France oor Oksitaans


/ˈfɹænts/, /ˈfɹɑːns/ eienaam, naamwoord
A country in Western Europe having borders with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. Member state of the European Union. Official name: French Republic (République Française). Population: 62 million inhabitants.

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geographic terms (country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Oksitaans



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Soortgelyke frases

Illa de França
Louis XIV of France
Loís XIV
Napoleon III of France
Napoleon III
Southern France
Vichy France
Regim de Pétain
Napoleon I of France
Napoleon Bonaparte
Philip II of France
Felip August
Henry IV of France
Enric de Borbon


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King of France Duke of Florence Bertram, Count of Roussillon Countess of Roussillon, Mother of Bertram Lavatch, a Clown in her household Helena, a Gentlewoman protected by the Countess000 Lafew, an old Lord Parolles, a follower of Bertram An Old Widow of Florence, surnamed Capilet Diana, Daughter of the Widow Steward of the Countess of Roussillon Violenta (ghost character) and Mariana, Neighbours and Friends of the Widow A Page Soldiers, Servants, Gentlemen, and Courtiers Helena, the low-born ward of a French-Spanish countess, is in love with the countess's son Bertram, who is indifferent to her.
Rei de França Duc de Florença Bertram, Comte de Rosselhon Comtessa de Rosselhon, Maire de Bertram Lavatch, un Bofon e son ostal Helena, una domaisèla aparada per la Comtessa Lafew, un nòble vièlh Parolles, un seguent de Bertram Una vièlha Veusa de Florença, escaissada Capilet Diana, Filha de la Veusa Intendent de la Comtessa de Rosselhon Violenta (personatge fantasma) e Mariana, vesins e amics de la Veusa Un Page Soldats, Servicials, Gentilòmes, e Cortesans Helena, lo rèire banc d'una comtessa francesa, es enamorada del filh de la comtessa: Bertram, qu'es indeferent d'ela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
About the French word de, see France.
Per la ciutat de França, veire París.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From 2001 to 2004, she was a senior marketing manager at France Telecom, in charge of emerging markets in the social-health sector.
De 2001 a 2004 èra a mièg temps per France Télécom, encargada dels mercats emergents dins lo sector « Social & santat ».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Up to now France is the most important market for the group, accounting for more than 50% of the employees and about 50% of the generated revenue.
La agricultura es lo sector pus fòrt, e l'elevatge representa 40% del PIB e mai de 50% de las exportacions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Marseille Observatory (French: Observatoire de Marseille) is an astronomical observatory located in Marseille, France, with a history that goes back to the early 18th century.
L'Observatòri de Marselha es un observatòri astronomic professional situat à Marselha en Provença, que l'origina remonta al començament del sègle XVIII.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She is going to France next week.
Se'n va tà França la setmana qui veng.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
As of 15 November 2009 the United States held 16.4% of total votes, Japan 7.9%, Germany 4.5%, the United Kingdom 4.3%, and France 4.3%.
Per exemple, lo 1èr de novembre de 2004, los Estats Units d'America avián 16,4% de totes los vòtes, Japon 7,9%, Alemanha 4,5%, e lo Reialme Unit e França 4,3%.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Control of the river was crucial to British strategy to capture New France in the Seven Years' War.
Lo contraròtle del riu foguèt primordial dins l'estrategia britanica per capturar la Nòva França durant la Guèrra de Sèt Ans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result, the centuries-old singularities of the various Occitan-speaking parts were overlooked and shaken in a deliberate effort by the newly formed government to weaken and parcel out long-established feudal domains so that republican France would subdue traditional allegiances, as Antonin Perbòsc reveals in the Foreword to his Anthologie: When the Constituante (National Constituent Assembly) created the départements, their goal was clearly to erase the old geographical and historical distinction of the provinces; however this goal was not as perfectly met as some would have liked: in general, the départements were made up of pieces of existing provinces, quite seldom of the reunion of parts from different provinces.
En consequéncia, las singularitats pluricentenàrias dels diferents païses d'Òc foguèron pas presas en compte e mai s'aflaquiguèron jos l'accion deliberada del govèrn novèlament format per fragilizar e devesir los domenis feudals establits fa bèl temps, de tal biais que la França republicana s'apoderèsse de las afinitats tradicionalas, coma Antonin Perbòsc o confessa dins lo prefaci de son Antologia: Quand la Constituenta creèt los departaments, son intencion èra clarament d'escafar l'anciana destinga geografica amb istorica de las províncias; pr'aquò aquesta tòca foguèt pas atencha tan plan coma d'unes que i a o aguèssen esperat: en general, los departaments nasquèron de la fragmentacion de las províncias, pro rarament de l'agropament de parts que venián de províncias diferentas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His work allowed for the production of a vegetation map of France at a scale of 1/200 000 (completed after his death by the service of the CNRS, but which he had created and directed) and many similar projects in other countries.
Son trabalh permèt per exemple la realizacion d'una mapa de la vegetacion de França al 1/200 000 (acabada après sa mòrt pel servici del CNRS qu'aviá creat e dirigit) e de fòrça projèctes analogs dins d'autres païses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Michel Plasson (born 2 October 1933, Paris, France) is a French conductor.
Michel Plasson (nascut lo 2 d'octobre de 1933 a París) es un cap d'orquèstra francés.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The price of 100 litres of wine dropped to 6 or 7 francs.
Lo prètz de l’ectolitre de vin passèt el a 6 o 7 francs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Andorra is a small principality situated between Spain and France.
Andòrra es un pichon principat, situat entre Espanha e França.tatoeba tatoeba
In France, this function disappeared with the Revolution.
Lo Parlament, al sens actual, apareguèt en França amb la Revolucion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
By the end of the war, the Agency had transferred about 20 million letters and messages, 1.9 million parcels, and about 18 million Swiss francs in monetary donations to POWs of all affected countries.
A la fin de la guèrra aquela Agéncia aviá transferit prèp de 20 milions de letras e messatges, 1,9 milions paquets e prèp de 18 milions de francs soïsses en don monedariá als presonièrs de guèrra de totes los païses afectats.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was briefly suppressed in France in the late 1930s because of its use by the fascist element, and Slavoj Žižek noted its prohibition in Post-War Germany due to its intense militarism.
Foguèt brèvament enebida en França a la fin dels ans 1930 per causa qu'utiliza d'elements fascistas, e Slavoj Žižek notèt son interdiccion dins l'Allemanha de postguèrra a cause d'intens militarisme.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This may be intended as the Ardennes, a forested region covering an area located in southeast Belgium, western Luxembourg and northeastern France, or Arden, Warwickshire, near Shakespeare's home town, which was the ancestral origin of his mother's family—who incidentally were called Arden.
Benlèu son las Ardenas, una region forestièra cobrissent un airal situat al sud oèst de Belgica, oèst de Luxemborg and nòrd èst de França, o Arden, Warwickshire, près de la vila d'origina de Shakespeare, d'ont ven sa familha mairala—que mai se nomenava Arden.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If one could criticize this territorial division for being too arbitrary and too geometric, what can be said of Tarn-et-Garonne, born of a sénatus-consule (a law by the Senate of France) on November 2, 1808?
S'òm pòt far lo repròchi a aquel devesiment territorial d'èsser tròp arbitrari e tròp geometric, qué dire del caganís, Tarn e Garona, eissit del senatus-consulta del 2 de novembre 1808?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Commencing operations on 25 June 1946, it approved its first loan on 9 May 1947 (US$250M to France for postwar reconstruction, in real terms the largest loan issued by the Bank to date).
Comencèt sas operacions lo 25 de junh de 1946, e aprovèt son primièr prèst lo 9 de mai de 1947 (250 milions de dolars americans a França, per la reconstruccion d'aprèp guèrra, lo prèst pus important (en termes reals, no pas en nominals), de l'istòria de l'institucion, fins ara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A single territorial collectivity (French: collectivité territoriale unique) is a chartered subdivision of France that exerts both the powers of a region and a department.
Una collectivitat territoriala unica es una collectivitat territoriala francesa qu’agropa las competéncias d’un departament et d’una region.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1663 – New France made a royal province.
En 1663, la Nòva França venguèt una província reiala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He returned to France in 1951.
Amnistiat, torna en França en 1951.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fencing consisting of flat and thin wire was first proposed in France, by Leonce Eugene Grassin-Baledans in 1860.
Lo primièr assag seriós de fabricacion d'aram espinut ven Leonce Eugene Grassin-Baledans en 1860.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the War of Spanish Independence, Joséph Bonaparte took it out of the Pardo and took it with him to France.
Pendent la Guèrra de l'Independéncia Espanhòla, Josèp Bonaparte o traguèt del Pardo e lo portèt amb el en França.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Portugal was able to finance its war effort because of its ability to tax the spice trade with Asia and the sugar trade from Brazil, and it received some support from the European opponents of Spain, particularly France and England.
Portugal podava financiar son esfòrç de guèrra per que capitèt a taxar lo comèrci de las espècias amb Asia e lo comèrci del sucre brasilenc e que recebèt un biais d'ajuda de païses europèus adversaris de l'Espanha, coma Olanda, França e Angletèrra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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