coin oor Oksitaans


/kɔɪn/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(numismatics) A piece of currency, usually metallic and in the shape of a disc, but sometimes polygonal, or with a hole in the middle.

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(currency) a piece of currency

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A city in Iowa.

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Abbreviation of [i]counter insurgency[/i].

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During the erection of the statue in 1933, some archaeological finds were made: coins, swords, arrowheads, dishes, and some bones of animals.
En lo moment del érection del monument en 1933, qualques trobalhas an #èsser fachas: de monedas, espasas, puntas de fletxes, vaisselle, e qualques uasses d'animals.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lemkin coined the word genocide in 1943 or 1944 from genos (Greek for family, tribe, or race) and -cide (Latin for killing).
Lo mot genocidi foguèt creat per Raphael Lemkin, jusieu de Polonha, en 1944, de las raices genos (tèrme grèc que significa familha, tribú o raça) e -cidi (del latin -cidere, forma combinatòria de caedere 'tuar').WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To try to resume stability, a version of the gold standard was reintroduced in 1925, under which the currency was fixed to gold at its pre-war peg, but one could only exchange currency for gold bullion, not for coins.
Esprant lo retorn a l'establitat, se realizèt una variation de l'Estandard aur en 1925, en vertut de que la devisa se fixèt a l'aur la clau d'avantguèrra, pasmens èra sonque possible d'escambiar sa moneda en lingòt d'aur e pas mai en pèças.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1816, the gold standard was adopted officially, with the silver standard reduced to 66 shillings (66/-, £3 6s), rendering silver coins a "token" issue (i.e. not containing their value in precious metal).
En 1816, foguèt adoptat oficialament l'Estandar aur, amb un estandard argent reduch a 66 shillings (66/-, £3 6s), fasent de las pèças de "geton" (es a dire conten pas la valor en metal preciós).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The symbol for the penny was "d.", from the French denier, from the Latin denarius (the solidus and denarius were Roman coins).
Lo simbòl per penic èra "d.", del fracés denier, venent de Latin denarius (solidus e denarius èra de pèças Romanas).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Coining of the term "consolidation" is credited to the German researchers Müller and Alfons Pilzecker who rediscovered the concept that memory takes time to fixate or undergo "Konsolidierung" in their studies conducted between 1892 and 1900.
Per contra, lo tèrme “consolidacion” s'atribuissi als cercaires alemands Georg Elias Müller e Alfons Pilzecker, que demostrèron per d'estudis faches entre lo 1892 e lo 1900 que la memòria a de besonh un temps per fixar las donadas d'informacion.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Influenced by Hans Prinzhorn's book Artistry of the Mentally Ill, Dubuffet coined the term art brut (meaning "raw art," often referred to as 'outsider art') for art produced by non-professionals working outside aesthetic norms, such as art by psychiatric patients, prisoners, and children.
Influenciat pel libre de Hans Prinzhorn, Artistry of the Mentally Ill, Dubuffet inventèt lo terme d'Art Brut definissent una art produida per de non professionals que trabalhan fòra de las normas esteticas, coma las arts dels pacients mentals, presonièrs e mainats.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Consider the example of a coin toss.
Prenètz l’exemple de la fusta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term 'psychedelic' was coined in 1953 by the psychiatrist Humphrey Osmond, during written correspondence with Aldous Huxley.
Lo tèrme foguèt inventat en 1956 pel psiquiatre H. Osmond, dins un escambi de letras amb Aldous Huxley.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kiernan also presents this side of the coin, noting that Richard "boasts to us of his finesse in dissembling and deception with bits of Scripture to cloak his 'naked villainy' (I.iii.334–8) ...Machiavelli, as Shakespeare may want us to realise, is not a safe guide to practical politics".
Kiernan tanben presenta son costa de la pèça, notant que Ricard "nos lausa sa finesa dins l'acaptament e l'engana amb de troces de las Ecrituras per amagar sa 'vilaniá nuda' (I.iii.334–8)...Maquiavel, coma Shakespeare pòt voler nos far realizar, es pas un guida segur per las practicas politicas".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She also interpreted the ending by writing, "Many readers have puzzled over the ending of Ubik, when Glen Runciter finds a Joe Chip coin in his pocket.
Tanben interpretava la fin escrivent, "Fòrça lectors s'interroguèron al subjècte de la fin d'Ubik, quand Glen Runciter encontra una moneda Joe Chip dins sa pòcha.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is equally likely that the three solutions are one: In 1782, newly discovered caves yielded weapons, ornaments, coins and jewelry linked to the worship of deities.
Es egalament possible que las tres solucions se prenon en una sòla : Un luòc divinisé : 1782, ponduda a jorn dels cavités en contenent d'armas e decoracions, de monedas e bijoux ligats al culte de divinitats.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1919, the last of the copper coins (1 and 2 centavos) were issued.
En 1926, primièra creacion de còrs de pompièrs (10 personas).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nor were the coins minted at Salerno, as once suggested.
Se'n tròba pas doncas descendents a Thorigny a l'epòca considerada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Furthermore, the Hedeby coins, among the earliest known Danish currency, have ships as emblems, showing the importance of naval vessels in the area.
A mai, d'unas peças de moneda trapadas a Hedeby, entre las monedas danesas pus ancianas, an de vaissèls coma emblèma, mostrant l'importància dels naviris dins la zona.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The term "artificial reality", coined by Myron Krueger, has been in use since the 1970s.
Lo tèrme « realitat artificiala », inventat per Myron Krueger, ven el d'usatge corrent dins las annadas 1970.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From the reign of Endubis up to Armah (approximately 270 to 610), gold, silver and bronze coins were minted.
Dempuèi lo reialme d'Endubis fins Armah (entre 270 e 610), de pèças d'aur, argent e bronze, foguèron batudas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, suppose that there are initially 10 coins.
Se conselha de començar amb un 100 litres minimum.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rules of association football were codified in England by the Football Association in 1863 and the name association football was coined to distinguish the game from the other forms of football played at the time, specifically rugby football.
Après la codificacion dei reglas realizada en 1863 per l'associacion anglesa Football Association, lo fotbòl recebiguèt lo nom « association football » per marcar sa diferéncia ambé d'autreis espòrts britanics tanben dich football, especialament lo rugby football.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the short chapter, Runciter, who is in the "living" world mourning the loss of his best employees, finds himself with coins showing Chip's face, and feels that this is "just the beginning".
Dins lo cort capítol, Runciter, qu'es dins lo mond "vivent" plora la pèrda de sos melhors emplegats, se trapa amb de monedas mostrant la cara de Chip, e pensa qu'es "just lo començament".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The family Plesiosauridae had already been coined by John Edward Gray in 1825.
La familha dels Rhinolophidae foguèt creada per John Edward Gray en 1825.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The word "new" was omitted from coins minted after 1981.
Lo tèrme "new" de penic desapareguèt de las pèça après 1981.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fixed in weight at 44 1⁄2 to the troy pound from 1670, this coin's value varied considerably until 1717, when it was fixed at 21 shillings (21/-, 1.05 pounds).
Fixat a 44⁄1 de liura troy a partir de 1670, la valor de las pèças varièt fòrça fins a 1717, se fixèt a 21 shillings (21/-, 1,05 liura).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He made a number of significant advances in the field of economics and coined a number of new words including econometrics and macroeconomics.
A fach un nombre d'avançadas significativas en camp de l'economia, e desvolopèt nombroses concèptes nòus de macroeconomia e microeconomia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He created the first coins in history made from electrum, a naturally occurring alloy of gold and silver.
Las pus ancianas èron en electron, un aligatge natural d'argent e d'aur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
33 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.