connection oor Oksitaans


/kəˈnɛkʃən/, /kənekʃns/, /ˈkənekʃn/ naamwoord
(uncountable) The act of connecting.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Oksitaans

Geen vertalings nie

Geskatte vertalings

Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@16 : fr:relation es:relación de:Relation )
(@14 : es:conocido de:Bekanntschaft nl:bekende )
(@8 : fr:contact es:contacto de:Kontakt )
(@7 : fr:liaison de:Verbindung it:connessione )
(@6 : de:Geschichte nb:historie sv:berättelse )
(@5 : de:Erzählung eo:rakonto pl:opowiadanie )
(@4 : fr:parent sv:släkting it:parente )
(@4 : de:Erzählung eo:rakonto sv:berättelse )
(@4 : fr:noeud es:lazo he:קשר )
(@3 : de:Gemeinschaft hu:társaság sv:gemenskap )
(@3 : fr:lien es:enlace es:vínculo )
(@3 : fr:liaison fr:connexion es:conexión )
(@3 : ro:povestire pl:opowiadanie pt:conto )
(@3 : es:adherencia nl:adhesie sv:anslutning )
(@2 : fr:lien es:lazo )
(@2 : nl:familie fa:خویشاوندی )
(@2 : he:חיבור hi:जोड़ )
(@2 : fr:suite ro:șir )


Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Oksitaans

Geen vertalings nie

Geskatte vertalings

Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@1 : fa:ارتباط )

Soortgelyke frases



Advanced filtering
Glynne Wickham connects the play, through the Porter, to a mystery play on the harrowing of hell.
Glynne Wickham liga la pèça, mejans lo Portièr, a un mistèri a la davalada als enfèrns.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It will have 4G connectivity and supports Canon EF lenses.
Lèu comptèt 4 000 abonats e foguèt la gaseta de la resisténcia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Remote Connections
Connexions distantasKDE40.1 KDE40.1
At Gagarino in Russia, seven Venus figurines were found in a hut of 5 m diameter; they have been interpreted as apotropaic amulets, connected with the occupants of the dwelling.
A Gagarino en Russia, set Vènus foguèron descobèrtas a l’interior d’una cabana ovala de mai de cinc mètres de larg: foguèron interpretadas coma d'amuletas apotropaïcas correspondent als ocupants dels luòcs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The two cities are connected by two main bridges.
Las doas vilas an connectat per dos principals ponts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
ConnectionKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Some have interpreted the book as quasi-autobiographical, but the author disavows a strong biographical connection.
Lo libre es estat interpretat coma una mena d'autobiografia, mas l'autor nega un ligam biografic important.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Network Connections
Connexions retKeywordsKDE40.1 KDE40.1
The network interface manages the RF communications connection.
Rivière publica la correspondéncia dins la NRF.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Inca rule extended to nearly a hundred linguistic or ethnic communities, some nine to fourteen million people connected by a 25,000 kilometer road system.
Dominava gaireben 100 autras comunautats etnolingüisticas, unes 9-14 milions de personas connectadas per un sistèma de rotas de 25.000 km long.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
People crave human connection.
Crime còntra l'Umanitat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The "H" stands for Otto Hölder, who first proved in 1882 what mathematicians now think of as the connection between Abel summation and (H, n) summation; 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ... was his first example.
La "H" s'utiliza en onor a Otto Hölder, qual foguèt lo primièr a demostrar lo 1882 çò qu'uèi los matematics pensan qu'es la connexion entre la sumació d'Abel e la sumació (H, n); lo sieu primièr exemple foguèt 1 − 2 + 3 − 4 + ...WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The rest of the village is connected to those two islets by a bridge.
Las doas parts de la vila an connectat per divèrses ponts ne centri vila.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is situated on the M10 federal highway connecting Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
Es situada long de la rota federala M10 que religa Moscòu e Sant Petersborg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The system operated at the same voltage level throughout; for example, 100 volt lamps at the customer's location were connected to a generator supplying 110 volts, to allow for some voltage drop in the wires between the generator and load.
Lo sistèma al complet n'utilisava qu'una sola tension; per exemple, de lampas de 100 V installadas pel consomator èran connectadas a una generatritz produsent de 110 V, çò que permetava una cèrta casuda de tension dins las linhas de transpòrt entre la generatritz e l'aparelh.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As it turned out, these scholar-officials acquired status in their local communities, family ties, and shared values that connected them to the imperial court.
E foguèt aital, aqueles oficièrs erudits ganhèron un cèrt estatut dins las siás comunitats localas, aital coma de ligams familials e de valors partejadas que los religavan a la cort imperiala.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Connection failed
Error de connexionKDE40.1 KDE40.1
All students must have an internet connection and a free Google Account to participate, and the projects must be in English, German, Italian, Spanish, or French.
Totes los estudiants devon aver una connexion a Internet e un compte per tal de participar, que los projèctes son mandats mejançant los sits Google en anglés, alemand, italian, espanhòl o francés.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This wizard will assist you in adding a new device to KMobileTools. Before you proceed with the device setup, please connect your mobile phone to your computer
Add new contactKDE40.1 KDE40.1
connection timed out
Socket error code InProgressKDE40.1 KDE40.1
At the time, Royal Nepal Airlines' network connected 38 domestic and 10 international destinations.
La primièra Conferéncia Internacionala de la Crotz Roja, amb la participacion de nòu govèrns e de 16 societats nacionalas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An explorer was needed who could prove the link between the findings of Dias and those of da Covilhã and de Paiva, and connect these separate segments into a potentially lucrative trade route across the Indian Ocean.
Manquèt solament un navegador per verificar lo ligam entre las tròbas de Bartolomeu Dias e las de Pêro da Covilhã e Afonso de Paiva, per inventar una rota de comèrcis potencialament lucrativa per l'Ocean Indian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The transmission links connect the nodes together.
Lo tablèu seguent combina los signes de basa amb las vocalas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The main decumanus was the Decumanus Maximus, which normally connected the Porta Praetoria (in a military camp, closest to the enemy) to the Porta Decumana (away from the enemy).
Lo decumanus màger es le Decumanus Maximus, qu liga mai sovent la Porta Praetoria (mai pròche de l'enemic dins un camp romin) a la Porta Decumana (mai alunhada).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tolkien also explores the motif of jewels that inspire intense greed that corrupts those who covet them in the Silmarillion, and there are connections between the words "Arkenstone" and "Silmaril" in Tolkien's invented etymologies.
Tolkien explora tanben lo motiu dels joièls provocant una intensa aviditat, coma los silmarils del Silmarillion; e mai, los mòts « Arkenstone » e « silmaril » son etimologicament ligats dins son òbra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
98 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.