assembly oor Oksitaans


/əˈsemblɪ/, /əˈsɛmb.lɪi/ naamwoord
A set of pieces that work together in unison as a mechanism or device.

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(@13 : fr:ensemble es:conjunto hu:halmaz )
(@8 : fr:groupe es:grupo ar:جَمَاعَة )
(@8 : de:Sammlung ar:مجموعة sv:samling )
(@4 : fr:structure de:Struktur pt:estrutura )
(@4 : sr:скупштина ko:의회 ja:議会 )
(@4 : fr:construction es:construcción de:Bau )
(@4 : fr:construction es:construcción de:Bau )
(@2 : fr:ensemble es:conjunto )
(@2 : de:Treffen ro:întrunire )
(@2 : fr:ensemble es:conjunto )
(@2 : fa:اجتماع tr:topluluk )
(@2 : fr:ensemble es:conjunto )
(@2 : el:συναγωγή tl:sinagoga )
(@2 : fr:ensemble es:conjunto )
(@2 : fr:assemblée es:asamblea )
(@2 : fr:fabrication es:fabricación )


(US) The lower legislative body of each of a number of states of the United States, ("the Assembly").

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constituent assembly
Assemblada constituenta


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However, the National Constituent Assembly, on 6 October 1791, refused to abolish the death penalty.
Pasmens, l'Assemblada nacionala constituenta, promulgèt una lei lo 6 d'octobre de 1791 refusant d'abolir la pena de mòrt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a result, the centuries-old singularities of the various Occitan-speaking parts were overlooked and shaken in a deliberate effort by the newly formed government to weaken and parcel out long-established feudal domains so that republican France would subdue traditional allegiances, as Antonin Perbòsc reveals in the Foreword to his Anthologie: When the Constituante (National Constituent Assembly) created the départements, their goal was clearly to erase the old geographical and historical distinction of the provinces; however this goal was not as perfectly met as some would have liked: in general, the départements were made up of pieces of existing provinces, quite seldom of the reunion of parts from different provinces.
En consequéncia, las singularitats pluricentenàrias dels diferents païses d'Òc foguèron pas presas en compte e mai s'aflaquiguèron jos l'accion deliberada del govèrn novèlament format per fragilizar e devesir los domenis feudals establits fa bèl temps, de tal biais que la França republicana s'apoderèsse de las afinitats tradicionalas, coma Antonin Perbòsc o confessa dins lo prefaci de son Antologia: Quand la Constituenta creèt los departaments, son intencion èra clarament d'escafar l'anciana destinga geografica amb istorica de las províncias; pr'aquò aquesta tòca foguèt pas atencha tan plan coma d'unes que i a o aguèssen esperat: en general, los departaments nasquèron de la fragmentacion de las províncias, pro rarament de l'agropament de parts que venián de províncias diferentas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The assemblies were the embodiment of the consolidated democratic tendencies of the early clans.
Los comicis son l’incarnacion de las tendéncias democraticas dels primièrs clans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On Christmas Day 1702 he dared to hold a religious assembly at the very gates of Alais, and put to flight the local militia which came forth to attack him.
Lo jorn de Nadal de 1702 tenguèt una assemblada religiosa a las pòrtas d'Alès, e metèt en fugida la milicia locala venguda l'arestar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The words "BE IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-", or, where the House of Lords' authority has been over-ridden by use of the Parliament Acts, the words "BE IT ENACTED by The Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Commons in this present Parliament assembled, in accordance with the provisions of the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-" appear near the beginning of each Act of Parliament.
L’autoritat legislativa, la Corona en son Parlament, se compausa de tres elements destriats: lo Monarca, la , Per e amb l’avís e consentida del Lòrds Esperitals e Temporals, e de las Comunas, dins aqueste present Parlament assemblat, e per l’autoritat d’aquestes, çò que seguís atal:-" o, quand l’autoritat de la Cambra dels Lòrds a estat otrapassada segon los Parliament Acts, la formula "QUE SIÁ ADOPTAT per la fòrça exellenta Majestat la Reina , Per e amb l’avís e consentida de las Comunas, dins aqueste present Parlament assemblat, e per l’autoritat d’aquestes, en acòrdi amb las disposicions dels Actes del Parlament de 1911 e 1949, çò que seguís atals:-" aparéis al començament de cada Acte del Parlament.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vice President of the National Assembly, he was the interim president of the Congress of Versailles at the time of the election of René Coty to the presidency of the Republic in December 1953.
La darrièra elecdion presidenciala al Congrès es aquala de René Coty en 1953.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When the PDSR lost the 1996 elections, Năstase became leader of the opposition PDSR parliamentary group, vice-president of Chamber of Deputies, and member of Standing Bureau and Member of the Romanian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe where he was the Recording Secretary of Council of Europe commission on judicial problems and human rights with reference to illegal activities by religious sects.
Que los socialdemocratas perdèsson après el las eleccions legislativas de 1996, Năstaste venguèt cap de l'oposicion, Vicepresident de la Cambra dels Deputats e membre de la delegacion romanesa de l'Assemblada Parlamentària al Conselh d'Euròpa, e Secretari del Conselh d'Euròpa per la comission judiciala per problèmas e dreches umans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of course, one may think that the Centralisateur (Napoleon Bonaparte) felt real pleasure showing he could do even better than the centralisateurs of the National Constituent Assembly.
Òc-plan, se pòt soscar que lo Centralizador sentèt un contentament intens al mostrar qu'èra capable de far melhor encara que los quites centralizadors de la Constituenta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Elections for the constitutional assembly took place in November 1989.
L'Assemblada legislativa succedís a la constituenta lo 20 de setembre.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The monarchy was abolished on 28 May 2008 by the 1st Constituent Assembly.
L'assemblada constituenta foguèt elegida lo 10 d'abriu de 2008 e la monarquia oficialament abolida lo 28 de mai de 2008.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In particular, the government must assume responsibility for its actions before the National Assembly, and the National Assembly can dismiss the government with a motion of censure.
Sobretot, lo govèrn pòt engatjar sa responsabilitat debans l’Assemblada nacionala, e l’Assemblada nacionala pòt revocar lo govèrn amb una « mocion de censura ».WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The arts were substantially supported by the king and his family, had non-religious traditions, assembled multiple different materials, and borrowed widely from other peoples in the region.
Son plan sostenguts pel rei e sa familha, seguisson de tradicions non religiosas, son assembladas en diferents materials e empruntan fortament als autres pòbles de la region.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The House of Lords did not assemble again until the Convention Parliament met in 1660 and the monarchy was restored.
La Cambra dels Lòrds se tornèt pas amssar fins a la "Convencion del Parlament" en 1660 e la restauracion de la monarquia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1946, 36 percent of deputies in the National Assembly held an additional office.
En 1962, 44 % dels ostals de la municipalitat èran de residéncias secondaires.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1731, the manuscript was badly damaged by a fire that swept through Ashburnham House in London that had a collection of medieval manuscripts assembled by Sir Robert Bruce Cotton.
En 1731, lo manuscrit foguèt grevament degalhat dins l'incendi d'un edifici albergant una colleccion de manuscrit medievals amassats per Sir Robert Bruce Cotton.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
August 26 – The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen is proclaimed in France, by the Constituent Assembly.
26 d'agost - Es publicada la Declaracion dels Dreches de l'Òme e del Ciutadan durant la Revolucion Francesa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As for the functioning, the administrative correspondence came to the different Councils, to Madrid, then the secretary of every Council arranged the material that had to deliver for the attention of the king, and later the King assembled with the secretaries requesting the opinion of the Council.
Al subjècte del foncionament, la correspondéncia administrativa vengavan dels diferents Conselhs de Madrid, en seguida lo secretari de cada Conselh organizava lo material qu'aviá provocat l'atencion del rei e, mas tard, lo rei reunissiá los secretaris que caliá per realizar lo Conselh.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to the November 2005 Constitution, the President of the Republic appoints the Prime Minister based on the distribution of the seats in the National Assembly and consultations with the parliamentary factions.
Conformament amb la Constitucion, lo President de la Republica nomena lo Primièr Ministre en se basant en la distribucion dels bancs a l'Assemblada Nacionala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They would assemble at prayer time in order to read and chant the piyyutim.
Del temps qu'èra per pradas, consagrava fòrça temps a pregar e a recitar lo catechisme.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has been lobbying for Council of Europe observer states who practise the death penalty, the U.S. and Japan, to abolish it or lose their observer status.
La Assemblada Parlamentària del Conselh d'Euròpa fa pression suls estats observadors del Conselh d'Euròpa qu'encara aplican la pena capitala (Estats Units d'America e Japon) que proïbisca l'aplicacion, o daisse la seuna situacion d'Estat observador.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Civil war intensified after Lenin dissolved the Russian Constituent Assembly (5–6 January 1918) and the Soviet government signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (3 March 1918), removing Russia from the Great War.
La Guèrra Civila se intensificà après que Lenin dissolguèsse l'Assemblada Constituenta Russa (5-6 de genièr de 1918), e lo 3 de març de 1918 lo govèrn sovietic signèt lo Tractat de Brèst-Litovsk, en retirant a Russia de la Primièra Guèrra Mondiala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Twentieth Amendment also states that Congress shall assemble at least once in every year and allows Congress to determine its convening and adjournment dates and other dates and schedules as it desires.
Lo meteis Amendament establís que lo Congrés s'assemble al mens un còp cada an e autoriza lo Congrés a determinar las datas de convocacion e d'ajornament e autras datas e oraris que desira.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Each conventicula sent two representatives to the central assembly.
Cada subjècte manda dos representants au Consèu de la Federacion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 29 December 1911, Sun Yat-sen was elected president by the Nanjing assembly with representatives from seventeen provinces.
Lo 29 de decembre de 1911 Sun Yat-sen èra elegit president de l'assemblada de Nanking que representava dètz-e-sèt províncias.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The parliamentary assemblies of such republics have often enacted laws which are at odds with the federal constitution.
Las assembladas parlamentàrias de las republicas an sovent promulgat de leis que violan la constitucion federala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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