your home oor Navajo

your home

your home (respectful)

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Her friend cried out, “It’s your home teachers!”
Diyin yá’yałtí Mormon Yisdá’íiníiłii át’éhígí át’áo éí akée’naazį́įnii ałdo ákódahjít’áo dooleeł.LDS LDS
What striking colors in creation have you seen near your home?
Bikee’ ts’ída tsídeesyis, ła’ dikwíishį́į́ nááhai ndi Ábiilzį́ bá náashnish ch’ééh be’ésléhii yéédaalnííh.jw2019 jw2019
Your guests will be happy if your home is clean and tidy and if you are friendly.
14 Háálá, diné nihíniʼ dayííłʼaʼii baa ńdahidohʼaahgo éí nihiTaaʼ yáʼąąshdi hólóonii nihídóʼ nihaa ndizhʼdooʼááł.jw2019 jw2019
And when you invited someone to your home, this brought you closer together.
“Shinálí Hastiingo yaa yáłtiʼ lá!jw2019 jw2019
Can you offer someone a place to stay, even if your home is small?
Jeremáíyah dóó Josáíyah yáʼátʼéehgo ázhdooníiłgi bee áłká anáhiʼnilcheehjw2019 jw2019
3 Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and aponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and bprepare your minds for the cmorrow, and I come unto you again.
Diyin Yisdáíi’níilii bik’ehgo híníí’ną́ą́go nihíts’ádinidíín doo nihíyí’ ádinídíín doo áko diné bá adiniłdíín doo.LDS LDS
A little boy was practicing the piano, and a salesman, upon seeing him through the window, asked, “Is your mother home?”
Haʼátʼíí ałdóʼ nihichʼą́ą́h naagháa doo?LDS LDS
As you listen in this conference to the words of those God has called to speak for Him, I pray that you will receive the confirming revelation you need to find your way on the journey home again, to dwell with Him in a sealed family forever.
BÍLAʼASHDLAʼII łaʼ nabíhoʼdinitaahgo, tʼáásh God yikʼeh ááníił doo, azhą́ shı̨́ı̨́ doo baʼdoodił da ndi?LDS LDS
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