áá anii nijildzid łeh hą́’ą́t’íishį́į́’ dadidooniił.jw2019 jw2019
Your loved one will never have to face the last enemy, death, ever again.
Daneesehi doo bidi’nizinigii yik’ee doo bil dahats’idii da, hil daneesehigii nighaiiji bil dahozhoo k’e doo doole’e yaanaakai doo bitahji’ doo ba nahas’aa da.jw2019 jw2019
Imagine that you are facing a difficult problem and your parent offers to help.
2 Ayóó áhonóolingo kéédahoniitʼı̨́į doo.jw2019 jw2019
Turn your heart to God, especially when you face trials.
Naaltsoos ła’dah deidiijaa’ dóó diné ła’ yił ałhéédahooszį́įdgo bik’is daazlį́į́.LDS LDS
If you face that challenge, this article can help you identify your fears and work on overcoming them.
“Dóó t’áa akwii kéyahgi nléí dzigéídi nda’niłkáadi ndáakai, t’áa tł’ée’ ndi bilį́į yik’idadeez’į́į́’.jw2019 jw2019
13 When you face difficulties, do not become discouraged but keep working at your goals.
Tʼah díí ashkii yázhí nishłínéedą́ą́ʼ tʼáá nihikʼéí bił ałkʼijįʼ saa hazlı̨́ı̨́ʼ kéyah biniinaa.jw2019 jw2019
To help us remain calm despite the problems we face, the faithful and discreet slave has selected Isaiah 41:10 as the yeartext for 2019, “Do not be anxious, for I am your God.”
Diyingo naal’a’í nda’níłkaadí yaa níyáo béé daasdzídígíí yiyi’di yiyiiłtsą́ǫ, “t’áa ndáałdzi dí” yił ní.jw2019 jw2019
11 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.